Chaos = more enemy spawns, more random events, harder patrol missions, just more chaos (ex. Alters of Sorrow event on the moon).
Each planets vendor needs to be updated into the newest structure with rank up engrams and weapon and armour focusing. It’s annoying that we have a vendor structure like trials/ib/gambit that we don’t have implemented at each reward/destination vendor. Vanguard, crucible having a a scaled back version of the previous vendors mentioned system and then a more scaled back version of this at planet vendors currently makes the overall system all over the place. The moon and europa yet again having their own routes to acquire gear. It’s like different people get their own attempt at making the new destination system each expansion/season and totally disregard the previous system without thinking to update it at the same time and now what 5 years down the line it’s too big a job to align everything. Unfortunately patrols fall into that mess as there needs to be something worthwhile to do in them such as such as weapon focusing/crafting/Rank up system, perhaps a new weapon each season for each planet that you can target if you like it instead of hoping on world drops or a long winded took forever banshee rank up engram.
Here’s my thought: Put it as part of an overhauled patrol/destinations. - update the enemy spawn density and strength so that they might actually pose a threat outside of that first patrol space in Cosmodrome (keep that as a sort of training space). - Each location has a rank system similar to Throne World where completing public events, patrols, and collecting resources gives XP. - an updated armor set for each location (Cosmodrome, EDZ, Nessus, Dreaming City, Moon, and Europa) that can be unlocked at ranks 2,3,4,6,and 8 of the vendor. Subsequent drops can occur with new (up to 64 stat total) rolls from public event chests as a chance instead of blue drops. (Higher chance from heroic) - A NEW weapon for each location that can be earned at rank 10. Subsequent drops can happen at random from new Legendary Patrols, Legend and Master lost sectors, and an updated weekly bounty. Perk pools would be updated once per year. - Subsequent rank ups would give more perk nodes similar to playlist ranks. Also increases the likelihood and energy total of the armor drops. Legendary Patrols would be variations of the HVT, Generic kill, and collection patrols. HVT’s would have much higher health and light level (putting them at legend levels) and higher add density spawns. Kill patrols would be very specific requiring specific weapon types, locations, and damage types to perform. Collections would have some prerequisites and generally be more total than regular patrols. The goal would be to give new players an easy intro into higher level content and the game’s terms while giving experienced players some new loot and cosmetics for minor investment. Just a thought I’ve had for years. Literally just updated the locations in the () near the top. Could even put shaders and other location-themed cosmetics in the rank up tiers.
There’s something quite therapeutic about just bumbling around in patrol though. Sometimes I’ll do this searching for OOBs and then explore those for hours
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[quote]Chaos = more enemy spawns, more random events, harder patrol missions, just more chaos (ex. Alters of Sorrow event on the moon).[/quote] Honestly no, The patrols on the throne world is a great reason we don’t need harder patrols, I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna be that guy sitting on throne world for 30 minutes only because the patrol I got wants me to get 50 ability kills
Like way too many things in this game, they just need actual rewards for completion. Is it too much to ask to give us like 15 - 20 planetary materials per completion? Maybe a shard or two?
Just return patrol bounties, at least we will have reason to go on patrol. Yes destinations have local vendors with local bounties, but since them selling only sunset guns and don't have any destination specific loot - we need patrols bounties comeback or rework distinction vendors!
I would love an event in patrols that grants players a guaranteed exotic after completion. Bungie can boost the difficulty to whatever they feel is right and think about it, 10-16 players in one spot killing aliens left and right and everyone working together to take them down sounds like a lot of fun.
I think legend and master patrols would be interesting.
YES! I want each destination to feel like you're in a war
Some random thoughts. - I think they could add new Public Event types and then rotate them every season in order to keep things a little more interesting. Doing the exact same PEs since launch is a bit old. - Maybe enemy density could be driven by the number of players in the zone? This could be for the normal zone enemies as well as for Public Events. - The High Value Targets could have an entourage instead of being solo. Maybe even have some support vehicles. - The enemy turns on each other events could spawn a few bosses worth fighting. - Add more heroic patrols. Should not have to do basic patrols in order to get a heroic one to spawn. The main issue with free roam is the rewards from the activities. They are just not worth it for veteran players to go out of their way to engage in them. Maybe that would change if there was some worthwhile loot from engaging in it. Maybe enhancement cores, a small pile of legendary shards, a chance at an enhancement prism, idk. The current rewards of some glimmer and a blue just isn't worth going out of your way to participate in, especially when it's the same old events you've done since launch. Disclaimer: I have never tried the ghost mod for increased rewards from public events, so not sure it it makes it worthwhile or not.
Patrols and public events could use some work. The last time the were worth doing consistently was vanilla D2 when they were pretty much the only source of exotic. I’d love to see some destination specific gear brought back in to the game. OG D2 had its issues but it did have reasons to go to specific planets and we are sorely lacking that currently.
Remember the patrol missions in D1? Splicer priests you killed with Iron Lord axes, driving through charges on your sparrow, random mystery patrols... D1 patrols felt more engaging.
Edited by hate n payne: 8/11/2022 5:01:08 PMPublic events should be unique horde modes with level of difficulty added to them similar to Nightfalls, Dungeons and Raids. Think Escalation Protocol and Altar of Sorrow but with rewards for each encounter. Also, yes to what you mentioned. We need our current content to be “compelling”. It was a bad move for them when they removed Adventures from the game.
World bosses are about the only thing that would make me enjoy patrols.
PVP has been ruined - old
Yep!!! -
Yea the legendary patrols are at least somewhat fun to do.
They are pretty much pointless right now.
Not really interested in chaos but could definitely see some improvements. -Being able to pick up more than one patrol at a time. -More repeatable or expanded patrols (kill patrol, instead of killing 15 things and it going away, kill 15, then 15 more, or a growing amount for a slightly increased reward) -Patrols that actually use parts of the map that see little to no traffic outside of a mission or strike. Patrol is meant to be the easy going part of the game, and yes it could use some depth but I don't want to see what is essentially the learning area turned into a grandmaster.
Long ago when they showcase D2 for the first time and mentioned Flashpoint, I thought it would work like world tier, where the entire planet will get more and harder enemies, different type of public event, etc . I was disappointed.
I had this idea for a pve mod card. It works for all of pve. You can adjust the difficulty for more rewards, add and remove modifiers, etc. this card would include fun mods with challenging counter affects. To balance out the experience. Kinda how the og d2 nightfall card was but…all of pve. Idk
Do I get better blueberry or the same that still dont know how to make any of them heroic?
World bosses would be cool with super rare cosmetics.
Patrol spaces in general need way higher enemy density
Make more spontaneous style events, like enemies moving against each other. Stuff you can’t just see on the map. Make events have higher enemy density and spawn a few more challenging bosses. Defeating all the bosses or completing a heroic public event drops legendary gear that is currently unobtainable by normal means beyond Xur or the Gunsmith (things like FILO, True Prophecy, Seventh Seraph Weapons, etc) and should also be the best source for legendary shards, glimmer, and planetary mats. While unique loot would be appreciated, having a way to consistently grind for these old weapons and basic materials would be appreciated by newer players or players who just missed a few things and I think is a very reasonable request.
Edited by Joulevette12: 8/11/2022 5:03:41 PMThe problem of destiny open world is that it's too empty even with patrols, Public events,lost sectors and chest are useless and unrewarding even for new lights Some ppl might not know but we had a sort of world boss during Shadow keep release during "Season of the Undying" where you fight mobs of vex then a Giant Hyda appear you kill it then a chest of vex themed seasonal weapons drop it was kinda fun This is what we need but make the boss have way more heath to the point you actually need ppl to help you and have it appear on the map as a "World Boss Encounter" I know ppl hated that season but I liked it then only thing ruined it for me was the Undying Mind Incident