Today I received a message offering me a carry service. Is there any way to directly report the account and have the message be acknowledged?
I would really appreciate that.
Edited by ADragonWithin: 5/22/2022 5:48:06 PMPlease report the message you received directly on the platform you received it on. If you received it on Bungie.net, there should be a report button when you select the message that you can use to report the message. Do not report the Profile, as that just reports the profile itself, which would give no context to the reason of the report, unless the profile information (name, description, etc) is against the Code of Conduct.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 5/22/2022 5:56:37 PMSwat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
Mistake! [i]Every day is a school day![/i] Many thanks to the Mentor team for correcting me. -
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