Well, I would like to play Destiny 2 again but I learned while trying to log into battle.net that Destiny had migrated to Steam and Epic. My problem is the following: in 2017 I pre-ordered Destiny Deluxe Edition worth 99.99 euros, I would just like to recover my account and put it on Steam. I wanted to know if it was possible to recover the account. I still have proof of purchase. Thank you in advance for your help.
Way too late; PcMove from Battle.net to Steam was discontinued on December 1st 2020
Edited by Swat The Bot: 10/15/2022 10:09:46 AMYou're too late. You had to do the migration by December 1st, 2020. Since you failed to do this, you will need to start all over again and purchase everything again. This one-off migration was fully advertised through various channels, so you can't blame Bungie for not making you aware. [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360054862491-PC-Migration-and-Battle-net-Login-Ends-December-1-2020-at-9-AM-PST]Full information here.[/url]