35 clears and no heart shadow. I juat dont understand. I'm helping lights that are new through Master Duality and they have it already. I dont get it. Would it be so hard to put like a 25 clear cap that would give such weapons to you. It makes people quit. I promise I love Duality and would for sure keep playing until I have an S of every legendary. I havent heard of anyone else with 30 master clears who dont have it. *****Edit****** Thanks for the responses and advice. Here's hoping for Tuesday*****************
Edited by Kelai: 9/3/2022 9:32:28 AMCan I ast if I need to clean whole dungeon (once a week) or its enough to join firearms and kill caiatl?
I’m sorry you’re having a rough time, friend. HMU sometime if you need two players. My husband is still trying to get the damn sword, too.
It’s awsome I got it on my third try GiT GuD
Going in. I want to go in master. We'll see what happens on Legend though, since most of you say it doesnt matter. Wish me luck. Putting out an LFG on D.App.
You get 1 chance per character per week. You can farm the legendary drops, not the exotic.
I got mine on the second clear 😂
Bro, you haven’t gotten all the memories cleared yet, you’re missing one. That’ll increase the drop rate. Try to solo it too or go flawless either solo or with a group. After soloing it, got it to drop on my next run (1st run of the week).
Meanwhile, I have gotten 3 in less than 20 clears. Something’s not right.
Got mine on my 31st clear...yep it took a while.
So my brother and I have been running this with a friend. I was lucky enough to get it on my 8th run but then this happened…. On our 9th run we saved the check point and my brother got one on all three of his characters.
You do realize that you only get 1 drop chance per character each week, so I could be wrong but that mean only 24 of those clears had a chance of it dropping. This was confirmed by a bungie dev via Twitter a few weeks ago. That being said I understand your frustration, I've clear the dungeon each week on all 3 characters and still don't have it. I even unlocked a couple of boosters the 1st week. I've carried plenty of noobs and seen them get it or already have it. I just hope that bungie added back luck protection in addition to the boosters, especially since I suspect the booster probably only increases the drop chance by 1-5% each.
Only 1st run per week per character count towards the sword drop Farming it won't drop it ,it used to do but they fix that with the master pinnacle farm
Starting to think solo flawlessing Duality was a waste of time because that "increased Heartshadow drop rate chance" is looking to be nonexistent.
Edited by SAVAG3 B3AR: 7/10/2022 6:32:54 PMBe glad your getting clears. I'm still working on my first. Honestly I'm starting to throw in the towel. My time can be spent better elsewhere in the game.
Laughs in 125 vault clears with no vex
*dungeon weapon drop rate But I’m pretty sure the exotic is one attempt each character(or class/character) a week.
I got it on my 3rd clear its a terrible weapon I wouldnt worry
Edited by THE GRIND IS REAL: 7/9/2022 8:41:12 PMYeesh if it makes you feel better I don't have one and I still carnt solo the first boss on hunter I get to like 3.5 Mill damage then il die due to summat daft like architects or booted of map lol
People just want handouts and no grind. Play all 3 characters sir
Checked your dungeon.report and I see you always use the same character. I think you only have 1 chance per week per character, it's not farmable on the same character.
I have no idea what this is. Do I need it? I mean you can play most of the content in this game with a good fusion, a sword, and a decent primary. I used to chase everything in the game, but then I woke up with a neck beard and no recollection of where the last 7 years had gone.
[quote]35 clears and no heart shadow. I juat dont understand. I'm helping lights that are new through Master Duality and they have it already. I dont get it. Would it be so hard to put like a 25 clear cap that would give such weapons to you. It makes people quit. I promise I love Duality and would for sure keep playing until I have an S of every legendary. I havent heard of anyone else with 30 master clears who dont have it.[/quote] I dont see how you mentioning your master clears really matters, atleast you can up the drop rate lmao. People really this ungrateful and just want a 100% drop rate or even a high 50%
Edited by massatony: 7/10/2022 8:22:54 AMmassatony
massa - old
Only the first clear for each guardian counts... master or not. That said, i've had the same same amount of bad luck as you..... it's their stupid RNG, designed to frustrate the crap out of us. And as far as those boosters are concerned, I'm begining to think that they are just a ploy. -
Have you tried buying something from eververse before doing the dungeon on your looted runs??
I haven't gotten a drop either and I have the "drop chances increased" I've done alot and I've beat it on master too got nothing but I have fun doing it do I don't mind all that much