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5/16/2022 7:42:16 PM

PvP for lesser skilled players like me lol!

Plz don't bash me for saying this. My PvP skills suck and I know it and I'm sorry, if any of you got matched with me lately. Due to some weps and things needing to be used in PvP type game play for like catalyst or whatever. I'm not sure how to say or out it, but played that don't take part in PvP much or at all, have other ways in maybe PvE that some catalyst can be achieved. Special weps that requires say raids or GM can be set for whatever, but like common or easier exotics set for grinding or a -blam!- ton of mins killed. If the wep kills fast like the Heir Apparent, then jack up the mob count. I'm trying to do the Hand Cannon that I have to use in PvP and it makes me just want to quit the game. There are personal issues that hinder me and it's not an excuse to do it this way, but it's very hard and frustrating for me. I only speak for myself here. Just asking and I'm sure I'll get blasted by someone for posting this. No I don't want everything in game easy, for the items I do have and paid for, I earned them, but if there is something, that affects others in if I am part of it, should not suffer. Me on your team, well just say that, I won't be to much help in PvP.

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  • Longer ability regeneration and special ammo nerf would improve the balance in PvP.

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  • Edited by CrisisQuaid: 5/17/2022 2:45:11 AM
    U want a flawless carry?

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    • [quote]Plz don't bash me for saying this. My PvP skills suck and I know it and I'm sorry, if any of you got matched with me lately. Due to some weps and things needing to be used in PvP type game play for like catalyst or whatever. I'm not sure how to say or out it, but played that don't take part in PvP much or at all, have other ways in maybe PvE that some catalyst can be achieved. Special weps that requires say raids or GM can be set for whatever, but like common or easier exotics set for grinding or a -blam!- ton of mins killed. If the wep kills fast like the Heir Apparent, then jack up the mob count. I'm trying to do the Hand Cannon that I have to use in PvP and it makes me just want to quit the game. There are personal issues that hinder me and it's not an excuse to do it this way, but it's very hard and frustrating for me. I only speak for myself here. Just asking and I'm sure I'll get blasted by someone for posting this. No I don't want everything in game easy, for the items I do have and paid for, I earned them, but if there is something, that affects others in if I am part of it, should not suffer. Me on your team, well just say that, I won't be to much help in PvP.[/quote] Just play Splitgate at this point. It’s new, booming, and heavily backed throwing money to a brand new matchmaking system. I mean the one they have is great but the community wanted better for their experience. And what happened??? Let’s go 1047 games!!!

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      2 Replies
      • Destiny PvP is a joke. Play it for fun and don't mind the people who take it seriously. They would play an actual PvP game if they were serious.

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        • Its quick play it’s meant to be fun and for trying to get better and not that many people take it seriously

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        • You are NOT at fault. It's Bungie's fault for not having sbmm as an option in all game modes. The perfect design would be for every mode to have freelance sbmm so that Solos could match properly and team que with no sbmm so friends of different skills could play together properly. The current system is inane.

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        • We just don’t have qualified people running and managing the mode. PvP has been bad and is getting progressively worse. PvP is a direct reflection of the group that supports it.

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          • What makes me truly sad is how scared you had to be to post this. Everyone paid for the game and everyone should be able to enjoy it, adept weps sure but i don't think people should be forced into pvp or pve for catalyst, play your way eh bungie? When's that coming?

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            4 Replies
            • Don’t be sorry man, it’s a game and if you enjoy yourself you don’t owe anybody a sorry.

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              3 Replies
              • Radar camp lanes with fusion rifles. When your radar has red, crouch and wait for your opponent to get closer before you start your fusion rifle charge This community believes fusion rifles require a high level of skill Yes that’s how stupid pvp is

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              • Edited by TheOtherGuy: 5/17/2022 7:34:00 PM
                You mean SBMM, the only way for fair matchmaking? Yeah, we had that, but sweatys and streamers, werent happy about that, because suddenly THEY HAD TO GET GOOD. And we cant let that happen.

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                • [quote]I'm trying to do the Hand Cannon that I have to use in PvP and it makes me just want to quit the game. There are personal issues that hinder me and it's not an excuse to do it this way, but it's very hard and frustrating for me. I only speak for myself here.[/quote] No...these are GAME DESIGN issues...and its why this game's PVP experience is below industry standard....and why the game is bleeding away its player base. A WELL-DESIGNED PVP game will have a space for new players and lower-skilled players to enjoy the game. Otherwise the game gets to a point where it can't replace the players that it loses to attrition. This is where Crucible is right now, and why you are having so little fun playing. The game was set up to prioritize the enjoyment of a small number of highly skilled players and streamers, at the expense of everyone else. So new players and lower-skilled players like yourself got tossed in with these players and got ran through and stat-farmed. So that they enjoyed playing....and you were told to basically "Shut up and Get Good." The problem is that the majority of this game's player base are actually people from RPG backgrounds. So they are not used to be treated in this way, and they simply aren't going to tolerate it. Therefore what has happened over the last three years, is that more and more of these average players have simply stopped playing this game's PVP. Or have abandoned the Crucible and Destiny to play other PVP games. So the level of skill in the Crucible keeps going up....and the experience for new and low-to--average skilled players keeps getting worse and worse. The result being that the game is not only failing to grow....its failing to replace the players that its losing. But Bungie either doesn't understand----or lacks the resolve----to do what is needed in order to salvage the game's PVP. Which is slowly withering away and dying.

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                  33 Replies
                  • I gave up on any catalyst that requires PVP, it was not worth the aggravation.

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                  • 20
                    Anyone that makes fun of you for being bad at PVP in Destiny, or any other [i]video game[/i], is a loser. Period.

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                    5 Replies
                    • Yet another REDACTED that still don't understand that there better player that himself but still in deny but wish to be match against lower skill that him. It pvp expect to lose against better player redacted.

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                      4 Replies
                      • If you aren’t very skilled in pvp, use jotuun, or lord of wolves. Just pull the trigger and let it do the work for you. Not even kidding…. I used to play destiny like every day. But recently it’s been every other week and I’ve gotten so rusty, eventually I tried jotuun in crucible after like a billion defeats, and it worked, (pretty much cheating when used)

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                        8 Replies
                        • What's a lesser skill? -blam!- should Bungie measure that?

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                        • Edited by Guardian6114: 5/19/2022 3:00:26 AM
                          Honnestly at this point i cant see bungie using these quests as a push for people to try pvp so they might find that they enjoy it. Im pretty sure they are just trying to feed the sweats some easy kills so they dont get tilted playing against other sweats and go to a more populated game. I doubt this will change anytime soon man, dont beat yourself up over it just play a game or 2 a day and you will get it evemtually.

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                        • I don't go anywhere near Crucible! I get great satisfaction to "telling" Bungie to shove it sideways. If you want me to play Crucible, to entertain others, PAY ME!

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                        • It would be populated by hard core sweats who feed upon less experienced players like whales feed upon plankton. Seems like if your the plankton, best to stay away from PvP. It's a game mode that causes mental health issues anyway, according to studies that show it leads to increased aggressive behavior.

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                        • That witherhoard quest was awful. Like 200 crucible kills with GL, and like 300 activity matches. I was so excited when I finished it and then I found out that was just to unlock the catalyst not finish it.

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                        • Let me just ask a question for consistency: do you also think every weapon or catalyst should have a pvp only method of obtaining? Should I be able to get the new exotic armor each season from a lighthouse chest rather than going into a lost sector? Should I be able to get a raid exotic from Pvp? If you think so, then I'd say that while I disagree with your main post, I have to respect your opinion and your consistency. If you DON'T think so, then what's the difference?

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                        • Don’t feel bad. The time I load up pvp is to complete bounties. And my KD goes straight to hell when I force myself to get 3 melee kills or nade kills It’s all about the challenges

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                        • Started a new topic: This why I made this topic! 2nd time trying PvP! :)

                        • Im not that good in pvp butt i enjoy it. Not sure why everyone blames tge game for not them not being good. Its a game. Learn how to play or uninstall. Simple. Trials is my fav game mode. I hate pve but i learn to play

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                        • You gotta be garbage before you can be good. Everyone goes through it the key is just keep practicing and don't take it too serious, the less serious you take it the more fun it is. Practice makes perfect.

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