My clan has been having this argument for the sake of callouts for about a week now.
Which plates are in the front and back?
It’s clearly on the left hand side.
When was the last time you entered a theater from the [i]front[/i] of the room?? …and faced the back? Oryx is at the front. All the action is at the front and sides.
Edited by Haters: 8/31/2022 3:28:53 PMFront is where you enter the room. Where the flag is planted. [spoiler]Unless you’re the kind of dude who likes starting out at the back door. [/spoiler]
Edited by Chunk: 9/1/2022 3:01:11 PMStop worrying... Label them 1 thru 4, 1 is where the knight is on sisters and go clockwise. L2 R2 front n back is confusing for new players who are playing by oryx because they are playing backwards with tank call outs. I have 4 clears and have 8 Sherpas new players respond and get 1 thru 4 way easier. Then front and back L2 n R2
Edited by vxvxTITANxvxv: 9/1/2022 6:16:39 PMIf Oryx wasn’t in the room would it still be the front, or would that be the back of the room? Edit: I understand the confusion. I can adapt to both interpretations of the room.
4 out of 5 Guardians agree, the front is where Oryx spawns.
So far, 12 people have voted for "The front is where the entrance is." I would like to hear their reasoning behind this.
Edited by Kemaleon: 9/1/2022 2:00:40 PMThis argument raged since Crota's End, with various arguments bringing shop doors, classrooms, theatres etc. into it. I guess its down to personal view, for me personally Oryx, like Crota, is at the front. Incidentally its not Mars, its Venus in the past.
Ladies and gentlemen man the enitre destiny community has lost its brain cells over the most stupid argument yet !😂 ORYX IS AT THE FRONT because you enter from the back your going into a theater to watch oryx you enter from the back the vocal point is oryx therefore !! ORYX IS AT THE FRONT !! RANT OVER!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Edited by BigHux12: 9/1/2022 12:34:54 PMIn D1 majority of teams I was on numbered the plates. Oryx is the front
I opt for a new call out “Saturn L and Saturn R” for the front and “Door left and Door left” for the back. Or pull out Mida and go North, South, East, West.
Edited by CONVEX: 8/31/2022 3:48:52 PMSince the room is technically a roofed canopy, there is no front or back.
Eyes Up Guardian - old
On the side. -
Neither. Oryx isn’t even in the room. Nuff’ said
Irrelevant - just set the plates and start the encounter.
Forget Front and Back! It's L1 R1/ L2 R2!!!!!!!
The exits are at the rear of the theater… the screen is at the front. Same applies here.
In d1 wasnt where oryx spawned the front
There's only one door, so that has to be the front. Who cares that oryx spawns on the front of the ship, the arena is only a part of the ship.
Oryx spawns at the front and here is why the dreadnaught is a ship Oryx is at the bow or the front of the ship. unless i have the structure of the ship wrong and he is actually at the stern, then he would be at the back.
Where oryx spawns.
It flat out depends on who’s perspective you wanna look at it at
Best way to clear this up is just use L1, L2, R1, and R2 same way it’s laid out in your controller.
Step 1: tell everyone to use L1/2 & R1/2 Step 2: laugh at the heretics that think Oryx spawns in the front but also think L2 & R2 are the ones on his side