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Edited by SonOfCimbria: 6/4/2022 6:16:23 PM

My 2 Cents on Iron Banner Rework

Well... This might backfire... After having played the IB Rift (primarily freelance but also a bit with clanmates) for about 5 days now, I'd like to give some feedback regarding the changes, not taking bugs and glitches into concern. 1. The Rewards and Accomplishments. Overall, quite lackluster. The only really new things to get are an Emblem and a Shader(which I gotta have!). Don't get me wrong, the gear is nice and all, but the origin perk is very circumstantial and the weapons themselves are not that spectacular when it comes to perks. I understand if it takes time to develop the gear for these types of things. The title was long overdue (as of this post I have just done the first reset required for the title.) The possibility of going around being an Iron Lord is all sorts of badass! 2. The Gamemode. I only came into D2 shortly after Forsaken, so I have not experienced D1 Rift and what came with that. It took a bit of getting used to playing a different objective than killing and capping zones, but that how it be for now. (If K/D elitists has an uncontrollable urge to look it up, my overall K/D is usually around 0.5 for PVP. I know I'm not great at it, but I have my moments) The 10 second respawn timer in most cases seems too long, especially when you basically have a team wipe and no one around. A shorter cooldown would suffice. Also, the transmat is nice and all, but the fade to black feels like it takes the game to a grinding halt before revving up again. The 5 to win ends up taking too long, especially if there's no mercy rule in place to mitigate this. The apparent mismatching of teams and subsequent blowouts does not contribute to the fun factor. Having matches frequently end with 5-0 or 5-1 to opposing team while it feels like you're being matched with 5 overfilled potato sacks is not a good feeling. Also, having Iron Banner being the testing ground for reintroducing new modes is an odd choice to be frank. Overall, it is a change of pace. In my case, a not so welcome one.

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  • They should have a done a crucible labs first with rift. Then they would have gotten feedback without all the hate, as labs is a throw away fun Playlist. Going prime time with it was a terrible idea.

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    • While I may disagree with some of the points you brought up like the respawn time I have to give you credit for pointing out two things. One, that it's your personal view and two actually providing the reasons why you think of that mode in that way. Which is a welcome change from the usual salty tone of most of posts about IB.

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      • A well written and positive post.. Almost as rare as wellspring drops lol.

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        • I don't play PvP, but I Thumb-ed Up your thread because you're one of the few users that actually left a proper Feedback. Thanks, Guardian!

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        • I played three matches and got shut out in all 0-5. Matchmaking is garbage (par for the course) but once a team gets on a roll, they get to finish you off with supers due to the bad mechanic of giving super energy to those who get the kills. I have zero interest in this game mode so I guess I'm done with IB.

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        • Couldn't have said it better that having Iron Banner be the guinea pig for a "new" gamemode is very odd.

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        • That's more like 14¢.

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        • Well written and I agree with everything you said. Kudos and an upvote for you my friend

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          • You see that folks? THAT is constructive feedback! Well written, good Sir. Keep up this. We need more constructive posts on here, not just "I hate Rift/IB" with no explanation why and how to improve the experience!

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            5 Replies
            • It’s transparently a way to increase playtime for their stats - to get the 4 pinnacles, you have to play 18 games on each character 3-4-5-6 to drop. Participation trophy IB frankly

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            • There is nothing they're going to do about matchmaking. There's everything players can do to just get better if they're going to play pvp. I'm of two minds right now. People who suck at PVP and don't want to get better should not enter the mode at all. It's like as you said, you get paired up with people who are just potato sacks and just bot walk into lanes and die. On the other hand, we need people in the playlist in order to fill in... But I still would appreciate if they improve. It's annoying enough that we have people on the team that want to win and then you just have people who don't get better and do consistently the same exact things. I can only imagine what their loadouts are.

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              9 Replies
              • You’re pretty spot on to be fair. The revives and resetting with transmat after a dunk didn’t exist in D1 so the game mode had a way more fluid motion.

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              • All valid points tho.

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              • 5
                A Patrolling Guardian
                A Patrolling Guardian

                See you, Space Cowboy. - old

                No new gear = Stinky Shipped with a bunch of bugs = Stinky D2 actually much less oppressive than I remember D1 Rift...though the plethora of bugs and lack of any kind of lobby balance really kneecaps any enjoyment I could have had with it. Overall, I'm not hating Iron Banner...but I won't be playing more of it until the kinks are worked out/new gear is added.

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              • Well written review. Hope bungie is reading this, and the adjustments would be made.

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              • Imo, Rift should not have shipped with IB. At least, not immediately. It should've been a rotation mode first so they could iron out all the bugs (pun not intended). I would've been all for having Mayhem or Clash first, then Rift once the bugs were worked out. As for Rift itself, I really like the gamemode but my god the spawns are horrible. There's no reason for a team to be spawning at mid if the enemy is near the rift; it generally kills off any way to stop the enemy advance unless your team manages to outnumber the enemy. The long respawn timer doesn't help either. I get that these were likely done to prevent spawncamping, but the tradeoff of consistent steamrolling doesn't feel much better- if anything, it's arguably worse than before. Other than that, I would change the scoring from "first to five" to "best of five" to make overall matches faster, and have more maps in general. Also, as a slight aside, am I the only one thinking that the new map gives the team on the horse side a terrain advantage or something? Maybe it's just me since I haven't played on the map long enough, but it really feels like the team that spawns on the side with the horse has an advantage ir something, at least as far as Rift is concerned. Idk, I could just be paranoid too.

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              • Edited by xXx HYDRA xXx61: 6/5/2022 3:00:25 AM
                To be honest I'm starting to get used to the way Rift is in D2(and starting to enjoy it) although the 10sec respawn timer feels too long when there is no one to revive you(maybe change it to 6secs) and the reset after scoring can be annoying because it takes too long(Bungie needs to find a way to speed it up somehow).Now I'm finding that the biggest issue I have with Iron banner now is that all of the weapons and armour are just the same ones from 2 or 3 seasons ago maybe longer for some weapons,sword and handcannon from last season which is fine even the fusion rifle and submachine gun added back this season have been reissued twice already meanwhile there is an auto rifle,pulse rifle,shotgun, rocket launcher,scout rifle,a different submachine gun and a sniper rifle that we haven't seen in Iron banner since year 1 and year 2 of D2(unless I'm wrong) that should've been added back this season in my opinion.Now that we can focus engrams for specific rewards(same as Gambit and Trials) I think there should be more weapons and armour sets from older seasons added to give us more variety too. Bungie should've used there old Crucible labs Idea to test the new version of Rift too instead of using Iron banner.

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              • If they keep rift as a mode get some bigger maps. The new map is perfect for rift. The rest are horrid for this mode.

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              • You have to take SBMM into consideration. And you have to be realistic and understand that you are playing people of similar stats. Just something to think about

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              • Edited by R_JrizzleXOX: 6/5/2022 12:41:30 AM
                You hit the nail on head. Also I'm might be the only one on this soapbox but disabling power level is not the move. I've done one reset so far and I can't tell you how many times I've been in matches against mountaintop/recluse/luna/not forgotten/*insert sunset cheese here* stacks. Keep that stuff in regular crucible. And auto respawns need to go away. Too many times I'll be in the middle of a revive or my teammate is reviving me and they get auto respawned to the back of the map after we just gained the advantage for the rift.

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                • With level advantages being disabled it’s not really IB anymore is it? Call it Rift 2.0. A core identity of IB was light level advantages enabled. With that gone you’re simply playing another crucible game mode.

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                • Hello! Thank you for the unemotional and logical view on IB "remastered". I used to play Rift in D1 and was initially excited/curious as to how things would pan out in D2, with different levels of ability and weapon enhancements. I have not stepped into the arena yet (I am about to though, but only for Pinnacle Gear) as I have have actively avoided it since the Point of the Stage season (can't remember, it was too long ago). The reason I avoided IB was mainly because of stacked higher level players Vs Solo players. I have been cautious as fun is the reason I play D2, and a good part of it is getting rewarded for being a team player. After reading the the rants of many, I have found out that the rewards for team play are near zero. On top of that, bugs and severe respawn times in ridiculous locations make it all the more frustrating. And then there's the AFKs who have simply reacted to Bungie's "reward" system by doing what they need to to get Pinnacle Gear. What I see, given the feedback, is a game mode geared to an individualistic mindset and not a team's mindset by incentivising the "carrier" and neglecting the supporting crew. Also, the same old sniper camping and airborne shotgunners with 1 million mobility are around. All said, this is largely what the forums and youtubers have put forward, even some journalists as well! Not very encouraging I must say, but I'm going in to see for myself. Once again, thank you for the honest opinion Guardian!

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