I Hope for the best even since it has been a while.
I am playing with D2 since day 1, and I returned at the start of the witch queen campaign after a break.
It was at the start of the witch queen, on the 2nd of March.
I was super exited to return, and bought the season pass for 1000 silver.
Then I bought the witch queen deluxe edition with the 30th anniversary, just to find out that it already includes the 4 season passes of this season, one i already paid upon.
it does bother me a bit since i paid twice for the same content (the season pass), i wanted to contact bungie but saw no option to contact support.
I got the the idea now to try the forums.
I know it has been a while, but it does disturb me a that i couldn't get a hold of bungie and didn't progress the matter.
I would like to be refunded for the 1000 Silver, that were paid for a subscription already paid for.
I hope for your understanding, and wish you a great day.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 11/8/2022 2:35:11 PMThere are no refunds for Silver. [quote] Silver Refunds or Transfers Bungie does not provide Silver refunds or transfers for any Destiny release. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497091-Destiny-Silver-Purchases-Guide[/quote]