Can’t wait for you to piss off the pve only players when you inevitably get the cooldown nerfed to 2 mins. So much for build diversity when everybody won’t abandon their crutch that helps them stay alive a tad bit longer. if you’re a healing grenade crutch go ahead and downvote and go about your day lol
EDIT: Beware,Sensitivity ahead. Therefore seek abandonment
Bring on arc 3.0.
Everyone has something to crutch on Healing is not an issue
[quote]Can’t wait for you to piss off the pve only players when you inevitably get the cooldown nerfed to 2 mins. So much for build diversity when everybody won’t abandon their crutch that helps them stay alive a tad bit longer. if you’re a healing grenade crutch go ahead and downvote and go about your day lol EDIT: If you think this is toxic actually screw off and try somewhere else cause I know you feel attacked that I’m bringing up the fact that the healing nade is in every match in PvP and by no means am I saying it gets you anywhere other than delaying your inevitable demise. Yes this edit is in response to dudes with a few wires loose but all the same feel free to discuss or bicker to your hearts on content. This post made me remember how sensitive people are in general so sorry if you take this to heart.[/quote] Put the axe away and go get that hairline checked out.
Someone lost in Trials
Aaaw nice edit buddy but you are being toxic. This is coming from a void hunter. If I’ve ever play solar then I use tripmines. Next.
Blame Hunters and Titans, never really saw them when they were available to just Warlocks but bam! Everywhere now 🤔
Edited by KING KAIYOTE: 6/17/2022 8:21:27 PMWhatever happened to friendly discussion over a s#!tpost oh wait I forget most people lack simple manners such as treating people the way you’d like to be treated 🤭 All the same that doesn’t stop Aholes from responding when they feel so attacked lol Understand this isn’t an attack on you personally for using something in a game but on a literal child’s toy so don’t go feeling like I murdered your family and enjoy discussing how you feel without being a cun+
I married my incendiary hot potato to undo their marriage😏
Healing in PvP is and will always be king they could nerf it to 10 minutes, and Youd still see people trying to find ways to build it through demolitionist, mods, exotics, etc. While I still use heal nades due to the meta I must still say, in fun factor: Tripmine>Heal Grenades.
I love my healing grenade as well as my sixth coyote which gives me two dodges and each dodge also heals me. It is about staying alive and I am assuming you are not staying alive.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Ze hurting is not as rewarding as ze healing... -
gave you a down vote , but i have never equipped a healing grenade.
I use healing grenade because I despise that I can't have Phoenix Dive and Rift together anymore...
I'm more of a tripmine guy but I'm downvoting anyways. PvP restoration is already weaker than in PvE and I just see that restoration effect getting weaker.
Downvote in all Christian charity
Never used it but since you are going on about how grear they are I'll give them a try.
It’s a utility slot
I like being able to snowball 🫐 when they're about to do something foolish. I also have an issue where I consistently whiff grenades. It's great not suppressing myself or exploding my own tripmines. Yes I'm cheeks. Seems like a HC peek shooter 's wet dream. IMO the cool down should be slower, as it should with most abilities. Whatever happened to them tweaking PvE/PvP separately?
Till death do us part!
It’s not healing grenades, it’s classy restoration.
All abilities need a fat nerf in the crucible… much longer cool-downs needed
I hate PVP but I'll play Mayhem all day long! I love slinging magic like that (I wish they'd add a Mayhem Vanguard playlist). I mean the gunplay is nice, but I'm facing invincibles (the reticle refuses to enter their hit box) and wall penetrating shots way too often to be fun anymore. Space Magic makes it fun again.
Healing grenades aren‘t even that strong. Solar 3.0 got released and people try something new. Not everything people use are crutches.
I tried it a few to mess and wasn’t impressed especially in pvp seems to not make any difference. Honestly if your a Titan your better off playing One Eyed Mask and use your grenade for something that does damage.
Move along people, just another fusion main.
So don't use cuz good?