So, I'm not sure if this has been thought of before, but what is the general consensus on custom emblems?
They could easily be customized and stylized however you like, by you, or someone that you know, and then submitted to Bungie to be put on your account and only your account as an emblem, granted they may not be able to count kills and things like that, but imagine having your own custom emblems that separates you from everyone else, and I know that we all love to be unique in Destiny!
What do y'all think? Maybe it's reaching a little, but I think it would be fun!
Edited by Swat The Bot: 10/28/2022 9:32:27 AMUnfortunately, certain individuals will go out of their way to create the most offensive designs possible. That makes this idea unsuitable. We have custom usernames, and people are constantly using names which are inappropriate. Custom emblems will be no different.