When you are playing a game and you have NPC allies, do you try to keep them alive?
I myself have always tried my best to help them/protect them. I've even gone so far as to revert to previous checkpoints to save them.
How about you?
Edited by Styxx: 5/15/2022 2:29:35 PMI killed the father in castle mourne in Elden ring after I delivered his daughter’s letter and returned to find her dead while he was weeping near her corpse… I tried to inspect body but nothing worked and i tbh thought he went nuts and killed her so I ended him. My brother told me the bird goblins killed her and he swore to fight till he died, I just missed the dialogue. I got an Ax and felt awful… I ended up going back to the castle to kill every creature. I also did the same thing with that black knight in Demon souls in the Prison of hope (second checkpoint) I got some sick armor but I felt [b]AWFUL[/b] I think I’m going to hell now…