[i][b]tl;dr: Simply put, they need better reward drop rates, if not better rewards altogether. Not Glimmer.[/i][/b]
I’m not talking about in regards to the exotics, though many others would like debate over that.
What I personally find as a terrible design is how you can run consecutive Lost Sectors, back to back in either Master or Legend difficulties and not get anything but a handful of 5000 glimmer and whatever blue engram drops that you happen to scrape off of the ground while doing them.
That doesn’t feel like a reward when you can run literally any other activity, pop a Rainmaker consumable and just farm mob enemies, or bypass that altogether with Rahool and his exchange shop.
[u]Problem:[/u] There’s no worthwhile incentive to farm, or even enjoy, L/M Lost Sectors once you get the triumphs or the exclusive exotics, but one could also argue that there wasn’t any incentive before either.
[u]Solution:[/u] Add more to the reward pool that isn’t just standard gear that drops from regular enemies elsewhere in the game and remove the Glimmer reward outright.
Set the baseline for Enhancement Cores to be the standard drop for Common/Uncommon and put in other mats like Prisms or Alloys alongside the chance for the exclusive exotics. Hell, maybe even throw in higher Exotic Catalyst progression for doing them.
As it stands, basic activities across the game need improvements and if every additional season will put a momentary focus on activities like these, then there needs to be some sort of improvements to keep players invested enough to want to do them, even if they’re just side tasks.
I used to farm lost sectors for specific weapon drops. Ether doctor for instance specifically dropped from the weep or sky dock. I used to farm them for ages trying to get the right roll. (Ironically got a god roll the week before DCV). But the lure to grind was there for that particular weapon. Considering the volume of legendary weapons. It would be good to have a rotation of drops on whatever the lost sector was. You can even create incentive by suggesting that master is a guaranteed drop of a particular weapon. And it may have additional rolls attached to it, due to master clearance. Or have it ties to your vanguard rank. Atm. I use lost sectors just to clear some triumphs for a flawless and master etc or for exotics every season. But once I get them. I feel no need to grind Lost Sectors again.