Is there an [b]actual reason[/b] why Console versions of destiny 2 still don't have M&K Support?
So I have been playing D2 for a reasonable amount of time now... 7624 Hours to be exact (as of now), and since Bungie implemented [b]Cross-play[/b] into D2, I haven't come across a reasonable explanation to why Bungie hasn't Implemented M&K support for Console, and yet I keep coming across reasonable justifications for why they should.
Personally as a console player ([b]In PVE[/b]) I'm Tired of dealing with [b]Aim assist[/b] as I find myself often [b]Fighting it[/b], instead of being [b]assisted by it[/b], In more than 1 way:
1 - In some scenarios, [b]AIM Assist[/b] is [b]too strong[/b] as I find myself dragging my aim across a [b]tiny thrall[/b] ages away, just to have [b]Aim Assist[/b] kick in before set Thrall has even entered the vicinity of my weapon's sights
2 - The way [b]Aim Assist[/b] doesn't [b]prioritize[/b] any particular thing, I find myself often trying to hit a targets' Crit, just for another target to zoom past my reticle, "[b]physically[/b]" dragging my Aim onto this new target, making me often miss both targets.
and those are just some of the (Awkward) aspects about how Aim Assist is executed in D2...
as for actual reasons for implementing M&K support on Consoles some of the most reasonable arguments I've herd thus far are:
1 - Considering Cross-Play exists in D2, M&K support on consoles just sound fair, giving people the option to choose between input devices would be a obviously positive quality of life addition
2 - As far as I know(I may be wrong), Macros are allowed, why not give the entire community the ability to take advantage of using macros
3 - As a person who looks up certain video tutorials for (Builds, Strats, Speed runs etc.), A console player basically has to distinguish between a [b]useful[/b] and a [b]useless[/b] tutorial, as some tutorials/builds can easily be used on [b]PC[/b] yet are almost impossible to execute with controller inputs EX:
- Certain content creators often make builds with less "[b]Survivability[/b]" in mind as often those same players won't actually [b]benefit[/b] from a "[b]Tankier[/b]" build as they can easily [b]Flick Slide[/b] away from Sniper shots in activities like GM
4 - There are certain [b]advantages[/b] to [b]both[/b] input method(Controller and M&K), so some people would argue that it's [b]impossible[/b] to claim that any one of these input methods is "[b]Technically[/b]" "[b]better[/b]" than the other, yet, even supposing that's true, the fact that one platform (PC), has the [b]ability[/b] to have both, whilst the others don't even offer the choice, [b]Can[/b] and probably [b]is[/b] perceived as [b]such[/b]
As of now I haven't really heard any [b]counter points[/b] to this subject that are [b]Valid[/b], as most of them are just reasons that could easily be "Debunked", A big one is ([b]Matchmaking[/b]), where some people "claim" that matchmaking would somehow mix ([b]Console Controller players[/b]) with ([b]Console M&K players[/b]), even though, that's inaccurate, as matchmaking would need to be changed from filtering players based on [b]platform[/b] (PC / Console), to filtering players based on [b]input device[/b] (Controller / M&K).
Another one I hear a lot is the "[b]Performance[/b]" argument, where the claim is, that people with [b]top tier gaming rigs[/b] essentially a [b]monopoly like advantage[/b] over consoles which [b](For the most part)[/b], is inaccurate, as both current gen Consoles (PS5 / XBOX Series X), both have a toggle option for [b]120 fps[/b] in PVP and [b]low input latency[/b], which at that point, the concern shouldn't be a players' "[b]Setup[/b]" but a players' "[b]Skill[/b]"
as for any grammatical errors I am sorry, as my first language is not English.
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
No. If you want to use M/K, play on PC.