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8/9/2022 1:38:04 AM

Snipers are borderline impossible to beat with primaries thanks to flinch literally doing nothing

Seriously, even after: sliding into a lane, hitting all heads and crouch spamming I still will be sniped 90% of the time. Especially using Ntte (yeah I know) I hit multiple crits on someone in a lane with a sniper and still headshot me. Like what is the counter??? At this point you should just descope if you’re shot while using a sniper since I see no alternative as flinch is a busted mechanic that does NOTHING but help them hit my head. Inb4 the “skill issue” replys until I show them multiple clips of snipers hitting shots through their entire health bar worth of flinch OMEGALUL.

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  • Plz show the clips because I believe it’s a skill issue and not a sniper issue

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  • It’s bizarre, it feels like it always happens against me (people always sniping through flinch, even quick scoping), yet when I get tickled by a sidearm (not forerunner) across the map my scope from my sniper goes off screen and shakes violently. I have maybe hit 10~20 shots through flinch throughout all of destiny 2 pvp. Yet it happens against me like it’s super common to shoot through flinch.

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    • the latency with low tick server makes this rough especially against controller snipes cause they register the shot before flinch goes in. Kinda sad that mnk snipe has to go down with them too but whatever man controller snipe is just unbeatable

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    • IKR? I'm turning a sniper into swiss cheese and he takes my head off with ZERO difficulty

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      • You’re absolutely right,the flinch changes were a terrible idea.

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      • Edited by Desolator0: 8/9/2022 4:07:14 AM
        You know snipers are broken and too easy when the 0.8 who can't get kills with a primary suddenly can't miss heads with a Beloved or another sniper, even through flinch.

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        13 Replies
        • 2

          I love playin RPGs (Role Playing Games) - old

          When I am I flinch like crazy

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          • Vision of confluence works fine against sniper.

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          • Edited by GANDALF: 8/9/2022 4:50:31 PM
            No disrespect, but I disagree. I play on console and have been heavily building into flinch resist for sniping. While I do notice a difference, there’s a few things you have to keep in mind: 1) You have to build into it. You need 7-8 resilience minimum, very high stability, and an unflinching mod or Suros Synergy. This costs other stats like discipline, strength, mobility, or intellect (always run max recovery:). It also costs a lot of energy on the chest armor, forcing you to choose between Unflinching Sniper or important Charged with Light (CWL) mods. Can’t have both if you have to put on a resilience or recovery mod on the chest, which means you now have to put that CWL mod on another armor piece, which limits the mod choices on your other armor pieces. 2) You can usually counter it if you get the first shot on a sniper, especially if you use a High Impact scout rifle like Jade Rabbit or Perses-D. Anything with Explosive or Timed Payload helps tremendously. Pulse rifles, especially the Rapid Fire Frame archetype, are also very effective at countering snipers because you can pepper them. High Caliber Rounds admittedly aren’t as effective as before, but it still adds to the flinch snipers receive. 3) Once you use your 2 shots from spawning in, you need to actively go get ammo. Not always ideal if you are using a sniper to keep aggressive players at a distance. If you do pick up more ammo, you only get 1 shot, so you have very little forgiveness if you miss. I don’t think sniping heads through flinch is happening as often as you think. I’ve noticed that silly headshots usually happen if you have opening shot on a sniper with 50 zoom or more *cough* Occluded Finality *cough*

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            • Descope really needs to become a thing. I just flat out ignore snipers now since I’m headshot no matter what I do.

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              16 Replies
              • I wish that were true whenever i snipe im seeing the sky

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              • Controller sniping is a massive problem bungie refuses to address

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                304 Replies
                • Edited by Rufas-1: 8/10/2022 6:42:31 PM
                  I was thinking about sniper flinch this morning. There are problems on both side of the issue. 1) If you are using a sniper flinch sucks because you cannot really return fire at all, so you need flinch reduction to be able to keep your reticle from bouncing all over the place. Yes, I know that the reticle can end up bouncing right back to their dome... that should not even happen. 2) If you are challenging a sniper the flinch reduction sucks because they can dome you because their reticle doesn't move. The problem then becomes how can a player challenge a sniper and give both the sniper and the challenger a fair shot at winning. I was tinkering with the idea of drastically reducing sniper reticle bounce and introducing an increase to the accuracy cone size (I think that's what I mean). Net result would be that a sniper could stay on target, but their chances of making a precision shot are reduced. Anyway, this was just a random thought I had. Not sure if it even makes sense. EDIT: I don't see it a problem if a sniper has to take multiple shots to down someone while under fire. If a sniper is doing their job they should be getting off the first shot anyway.

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                • This is hilarious. Lack of self awareness is the number 3 forum comedy source.

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                • [quote]Seriously, even after: sliding into a lane, hitting all heads and crouch spamming I still will be sniped 90% of the time. [/quote] That sounds like pretty much how it should work. You really shouldn't be able to challenge a single shot weapon at range when its doing what its mean to do. Snipers do hit some questionable shots sometimes but hitting someone sliding into a lane and bouncing up and down with a primary isn't one of them. Sometimes they hit some shots that they maybe shouldn't hit but overall they fit what a special weapon should be better than some other special weapons have in the past. They work in special situations and you have to give something up in order to become more or less dominant in that intended special case.

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                • Skill issue

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                  • The counter is to not go where they have the advantage. Out snipe them. Or position yourself so they have no choice but to not snipe. There’s plenty of options, games just don’t make them very obvious

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                  • Get closer

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                  • Sniper should have the upper hand vs primary at their range 😂 My man you didn't think this 1 trough

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                    • You’re challenging a sniper at what they’re best at and expect to win? Lol. Try flanking or stop shotgun aping, literal nonissue.

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                      • I've said since the beginning that being hit when ADS while using a sniper rifle should knock you out of ADS, but it's not a very popular suggestion. Beloved being the 2nd most used weapon in PvP should tell you something about the need for a major change.

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                      • Pulses give too much flinch

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                      • Well if people didn’t whine about 3 peeking then it wouldn’t be a problem would it. Plus who runs around a corner blind anyway.

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                      • I agree if you snipe and miss and I start tagging you with primary fire you should not be able to tank that and then snipe me in the face -blam!- is frustrating

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                      • It's actually latency. They are pulling the trigger on their screen before the shots register to flinch their gun. I also detest the flinch animation in this game as a sniper. I hate that it moves my reticle only, and not my entire camera. The problem is, anything they do to make flinch more fair in pvp would simply make scoping in in pve a nightmare. Just get over it.

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                      • Honestly max resil+sniper feels like crutching.

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