Exotic Rocket Launcher Idea
Aggressive Frame
Alloy Casing
Quick Launch
Composite stock
40 blast radius
67 velocity
33 stability
60 handling
50 reload speed
25 rpm
No tracking module
Short zoom
Exotic Perk:Reloading after picking up an Orb of power grants increased damage,reload,velocity,handling,and blast radius for the next shot(33% for damage)(44% for stats)(effect last until reloaded),resets orb reload after shot is fired)Name:Nightmares Torment
Secondary Perk:Toxic Delivery :After firing nearby allies are granted increased damage(10%) but reduced reload speed(22%) to self for 3 seconds
Catalyst:The Nightmare Catalyst:Found in playlist Activities,when inserted grant:Blast radius 40-50,rockets turn into toxic rockets and do poison damage over time for 5 seconds
Flavor Text:Time To Sleep:Unknown
Edited by VIPER: 7/28/2022 1:51:51 AMYes, now pair it with this and it’s pizza time Name: Inferno Slot: Secondary and Solar (Scout) Main Perk: Last Resort - Once the magazine is empty the weapon deals increased melee damage. User hits with the stock of the weapon Side perk: No time to panic - When surrounded by two or more enemies the melee speed is increased. Catalyst: Witches Curse - After 5 kills with the melee ability, one round is loaded which shoot a hive witch darkness bubble that lingers for 5 seconds dealing minor damage. Lore: “Rezyl spun the weapon in his hand, grabbing hard around the barrel, like a club. A new wave of chittering death was upon him- fragile but aggressive…”
Toxic delivery, would be a cool name
I think the idea is cool but the name and perk names need some workshopping
I love playin RPGs (Role Playing Games) - old
I'd use it. The poison damage for the catalyst is a really cool idea. I'm trying to think if there's a rocket launcher that does anything like that yet but can't think of one. The perks sound really interesting too.