I had two strokes in June, and I'm trying to jump back into the game, but I'm having trouble with both eyesight and coordination. I'd like to keep playing and be part of the destiny community, but there don't appear to be any options to make the game more playable for someone like me. It's difficult to aim, so I end up dying while playing content that wasn't very difficult for me prior to my accident. It's incredibly demoralizing and disheartening. I'm not sure what can be done to help a player like me, but I miss being able to fully enjoy the game. I even got kicked out of my clan while I was in the hospital.
old thread, but on the off chance that someone else comes through looking for similar answers, a. adaptive controller that's alr been reccomended, if that suits you b. turning off motion blur, film grain, chromatic aberration, etc helps some if you have issues w/ spatial awareness/tracking things on screen. spent a good hour or so experimenting w settings after my tbi and that + adjusting captions seemed to help best. c. it may be more trouble than it's worth, but there is the option to disable the gui, might make it easier to follow the cutscenes where you're just kinda standing around for some people. d. audio settings, doesn't seem as relevant to op but again on the off chance it's relevant to someone, there's separate sliders for different parts of audio and disabling music/turning up dialogue/etc may make things easier to keep track of. personally, I play w/ music entirely off, SFX down, dialogue fully up, because of auditory processing problems. would definitely recommend the same to anyone w/ similar. e. as was said here finding a group that's a good support is pretty crucial if you're not planning to/can't solo. I usually stick to people ik because yeah, that can unfortunately be hard to find here, but there's definitely ppl out there and I wouldn't be suprised if there's some disability specific clans/discord servers/etc, though I haven't looked myself. c. disabling controller vibration if you have issues w/ coordination/fine motor skills. (alternatively keeping it on for the extra indicator that things are happening lol) don't listen to the ppl that discredit it as "well, guess you just don't game then!" bc generally that's bull. yeah, it can be harder for us and some ppl legitimately can't, but there's no reason to bash someone for trying & a lot of the time there ARE solutions that don't take away from anyone else's experience of it. and gl y'all
Edited by Xero: 10/12/2022 8:58:40 PMHmm. Eyesight and coordination? I'm sure enough practice will help over time. But most important is patience with oneself. Lots of it. Since a good number of players like to run through things, I would see if you can find a better community to help get started, so there isn't discouragement from the game indirectly, and having a player or two with you, just talking and such, might be encouraging, too. [spoiler]Also look up "avenger controller Xbox/ps4" for whatever preferred console you might have. It's something designed for FPS games. I don't know if this works with the PS5 controllers. The appearance looks clunky and it has a learning curve to use, but it's meant to make the user more responsive/competitive in FPS games. Maybe the design would help with coordination initially, and then you could progress to remove it when comfortable? Or not. Some folks like it.[/spoiler] That's all I can suggest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edited by SpoonieEzMode: 10/11/2022 6:19:15 AMHi there; I used this game for cognitive therapy and retraining motor skills when I first started playing. The amount of times I logged out to sob after ten minutes of frustration....yeah, I see you. I hear you. Controller was impossible - I have stormtrooper aim on a console, ugh. A computer feels more forgiving because I could adapt my tech for my own issues. Maybe that would be a thought? Annoying but a possibility. Even if you don't have all the expansions if you switch systems, you could maybe experiment with some of the free content, see how the controls feel and if it makes a difference before splashing out. I basically chose one activity (Wellspring) and I did it over and over again, trying to learn how my hands worked, how to process the information, how to get the muscle memory in and adapt my playing. I toyed with builds, found things that worked even if it wasn't what other people did, and worked my niche - which is mostly running around and saving everyone's butt when they get overwhelmed. If I may: please be patient with yourself. You are in recovery, and recovery takes time. Everything is going to feel very very off, and if you ever want anyone to play slowly with you as you try to figure out where your depth perception and rhythm is now you're trying to relearn, hit me up.
unfortunately, this is a massive multiplayer online First Person Shooter. There is no way to balance the game in a way for you that would keep the player experience reasonable for everyone else. Not without making a separate game. In which case, there are single player shooter games like Last of Us 2 with fantastic accessibility options! But to do anything to help disabled people aim better in a First Person Shooter isnt even reasonable in the setting of a multiplayer FPS.
Dude, Firstly, f#ck your old clan. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their nutbags. Secondly, don't give up! I have disabilities, I had spinal decompression surgery 2 and a bit years ago that's left me in way worse shape than I was before the op. I also have social anxiety, depression,the amount of meds I take daily leave me pretty much monged out, and have to wear pretty strong glasses to see anything(without them everything is just blurry blobs. The TV looks like a bad ac∆d trip). Oh and I'm slowly going deaf..... Find a group who understand what your dealing with. You're more than welcome to come join me for shenanigans if you see me online. Keep smiling bud, don't let the fu¢kers get you down.
I am not disabled. I can't see jack in this game. I don't know what settings people are playing on but the radar is so small and blends into the maps surroundings. I can't see invisible players to save my life. People say there is a purple glow around them but that's just not the case for me. Are people playing on monitors, high def TVs? Maps like distant shore and burning shrine have so many flares that I can't tell if there is sun or a sniper light. I have tried color blind settings in hope it would help with something but it only changes the things I don't have trouble seeing like engrams. I wish I could toggle radar size and or color. Maybe dim background map colors etc etc.
Edited by ]Prophet[: 10/12/2022 1:03:01 AMI can fully understand and know you pain. Im disabled as well with Epilepsy. Its hard to enjoy the game when you have real life issues that slow you down or not allow you to game like everyone else. I run my clan and they all understand that I have a lot of disabilities. The hardest part for me are activities in game are things that being colorblind on top of all other issues make it almost impossible to do and enjoy (PvP and some raids or strikes). I have to actually be guided through some quest and raids, due to not being able to see anything other than my friends that are with me. Ive never completed 1 raid yet and wish I could. Add me if you need help anytime in game, Ill do my best to be there for you and any other players that just want to do things. Im not that great of a PvP'er, but I try to get a kill lol!
Hi, I'm a disabled player myself and first and foremost, don't quit! Please don't give up being a Guardian. I have survived multiple heart attacks, have four heart conditions, anxiety, depression, c-PTSD. It does take time for your hand-eye coordination to return from surviving a Heart Attack or a Stroke, let alone multiple. You're NOT a failure. (that's the Survivor's Guilt) I started out just doing bounties from Banshee. I didn't worry about anything else. The quests, the missions, strikes, Crucible can come later. I wanted to get comfortable moving my characters around again. I do have a Hunter main, but my Titan I'm building up now. I usually hide my stats because I don't like other Guardians telling me what a POS I am at game play. I'm on PlayStation, hopefully you have PlayStation or Xbox (easier controllers) If you need or want a Guardian to be patient with you while you play, send me a friend request. We can take as much time you need or want. I'm not in anyway a perfect, flawless, faster than time itself going through a strike. As for a Clan, you can join mine if you want. The Clan name does sound awkward but it's good Clan.
Am myself dealing with sight problems. So know how frustrating things can be. Am on playstation and my clan has players of all abilities many have health issues as well. We play to have fun and make friends. Imperial wombles is the name.
Edited by PlasmidNeko: 10/11/2022 1:37:25 AMI think it would probably help to research some alternative controller setups. Don't know if you're on PC and only use keyboard and mouse but maybe you should talk to your physiotherapist and explain the situation as well, maybe they have some suggestions. There are special controllers which might help. I'm not an expert on this though. Also if you are on PC maybe using reshade or nvidia control panel to make the game more contrasty/whatever to help with the eyesight.
Add me brother let’s play games together
Sry for your experience, especially the one with being kicked out of your clan. People tend to not give a -blam!-. I experienced ist in real life several times.
I wish more people would click that bump. As for the game, it really is tough to do more in a multiplayer game. When it comes to singleplayer, then it's a whole different story. Life sucks sometimes, things like this happen and it's just not fair, but guess nothing really is. Hold on and best of luck! You may yet recover enough to enjoy this game the proper way, you never know. Keep fighting guardian!
Not sure an don't need to know how bad your issue is, that's your business (imo) but Xbox has a adaptive control pad, that might help , Google an it see. Also I get it dude , I deal with color issues an migraines, the game can take a toll. Good luck Guardian 👍
What platform you using?