Hello Guardians of the Archives,
This is just a small curiosity and nothing more. Do we know what Bright Dust actually is? It is just a mere currency in the game, or does it have some kind of lore explanation for its exsistence?
Thanks in advance for your answers =)
Light infused cocaine. Fenchurch gives us shaders, skins, and ornaments and in return we feed his addiction.
Its basically just ground up silver i reckon Silver is lustrous hence bright so
it's the cremated remains of all the guardians we've lost
It's Zavala's dandruff
It’s Fairy poo.
It is simply a currency that will allow you to buy a very tiny sampling of what is offered in the Bungie store, that way you have a little taste of what your real money can buy. It is nothing more than a currency to get you introduced to their store.
Shinier glimmer
Eyes Up Guardian - old
Excrement from the Traveler -
Its obviously a dust that is bright, you dummy!
It's radioactive cocaine
Grinded up bright engrams you exchanged for prizes.
Angel dust
It's the dust that this horrible game has collected cause it's running on a terrible, ancient engine, spaghetti code and netcode and keeps reissuing old content to sell back to the players. Not really bright tho, is it?
[quote]Small curiosity: what Bright Dust actually is?[/quote] Bright Dust are Hamster food! They fuel the Hamsters to run endlessly! Bright Dust are made of special ingredients from desperation to collect monetary gain while being lazy and uncreative! The result is Hamster Wheel gaming! 😂😂😂
Dammit. I used to know this. Something about being a currency made from something and gets it's basically like gold, a precious material. DAMMIT. Wish I could remember this.
Traveler 💩 I assume
It's not -blam!--aine like someone might suggest. Noone would waste it on stupid shaders.
It’s dust that is bright. It’s shining light particles. Light that has formed together to make a currency. I really don’t know. Maybe bright dust is collected from the heads of vex. Either way, they are dust and they are bright.
It's dust bright enough not to get vacuumed up.
I dunno really. Maybe it's just manifestation of calcified light from the Traveler.
It's a spice from the mines of kessel, sold only to d2 guardians for their enjoyment.
It's peanut dust, but bright. Chabuddy sells it to the vanguard.
Although there hasn’t been any details about it specifically in D2, I can only assume it may be the powdered remains of Bright Engrams, infused with an indiscernible amount of Light. If it’s a currency in game then it definitely would be of some sort of researchable value to the Cryptarchs or perhaps to the Awoken in some regard. It was a long time back, but I do remember there being a small amount of lore regarding Tess and her uncle.
The remnants of a precious material, valuable enough to purchase some items. The d1 version So I assume it’s similar in d2