Folks, Have you been sent out by the Vanguard on expeditions in and out of the universe? Have you traversed through Unsafe Areas? Buildings weren't up to code? Waded through haunted derelict ships? Sent back in time risking the time space continuum over a single person? Have you been killed on multiple occasions and revived by your ghost? Then you may be entitled to compensation.
Hi, my name is Necrogen and I work with Law firm GPS. We are an esteemed law firm specializing in guardian injuries.. Whether you're on home turf falling off the balconies that have yet to be fixed or whether you're out at the edge of space Touching an inch of water. If you have been injured, If it has resulted in death then we will stop at nothing to make sure that you get the glimmer you deserve.
[i]GPS, where we recalculate those earnings that you're about to make.[/i]
Sorry my killed by the architects goes all the way back to 2014 in destiny 1
I got killed by my own super in crucible. Pretty sure I deserve compensation. You work on contingency?
When I was a new light, and didn’t know how to jump well, I died from cliffs all of the time. The Vanguard didn’t offer any on the job training. Do I have a case against them?
Up vote my G good stuff
Do you cover bodily harm and inappropriate conduct done by a Miss Adventure?
Quality shitpost - feels like old forums.
If you really want to be protected at a cheap and affordable price. You better call Ghaul. Where perfection is the enemy of perfectly adequate.
I represent the Architechs , and there official statement is its entirely player error , they offer no further comment
[quote]Folks, Have you been sent out by the Vanguard on expeditions in and out of the universe? Have you traversed through Unsafe Areas? Buildings weren't up to code? Waded through haunted derelict ships? Sent back in time risking the time space continuum over a single person? Have you been killed on multiple occasions and revived by your ghost? Then you may be entitled to compensation. Hi, my name is Necrogen and I work with Law firm GPS. We are an esteemed law firm specializing in guardian injuries.. Whether you're on home turf falling off the balconies that have yet to be fixed or whether you're out at the edge of space Touching an inch of water. If you have been injured, If it has resulted in death then we will stop at nothing to make sure that you get the glimmer you deserve. [i]GPS, where we recalculate those earnings that you're about to make.[/i][/quote] This is Great!...along with all the following comments! 🤣 I REALLY needed a laugh! What Whitty minds you guardians possess! 👏
Rather call saul
Well, just like every other class action lawsuit, give me my $4.00 so the lawyers get all the real money.
My Sparrow's horn was disabled and the hazard caused by the dysfunctional safety device has led me to collide and run over countless victims, at this time. I believe a class action has merit and should be pursued so that justice can be served, at this time. Official misconduct is clear and shocks the conscience of society . The misfeasance of disabling Sparrow horn rises to the level that official immunity cannot stand and certainly can be construed to be malfeasance of the highest order, at this time. Having representation in this class action matter would be prudent and advisable, at this time. And that's how it is, at this time.
But is it no win no fee?
I'd like to file suit, will any of these examples help? Death by Teleportation: Death by Broken Ankle: Death by Faulty Man Cannon: Death by Rock (no safety rails or guards to prevent rocks bouncing OHSA violation): Death by Ketch Spin (Student Driver, no Mirrors): Death by Underground Ketch: Death by Pushy Cabal Dogs (no leashes): Death by Inept Developer: Death by Man Cannon: Death by Falling Worm:
how did you get my number!
T-they touched me! They touched me everywhere! They defiled my body! They...they...THEY...oh I can't say it...I'm afraid of what will happen if I say it.
I looked over the walkway in the dreaming city and BAM! I was another guardian down. I don't know what got me, but all I was able to read in the top right corner was "the architects". I am starting to feel like I might be being followed by those ghosts on the moon. There seems to be some type of hive magic taking all these revive tokens. I need justice for me and my fire team, can you help?
I Nova bombed myself many times on the doorways (take your pick - have done it on all 3) to zone B in The Cauldron. Can I file a claim, or am I outta luck due to my own stupidity?
How about always being sent into battle with minimal ammo. That's got to be grounds for something.
In addition to the examples mentioned by your firm and other victims who have bravely come forth, I have suffered egregious injuries over many years of working as a guardian to un-marked cabal drop pod landing zones. The lack of proper signage in these locations is a clear demonstration of the cabal empire's flagrant disregard for safety in the workplace. It's time for justice to be served
Does this include those times a phalanx oneshots me into the floor of hell and back like a ragdoll pulled behind a pack of coked up wild horses? Cos that's old now. The bug list in this game is huge and it's not "cute" anymore.
This game is a laggy dumpster fire
Lol 👌
⚠️You copying my format? ⚠️
massa - old
Very true. As a retired builder their balustrading heights do not comply with building codes and often they don't even have them. Also can I get compensation for when my mates push me of the edge when I'm AFK for short break ?