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5/22/2022 12:10:01 AM

The state of the F2P endgame experiance

The free to play endgame experience is solely confined to iron banner, nightfalls and raids as trials requires the newest season now. Iron banner is getting a rework and as such I won’t mention it and nightfalls have been the same (and some require DLC to do) for a long time but I don’t have the facilities to go in to that topic right now. I want to focus on the free to play raid experience. The raid experience is really lacking compared to what it was prior to season 12. The addition of Vog was awesome and unvaulting prior raid content on a seasonal basis is a step in the right direction. But all I will say is that we had 1 full raid and 2 raid lairs all as free content for f2p players. Right now we only have one and if we only get one unvaulted raid a year with the potential for bungie to vault more content it will have taken 3 years to reach the same quantity of free to play raid content as what was available before season 12 and there’s no guarantee we’ll keep what we already have. They should just give us the leviathan back at this point. At least the loot was some of the prettiest we’ve ever gotten. I understand bungie has fear of making the game too large but just adding the raid as a free to play experience in the legends tab with the same gear not level capped or even potentially with random rolls on the weapons would not do as much harm as people think. Likewise this fear of a large game is really from bungie’s side as they have not heard any confirmation people would still play if the game was larger in size. Personally I’d be happy to give the game more storage for a better experience; considering the game has mountains of content vaulted/available to be ported over from D1. Likewise other top game titles have 100+ Gigabyte storage requirements and they still have plenty of players. Look at call of duty for example. In the case of adding the leviathan specifically back bungie already has the raid made, it already works in the D2 engine and they reprise old weapons with new perks on a seasonal basis so It can’t be that much of a hassle to do (and that’s even if they chose to do it). Disclaimer before people start complaining I am a F2P player being greedy or that I want more from bungie without paying. I’ve bought every season and expansion this games put out. I’m not whinging that we need more free stuff for the sake of it. The F2P experience is generally just totally lacking in comparison to what it was prior to year 4. It seriously would not hurt to make the game slightly larger and add another free raid to the legends tab. I’m not hating on bungie either. They’re doing an excellent job with the current content and year 5 is looking to be a whole lot of fun.

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  • Only the core game is ftp. Destiny isn’t Warframe. If it were the MTXs would be 50x more aggressive than they are.

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  • F2P shouldn't exist

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    10 Replies
    • Dude, paragraphs. … Please use them more liberally. Prior to year 4 the entire base game of D2 went F2P. Since then steadily but surely stuff gets put in the content vault. Right before it does it goes F2P for a bit, but there’s never the entirety of a base game ever F2P at any one time again. F2P does keep the player base higher in certain activities but there will always need to be reason to encourage people to buy expansion content. I’d love for the game to have more original content in general. But I struggle a bit to say that it needs to be made available to F2P players. I won’t mind if it does, but I won’t lose sleep over it if they just make seasonal pass content, Dungeon packs, and expansions just generally beefier in their content offerings for paying customers. People paying for content should get priority over those who provide very little to the development cost. F2P players are population padding, and with cross play they may be padding that’s not all that necessary any more.

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    • Unfortunately, this isn't a F2P game unlike how it's advertised. It is is demo of the game. F2P shouldn't exist for a game like Destiny.

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    • cuz is not really a f2p is more a f2t, and is perfect how it is now , another free raid is coming in season 19

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      7 Replies
      • Pay to play or just go away please.

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        4 Replies
        • I have 2 paid accounts with every expansion and one F2P account. The F2P experience is trash.

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          82 Replies
          • F2P is meant to be Lack luster in a Pay to Play Game. You get a Taste, if you like, Pay Up. If you don't, then you can move on. Less Free 2 Play....the better.

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            9 Replies
            • Honestly shouldn't have went F2P, especially for endgame. I don't even play or care for Bungie and I don't agree with this. Just as one would have to play the whole game to get the full benefit, you would also have to pay in full for said experience.

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              17 Replies
              • Thats because F2P is like a demo for the real game. You are already getting much more than real demo's.

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                7 Replies
                • Destiny isn't really a game for new players to join. The New Light campaign tells you basic stuff like how to get bounties but the story from each expansion relies heavily on references you just can't understand as a new player. Like Savathun not having her memories, how is a new player to know that when a ghost revives you, you lose your memories. Or all the talk about Gual and what he did and Savathun being Osiris, who is Osiris anyways? It's a game/story you can only really understand if you are a veteran player. Free 2 Play has alot to offer to test out the game and see if you like it. But from new players all I hear from them is "the game is too confusing". Which it can be with Ascendant Shards, Enhancement Cores, Mods, CHAMPION MODS LIKE WTF? I played with a guy last night who played for a month, bought all the DLCs, and quit playing cause as a solo player the game itself was way too confusing.

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                • 1
                  A Patrolling Guardian
                  A Patrolling Guardian

                  See you, Space Cowboy. - old

                  That's kind of the point though; Destiny 2 really isn't "Free to Play", it's "Free to Try". Give players [i]just a taste[/i], and get them to buy content. Get owned in Crucible by Trials weapons or Adept Nightfall guns, you start thinking "hey, I need to get that content so I too can get that gun". Or, that's what I guess some exec at Bungie thinks a free player will think.

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                • The amount of people commenting before they even read is quite alarming. I own every piece of content bungie has put out. I’ve paid for everything and bought DLC’s on multiple systems.. I don’t want something for nothing out of bungie I just don’t see why they can’t add back another free raid that was already in the game beforehand in to the legends tab to bring the amount of free raid content closer in line with what was available prior to season 12. Lastly. We don’t even know if the next unvaulted raid will be free; bungie could always say you have to own the season pass or witch queen to do the raid. Hence why adding back content that was free and you physically cannot pay for anymore is literally the easiest move to remedy this.

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                • its free bc theres not much in it. buy witch queen

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                  1 Reply
                  • Edited by DarkStar_Yakuza: 5/22/2022 4:47:17 PM
                    I didn't top up PS+ this month, so I couldn't participate in GG even though it's supposed to be a free event lol Edit: Everything required PS+

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                  • it is FREE

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                    7 Replies
                    • Not reading that nonsense. PSA: in the adult world you must purchase the license to play the content you want.

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                      3 Replies
                      • *cough* and Events like Guardian Games.

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                        5 Replies
                        • wow

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