[spoiler]Petition: Suicide is not an option[/spoiler]
I have experienced and been disturbed several times: PvP players jump into the abyss because the opponents are hopelessly superior. I think that in PvP we should agree that the serious topic of "suicide" should not be an option, and the Crucible should not promote suicide in this respect.
Therefore, I would like to ask if you Bungie, could introduce a new mechanic that ensures that a player who jumps into the abyss, re-spawns - instead of dying. In the "Survival" playlist, no life would be deducted, but instead you would be sent back to the spawn point instantly
Wrong forum
If you’re triggered by stuff like this, play a different game. How is suicide SOOO horrible in a game (when suicide doesn’t exist when you can respawn) but murder (shooting endless droves of aliens) isn’t. You pretend suicide matters because it’s in real life, when murdering apparently isn’t? Am I missing the point or are you making a statement people shouldn’t kill themself in a game because it’s just not promoting good game design?
Bruh, it’s a game. And why is this in the Lore forum?
In this case I’d also ask bungie to stop letting us kill other pixelated guardians. People know what they’re signing up for and video games have been letting you die by falling off the level since Super Mario.
There was a time in would chalk this up as some lame form of satire, but these days......
Between the lines, this 100% reads as you being mad you can't inflate your stats against weaker opponents who decide to jump off the map It's not cute lol
I mean yeah but like It’s a video game? And what about the accidental deaths? And Bungie has mental health resources for players and employees already.. Your heart is in the right place, but this isn’t as big of a problem as toxicity and literally telling people to kill themselves in game chat is.. I feel like that should be addressed first. My support goes out to you though:) Much love, Storm<3
Edited by Mij Aayhan: 5/22/2022 10:46:33 PM[quote] [spoiler] Request: Murder is not an option [/spoiler] Often seen and disappointed: PvP players jump deeper as their opponents improve. It must be acknowledged that the importance of "murder" should not be an option in PvP, and that the Crucible should not promote assassination in this way. So I want to ask you if you are vegan(Bungie?) or not? Instead of dying, can you suggest a new mechanism that can jump to the depths and resurrect players? In the "Survival" list, life is not translated but immediately returned to where you were born. [/quote]
Shut up meg..
You have not only wasted your own time creating this cesspool of nonsense, but my time for clicking on it thinking you were going to talk about a real issue. Please never post again
While we're at it, you can no longer purposely wipe in PvE either. You must wait until that one Dreg finally pokes you enough with his butterknife or has an accuracy good enough to shoot you to death. If you're in a raid, jumping off the map just teleports you next to the flag because it gives Atheon PTSD. /s
Edited by MelonHead_Jr: 5/22/2022 10:33:06 PMMade this post cuz you want people to stop jumping off the map so you can’t get a kill. You sound like your serious talking about suicide but are ok with the murder in the game? Didn’t think it through did you. If you do report me what are you gonna report me for?
Meh i dont really care..
naww lmfao. it ain't that deep
What has this got to do with destiny am I missing something?
You haven't really thought it through.....have you...
"Fight Gurdins!" -Shaax probably.
You just want to farm people.
I’ll just kill myself whenever the enemy is about to kill me. That way I don’t get penalized. Great idea! /s
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
No they shouldn’t be punished for it nor is this a good idea. It ends the match faster and let’s everyone who isn’t having fun move on. -
That's a door that swings both ways. Because the only way to keep players from intentionally dying from jumping off the map, you have to not allow them to die accidentally from FALLING off the map. Careful what you wish for. But jumping off the map is often a smart play because it denies your opponent the rewards of the kill given how many snowball mechanics are built into this game's PVP. I see it as no different than watching an offensive football player run out of bound rather than allowing themselves to be tackled. Because it stops the clock and gives their team additional plays. Just smart strategy.
Oh boy the problems that would cause There’s really no problem If you do any amount of damage the kill goes to you
What symbolism are you referring to? Sounds like you made it up by over thinking.
Or a better idea, just make it an arena. There no jumping off points.
I swear posts on these furums get worse and more braindead everyday.
Yeah no. Then players will jump off the ledge when they are losing an encounter only to re-spawn at another location with full health.