Everybody has so many AMAZING emotes but we can only use 4 at a time :sob:
[b]please bungie please[/b]
Who else agrees that we need an emote wheel like in FORTNITE
I'm good. 4 is fine for me.
Knowing Bungie they would probably have to remove Nessus to do it.
Hell no.
That would probably break the game.
I prefer not to have an emote wheel , I dont want to have to cipher through a hundred emotes at the end of a crucible Match
A studio of 900+ can’t manage to add an emote wheel Paladins a game studio with like 30 ppl has an emote wheel… Bungie is so fking lazy and cheap… Xbox didn’t want to buy them for the price Sony did…. Great move Xbox
I remember when curse of osiris launched and when I first booted the game I got told not once but twice about the new emote wheel, it was the thing they were the most proud with that dlc😂 for an obviously good reason
For sure because it’ll free up 3 other buttons on a roller
Would be good for emotes, but honestly I’d like to see it happen just so it would free up 3 more buttons to use for something else.
Edited by Scratch: 5/19/2022 6:32:20 AMEmote wheels with +8 options have always been too touchy for me. How bout this? Right now we press a direction on the D-pad to do 1 of 4 emotes. What if it were changed to holding a direction plus pressing a button? Hold Up on Dpad + A, B, X, or Y(4) Hold Right + A, B, X, or Y (4) Hold Left + A, B, X, or Y. (4) Hold Down + A, B, X or Y. (4) For a total of 16 Also Tap Up, Down, Left, or Right will quickly give you a random one of the four from that group. You could set UP for four different greeting emotes Set Left for 4 dances Set Right for 4 silly ones And Down for 4 Sit/chill ones. Or Taunts or whatever groups you like
Edited by DamStraight99: 5/19/2022 5:56:40 PMBump x100000 It’s why I don’t care as much about emotes and only have a few I’ve actually cared enough to buy because I can only have immediate access to 4 at a time. Seems lame when there’s so many and could be cool to have a wider range of stuff to express at will
Agree. Also sick of having tons of cool ships and sparrows but not being able to use them all conveniently whenever I want. It's friggin 2022 Bungie....come on.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I was with you until [b][i]FORTNITE.[/i][/b] Science bless you. -
i'd love this but, its way down on the list.
Are you sure you really want them doing that? Seeing how they constantly mess things up when they create new things the majority of the time that the community asks for? I'm surprised some of your players keep asking them to add new things...
My cry emote is perfect when you're ghost is floating in pvp. No need to play them all.
Why do people think this is the correct way to ask for something?
Or spend your time sorting out important things in the game instead
Another thing I'd like to see is a way to 'store' emotes that I know I'll never use(like the way we can store finnishers) There quite a few emotes that I really really like, but finding them and equipping them quickly before the moments gone in the sea of one's I'll never use is difficult.