Can't wait for the rework to never touch comp again.
I understand this mode is supposed to be a challenge. I get that, I really do. Here's the thing, bungle--I [i]should not[/i] be matching against a top 0.4% player in survival because our K/Ds are .05/6 away from one another.
I've tried getting to the 5500 in comp, and is utter garbage for the matchmaking. Faced against the guy twice, and I understand why people pay to have this done because it is such a dumb rank economy to win 4 matches and have all of that progress be removed by losing 3.
So yeah, I can't wait for you to "fix" this just like you "fixed" the spawns back in the day breaking them permanently and never adjusting them since. One thing to note, folks, ask yourselves on a molecular level: "Are they [i]really[/i] going to fix it or is it just going to be a husk of an attempt made?".
I am so tired of not getting any progress for my efforts and I am so tired of the bogus matchmaking system you have.
It's at the point where paying for this to be done would actually be more effective than wasting time trying and getting slapped in the face for even having the thought of trying to get better.
Late night, early morning rant of frustration after 0 progress over. Suggestions, offers of hard carries, and unnecessary snarky advice welcome.
Yeah wish I knew a good whooper snapper that could help me get out of mythic. I play solo and the mythic ranks are designed to keep stuck unless you team up
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Okay and you have a 1.29 K/D. You should be going against anyone who has a 1.2-1.4 k/d -
Almost feel sorry for you because its getting late in the season but when you talk about paying for it that goes away.
It's Rank based and sbmm as you guys wanted. The dude reverse boosted👍 Elo wise at least which is what its based on