I'm looking for a clan to join. something that is 18+, LGBT friendly, laid back, and social type. I just want to relax with a group that is chill and basically here for the game. no politics, no drama, no hate. just a group of people who want to make friends and play the game.
I just came back to the game after two years of not playing. just got the sudden urge to come back and shoot stuff up. I've played for about two hours and fell in love with the game again. definitely a game I"ll be playing more often.
Seismic Gaming is a multi-platform, multi-time-zone, casual gaming community and welcomes players of all skill levels. For newer players we have raid sherpa events, PvE and PvP learning sessions and helpful clanmates who are happy to help with anything every day. We also have our fair share of veteran members for all your end-game content needs. When you’re feeling burnt out from the grind, hop in on our community events where we get together, watch movies and play party games. What are we looking for? - You must be at least 18 years old - You have to be an active member in discord and in game - Be respectful to other members - Have a working mic If this sounds like the perfect community for you then follow the link to apply: Seismic Destiny 2 Division: https://seismicgaming.eu/divisions/sg-dii Come join us for raiding, crucible, grandmasters, guardian games, seal triumphs or anything else that interests you! If you have any questions you can message me here or through discord @ Knewklear#1195
[quote]I'm looking for a clan to join. something that is 18+, LGBT friendly, laid back, and social type. I just want to relax with a group that is chill and basically here for the game. no politics, no drama, no hate. just a group of people who want to make friends and play the game. I just came back to the game after two years of not playing. just got the sudden urge to come back and shoot stuff up. I've played for about two hours and fell in love with the game again. definitely a game I"ll be playing more often.[/quote] Hello There! Rogue Legion of Guardians is looking for active members. We are a USA clan with members from around the world. States/Canada/UK/Dubai and so on (So there's always someone on to play with.) We're an Xbox clan but now that crossplay is enable every console is welcomed. All our members are friendly, English speaking and active. Weekends may vary due to family commitments. (Real life priorities come first) We are looking for adult (18+) members to join our clan. We’re an active clan, seeking all game activities. ******CLAN REQUIREMENTS****** *You MUST be 18+years old to join our clan* *You MUST have a mic for communication* *Must be active at least 1 or 2days a week* *Must have discord for communication* Failure to respect others in the clan or offend them in any personal way will result in your removal from the clan. Enjoy and be helpful so others will be helpful to you! Our admins, Founder and Members are always at hand to help should you need support in an activity or quest line. Simply post or ask in game and wait for a member to join. <<IMPORTANT>> If you are inactive for an extended period, simply let our Founder know or you will be removed after approx. 4 weeks. We try and keep active players to ensure you have someone to play with. Please note we have different time zones.
We are The 49ers Suck. we are a small clan who have new or returning players that are coming back to the game for Witch Queen. We are looking to expand this clan and meet new people since we strive to do our best even when we are at our worse. Our purpose in this clan is to help out everyone in need because we know some people never get the chance to participate in endgame activities. We want to change that we plan on running raids when more people join so that you can have fun but also experience. Here we provide a safe and respectful social space even for those who struggle with social anxiety and different orientation. No one will judge you here. We do also have discord for communication but it is not mandatory, so if you feel like using the companion app for communication your more than welcome to😁. Also we understand that life comes before video games so its not a problem if you can't be active all the time but do play once in a while👍. Finally please be respectful to other clanmates as some can be sensitive to some words. In this clan we are super nice and chill group so if your going to be a -blam!- then you will be removed from the clan. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4858999[/[/
Calling all new Guardians📢: We are The PowerPuff Balls, we are a medium size clan who have returning players that are ready for Season 17. We are looking to expand this clan and meet new friendly people since we strive to do our best even when we are at our worse. The purpose of this clan is to help out everyone in need and to also have fun😁. We know some people never get the chance to participate in endgame activities and we want to give those people a chance to experience it. We hopefully plan to run raids/trials more this season hopefully👍 Here we provide a safe and respectful social space even for those who struggle with social anxiety and different orientation. So no one will judge you here😁. For communication we use both discord and the companion app because some people rather not use discord😁 so please be active in either chat👍. Also we understand that life comes before video games so its not a problem if you can't be active all the time but do play once in a while and also try to play with other clan members😁. Finally be respectful to other clanmates as some can be sensitive to some words or actions. In this clan we are super nice and chill group so if your going to be a -blam!- then you will be removed from the clan. If you have any questions about this clan or are interested of joining you can either message: OzzyOsborne99(Founder) Angel(Co-Founder) GothLillith(Admin) and we'll be happy to help assist you. We hope to see you on the battlefield guardian😁.
Baba yaga’s disciples is recruiting adult guardians with an endgame focus. Baba Yaga’s disciples is a community of focused, friendly guardians with a mature approach to Destiny 2 endgame. With our strong group of Sherpas and a community-oriented approach, we are looking to with an endgame mindset and provide the tools and support needed to succeed in the pursuit of power. Whether it’s raiding, exotic quests, triumph score, seals, or endgame PVP we strive to attain the highest achievements in game. With strong communication, and a humorous, friendly discord server there’s never a lack of friendly advice, support. If your looking to finish up a triumph or complete a seal from scratch, to as well as providing the support needed for others to succeed is a priority in However, we do enjoy lighthearted joking, and all-around having a good time, while maintaining a focused and goal-oriented mindset. With that in mind, “Do you understand what I am saying? We must master the art of peace in addition to the art of war. We achieve victory by the art of war, victory is won through strategy, strategy is derived from the art of peace. However, if somebody evil threatens you or any other good innocent people with unethical force, it is your duty to defend!” We have a few requirements for joining, but the clan admins are always willing to talk on an individual basis as we are a community of like-minded players above all else. Toxicity and raging out are not tolerated, but friendly boasting and competition are encouraged. If you are interested and feel like we may be the right clan for you, here are a some of the things we look for in applicants. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4871548 Requirements Willingness to join and contribute actively to our clan discord (this is a must, no exceptions). Having purchased the latest Destiny 2 expansion and being endgame ready. Friendly, optimistic attitude towards other players and Destiny’s long-term future. Preferred Experience in Destiny 2 raids, dungeons, or other endgame content, and the willingness to learn from and/or teach others in the community. If you've made it this far, go ahead and message one of us, we will get you into the clan discord and go from there
Hello Guardian! The Wolf Pack Militia is a clan that has existed in destiny since D1. We are currently at 150+ active members based in all time zones. We have experienced raids for people who KWTD but also run teaching raids for completly new players. We help with story missions, dungeons, exotic quests and more! We have no recruiting requirment or activity requirment we only ask that you play when you can. We utilize the Charlemagne bot to for advanced lfg options. We have an extreamly active and helpful discord. You can always find someone to help or play with. We are a group of laid back individuals that just want to enjoy end game content and enjoy a nontoxic welcoming community. I have included a link to our discord. Please join up and @jkmelott and I will get you a bungie invite. https://discord.gg/9UGjGCqX6Q
Edited by × STAR ×: 6/2/2022 10:04:48 AMMy clan opened just before the new season. We are a 18+ lgbtqia and female clan. Everyone is relaxed and chilled, no requirements really except join discord and have fun, mingle with others when you can. We have UK, USA, Europe members in our clan. If your interested give me a message and I send you an invite. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4869513
[quote]I'm looking for a clan to join. something that is 18+, LGBT friendly, laid back, and social type. I just want to relax with a group that is chill and basically here for the game. no politics, no drama, no hate. just a group of people who want to make friends and play the game. I just came back to the game after two years of not playing. just got the sudden urge to come back and shoot stuff up. I've played for about two hours and fell in love with the game again. definitely a game I"ll be playing more often.[/quote] chilled but active clan who don't ask or demand only for those who join, to be active in chat and helpful in game. ★ 21 plus Uk/EU/US ★ All platforms welcomed ★ Supportive and friendly vibes only ★ Discord optional, mic use NOT enforced ★Clan ALWAYS before randoms (lfg) ★Please only join if you intend on being active in chat (bungie App) and helpful in game. You'll get out what you put in. We run all content when we can, but we are also adults with other things to do! Of you seek 12 hour raiding sessions, look elsewhere. 😂 DΛRK ΛGΣD ΛLLIΛNCΣ awaits .... https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4853094[/quote]
Shaved Johnson is a new clan formed by two friends who have been playing together since D1. We have an organised Discord where we communicate and organise activities. All levels of experience are welcome, but if you have pve end game experience, especially raids, it will be highly valued. As a new clan we are looking to grow our numbers and have an active community. If you want to be part of something new, with a chance to shape it’s future then join today. Active and keen members will have a chance of being part of the leadership team as the clan grows. All you need to do is follow the link below to join the clan. A discord link will be provided when you have joined. We are cross play friendly with cross chat voice channels in the discord to party up in if needed. We are looking for players who are active and accept members from any time zone. All we ask for now is that you are 18+, are active in the game and join and participate in the discord. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4822929