Gotta say… I’m kinda proud of this one. The nose is a little longer than I intended and I hate drawing teeth, but I did some more experimenting and… this was the result. First time really drawing a successful scar and tears, I think. All took about 6 hours in one sitting O.o
She looks like she needs a hug, but won't accept one from anybody
Dude, noice! 10 / 10 would get tattooed
Very nice
Edited by The Spoken: 9/19/2022 11:40:09 AMThis deserves a [i]#kwality[/i] tag
She looks so sad... Very nice art.
This is actually very well done
Wow... I feel so sad ;(
That’s amazing, good job
The nose looks fine to me, but I also have a long nose so I would say that now wouldn't I? I like the eyes and hair a lot, is most good.
I is dumb so me no know how compliment, is good isa upvote.
[quote]I draw moar. So I post moar[/quote] [i]Then i'll up-vote more.[/i]
Is goo
That looks sick
Edited by Girraffalope: 9/17/2022 9:22:19 AMI just know she watched me drink my 8th beer of the day and hollowed out a Bavarian pretzel to violate it with shredded cheese. To her, I apologize for everything she witnessed. To you, I say well done! What really brings everything together is the pure white highlights. They’re the first thing I noticed and beautifully done.
Very good as always!
Ayo, cool beans. Lookin very 3D with that shading. Love the tears too. [spoiler]is it me or does top and top right of forehead need a lil more shading? Hairline?[/spoiler]