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11/14/2022 8:40:03 AM

Is it safe to play with a VPN?

Hey Guardians. So, I live in a region with a particularly low player population, especially in trials. My question is: Is it safe to play D2 with a VPN. The intent is to play in a region with a higher population during trials for the sake of a larger variety in matches, but not to risk the validity of my account. If any community managers could comment as well that would be awesome.

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    I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter mate as with a VPN all you do is change your country/ region which changes your IP adress I take my Xbox two places a week and I’m continuously changinng my IP as I’m connecting back and forth to two different connections

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    Swat The Bot
    Swat The Bot

    Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old

    Bungie will not ban you for using a VPN. You can view the ban/restriction policy below.

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  • its ok - i think streamers do it too

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    • I would use a VPN but it is network manipulation according to bungie tos. The amount of times I've been ddosed during trials is astounding. I think streamers get away with it because...well they're streamers.

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    • That is network manipulation. That said I don’t think bungie can do much bout it or are even bothered. I know people that used to do something similar to match bungie bounties way back

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    • It's not strickly illegal although you will be bypassing the geo-matching that Bungie does so it depends how seriously they take that, read through the ToS maybe. It will add more hops to your connection though so expect the quality of matches to reduce.

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