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7/27/2022 3:10:29 AM

ENOUGH of the GM level requirements.

Bungie you curate the activity so that light level doesn’t matter anyway. I shouldn’t be penalized and locked out of an activity and loot just because I have a normal -blam!- life and can’t grind as often as Johnny-plays-a-lot. If anything make the strikes even harder if I’m below the *recommended* cap, just let me play. This game is grindy enough, especially considering in a few weeks we have start everything over because seasons a so short. JUST LET US PLAYYYY

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  • had enough of farming yet? no problem, simple solution. bungie put contest on grandmaster instead. contest 20-25 under level and solved

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    • [quote]Bungie you curate the activity so that light level doesn’t matter anyway. I shouldn’t be penalized and locked out of an activity and loot just because I have a normal -blam!- life and can’t grind as often as Johnny-plays-a-lot. If anything make the strikes even harder if I’m below the *recommended* cap, just let me play. This game is grindy enough, especially considering in a few weeks we have start everything over because seasons a so short. JUST LET US PLAYYYY[/quote] No, because light level does actually matter, but they do need to lower it a tad. Maybe 1590 light like master Nightfalls just harder.

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      • [quote]Bungie you curate the activity so that light level doesn’t matter anyway. I shouldn’t be penalized and locked out of an activity and loot just because I have a normal -blam!- life and can’t grind as often as Johnny-plays-a-lot. If anything make the strikes even harder if I’m below the *recommended* cap, just let me play. This game is grindy enough, especially considering in a few weeks we have start everything over because seasons a so short. JUST LET US PLAYYYY[/quote] Then why would we need a light/power level in this game. It just ruins the fun of grinding the game. But, they can just lower the recommend light/power level to play. A very easy fix is make Master and GM the same light/power level, but GM difficulty can have hard modifiers to make it a challenging activity.

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      • Enough of GMs period. Time for something totally new same goes for champions stuff need an actual refresh not just more champions in different places

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      • [quote]Bungie you curate the activity so that light level doesn’t matter anyway. I shouldn’t be penalized and locked out of an activity and loot just because I have a normal -blam!- life and can’t grind as often as Johnny-plays-a-lot. If anything make the strikes even harder if I’m below the *recommended* cap, just let me play. This game is grindy enough, especially considering in a few weeks we have start everything over because seasons a so short. JUST LET US PLAYYYY[/quote] You're the kind of player this game doesn't need

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      • I totally agree. They should just remove the power level from the game altogether. It's a stupid mechanic the way they have it implemented. Between having to start over every season and crap RNG for pinnacle drops its one of the things about the game I hate most

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        2 Replies
        • Bro you’re telling me it takes you more than three months to get to pinnacle cap and 15 artifact levels most of which you get while you get pinnacle cap? Bruh you can play two hours a day or just on weekends and you’ll get it in the first month before gms are even out.

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        • Yeah, NO... I'm not about to carry a bunch of low lights through a GM that 30, 40, 50... light below. The required power is there because your already at a disadvantage and if you were able to play at a lower light level you'd just get 1 shot by everything and enemieswould basically be immune to your attacks.

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          24 Replies
          • Edited by Haters: 7/27/2022 7:46:56 PM
            This late in the season if you’re not at least 1585 then sucks to suck bruh. You’d easily hit that just doing weekly pinnacle MM stuff which takes less then 3 hours a week.

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            4 Replies
            • [quote] If anything make the strikes even harder[/quote]

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            • Why make normal strikes harder? You get very little as it is.

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              • I just hope Little Johny knows how to pass the orb in The Corrupted NF. Guardians & Blueberries, please pass the orb to your fellow Guardians.

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                • right it’s almost like u have to earn loot in this game what was bungie thinking.Like i should log on have a bunch of flashing likes get all the drops in the game and a hand reaches out of the tv and give me a pat on the back for all that hard work.

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                • I miss when the point of Destiny was playing the hardest content for power not powering up to get to the hardest content. Yes I know you get power from GM's. I'm talking about the days when the grind to endgame was shorter.

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                  • Edited by JazzyPaladin477: 7/27/2022 10:38:01 PM
                    Yes. Get rid of meaningless light level. Just enable contest mode, that’s enough. If you want to gate it somehow make it so that completing each difficultly level unlocks the next, right from day 1 of the season. Don’t lock the best stuff behind grinding 5-7 year old content.

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                    • Yea what happened to D1 style nightfalls. Holy -blam!- this grind is trash man

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                    • 0
                      GM’s are end game sorry

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                      6 Replies
                      • Just play the game. It’s as simple as that. Like it doesn’t even take long I was already at pinnacle cap on week one/week 2, much like a lot of others. Endgame content should be made for endgame players not casuals.

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                        20 Replies
                        • I would like to play my other games, but there’s allot to do here, I move slower than others and I don’t finish all five bounties in a single strike…. I’m not a causal at least I don’t think so, I’ve been here since halo. Things are okay imo, maybe don’t reset for old content. Maybe D1 implementation should happen. Wtf would some of you babies do if your only way to gather planetary materials were by the nodes in the wild. I do miss heading so deep into a piece of content that I wasn’t ready for and finding enemies with ? Levels and immunity to me. This game almost feels like a job now, a second life even. But, I love it and I want to engage in it so how can you make that easier without taking all my free time? While also rewarding players for their hard earned accomplishments. I have easily $300.00 in games and content that I haven’t played because I have too much to do in destiny. And for the guy about efficiency grinding -BLAM- you, you’re the guy that acts like everything is so easy and simple, well I have issues and tend to overthink everything, do I not deserve to enjoy this game too? Or should I go find something else to play because it isn’t for me even though I love the design and play. I don’t have all the solutions mapped out in my head but I know bungie is trying. In a perfect world everyone could access everything but the world isn’t perfect. Maybe they could drop the artifact level and once you reach cap you stay there, and just unlock the harder versions as you complete them. I don’t agree with a reset upon season, then again I don’t like seasons either, it limits our boys for time to create the content, also resulting in bugs/buggy encounters/mechanics. Iron banner all week trials on weekends rotating maps weekly some new on occasion for drip feed in pvp, pve has allot already. Slow down so they can create new VOG-like stuff and bring back secret missions like whisper and perfected. I miss the Hunter aspects of destiny which feel lost.

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                          2 Replies
                          • I don't play a lot 🤣 take a look at my game history and level

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                          • I agree & I think this idea also carries over to Master Raids. Just set the power level handicap to a set amount - regardless of your power level. Much like the Leviathan is set up this season. "The activity is 20 PL over the players @ 1980 PL. You will be raised to 1960 PL artificially until you reach 1960, & then you Pl is capped." It would keep the activities the same difficulty regardless of when you play, and allow players that want to play harder content play it as soon as the content releases.

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                          • My biggest problem personally is that if I'm LFGing I can expect the GM to take 30+ minutes. Like why make all the enemies bullet sponges. I'd rather a GM only be 15 minutes with only 5 revives then playing tickle simulator.

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                            • As much as I like having to grind to a level to have access to exclusive end game content, I even think it is a bit much. I am fine with the 1570, max level requirement though it took me 4 weeks to hit it on 3 characters when I was doing EVERY pinnacle drop possible and I don't work so I got to play as much as I wanted. But that grind was already borderline too much as is, now 15 artifact levels are needed to hit 1585? That's rediculous. Once you get around +10, the amount of XP and playing to level up even by +1 is overwhelmingly insane. It took me days upon days of nonstop playing to even get one artifact level after 10. Not only am I retired and have all the time in the world, but I find it too much grinding XP to just be able to do a GM. And what's the point? If you lower the power level, it still will be too hard to complete a GM for alot of players anyways. It's not like lowering the power level to access it will magically make more players capable of completing GMs. GMs themselves are enough of a skill gate. And grinding artifact levels isn't skill anyways.

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                              • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 7/27/2022 9:57:40 PM
                                Enough of the stale bland unrewarding nightfall system in general There’s no option to focus loot, there’s no option to focus weapons If it’s running 100k NF and being given a blue shotgun & a fhckin prism! Or watching clan complete 4 GM [i]corrupted[/i] nightfalls in a row & not 1 person getting a decent roll on any thing (armour nor weaponry) The rewards/time sink (inc XP needed to unlock that particular door) is disproportionate & frankly an insult

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                              • I think the better option is to set grandmasters to the power floor, but then cap you at 25 below that, boom, GMs are accessible day 1 and still as difficult as they are now.

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                                3 Replies
                                • Let me start by saying I’m a huge fan of GMs, I play them a lot, I really enjoy the slower methodical pace that’s required to handle the enemies/encounters. I also really enjoy helping others through GMs, with that said, let me point out something. I think the major issue with the GM light level system is simply the repetitive reset every season. It isn’t actually the power level changing, it’s that now it’s happened for so many seasons in a row that people are just fatigued by the meaningless feeling of the “Hampster wheel”. And it gets worse with every seasonal reset. I know this because I feel it too, and I absolutely love GMs. My fear of removing light level requirements is that GMs will lose their value as endgame content because they won’t require a specific focused effort to get to the gated light level. Now I’m not defending it, just pointing out a concern against the argument to remove it entirely. I think the answer is allowing GMs to be available day 1 but making them so hard that they are virtually unbeatable until the ‘recommended’ power level of X is met. I say recommended to remove the gated requirement. So then if a player/team is actually skilled enough they can underlight the activity. Heck, they could even add emblems to chase as a “look at me, I beat a GM 35 below” something like that

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