I judt got kicked from my Control game for an error code Weasel and got a Crucible suspension for it.
Still think that it was a good idea, Bungie?
Edited by Swat The Bot: 11/7/2022 11:00:08 AMPlayers who leave games constantly will be suspended from activities. The first suspension lasts for 30 mins then 60 mins if you keep leaving games. Players who are experiencing poor network conditions will be restricted from activities. The first restriction lasts for 2 weeks then 2 months if things do not improve. These policies are in place to stop certain players from ruining the game for other games. For full information on restrictions & bans, see the link below. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049517431-Destiny-Account-Restrictions-and-Banning-Policies For help troubleshooting any network difficulties, see the link below. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049496531-Network-Troubleshooting-Guide