35 clears and no heart shadow. I juat dont understand. I'm helping lights that are new through Master Duality and they have it already. I dont get it. Would it be so hard to put like a 25 clear cap that would give such weapons to you. It makes people quit. I promise I love Duality and would for sure keep playing until I have an S of every legendary. I havent heard of anyone else with 30 master clears who dont have it. *****Edit****** Thanks for the responses and advice. Here's hoping for Tuesday*****************
Edited by massatony: 7/10/2022 8:22:54 AMmassatony
massa - old
Only the first clear for each guardian counts... master or not. That said, i've had the same same amount of bad luck as you..... it's their stupid RNG, designed to frustrate the crap out of us. And as far as those boosters are concerned, I'm begining to think that they are just a ploy.