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7/27/2022 3:10:29 AM

ENOUGH of the GM level requirements.

Bungie you curate the activity so that light level doesn’t matter anyway. I shouldn’t be penalized and locked out of an activity and loot just because I have a normal -blam!- life and can’t grind as often as Johnny-plays-a-lot. If anything make the strikes even harder if I’m below the *recommended* cap, just let me play. This game is grindy enough, especially considering in a few weeks we have start everything over because seasons a so short. JUST LET US PLAYYYY

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  • Let me start by saying I’m a huge fan of GMs, I play them a lot, I really enjoy the slower methodical pace that’s required to handle the enemies/encounters. I also really enjoy helping others through GMs, with that said, let me point out something. I think the major issue with the GM light level system is simply the repetitive reset every season. It isn’t actually the power level changing, it’s that now it’s happened for so many seasons in a row that people are just fatigued by the meaningless feeling of the “Hampster wheel”. And it gets worse with every seasonal reset. I know this because I feel it too, and I absolutely love GMs. My fear of removing light level requirements is that GMs will lose their value as endgame content because they won’t require a specific focused effort to get to the gated light level. Now I’m not defending it, just pointing out a concern against the argument to remove it entirely. I think the answer is allowing GMs to be available day 1 but making them so hard that they are virtually unbeatable until the ‘recommended’ power level of X is met. I say recommended to remove the gated requirement. So then if a player/team is actually skilled enough they can underlight the activity. Heck, they could even add emblems to chase as a “look at me, I beat a GM 35 below” something like that

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