When you are playing a game and you have NPC allies, do you try to keep them alive?
I myself have always tried my best to help them/protect them. I've even gone so far as to revert to previous checkpoints to save them.
How about you?
Can't even kill Patches no matter how badly I want his armor.
If it's Skyrim's Serana, then I guard her with all my life. Anything else is a meh
I play terraria and I [i][b]really[/b][/i] need my NPCs [spoiler]Nurse op[/spoiler]
Always. I even give them the best weapons. Here’s me and my Halo posse on a typical stroll: https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/pvalue2010/video/a1f346a2-bdcb-4903-b3e9-062bab6e67c7/dd0957c4-a13f-4c51-8c32-237daca5b3340
Aside from Captain Keyes, I usually very much want to save NPCs.
Edited by Styxx: 5/15/2022 2:29:35 PMI killed the father in castle mourne in Elden ring after I delivered his daughter’s letter and returned to find her dead while he was weeping near her corpse… I tried to inspect body but nothing worked and i tbh thought he went nuts and killed her so I ended him. My brother told me the bird goblins killed her and he swore to fight till he died, I just missed the dialogue. I got an Ax and felt awful… I ended up going back to the castle to kill every creature. I also did the same thing with that black knight in Demon souls in the Prison of hope (second checkpoint) I got some sick armor but I felt [b]AWFUL[/b] I think I’m going to hell now…
The fact the Devil ending with Goro was the only hidden path in the game made me anniyed and that was the only time I save scummed to save him.
It depends on the NPC and/or the circumstance.
The invincible NPCs in shooter campaigns I just shoot. But in FromSoft games I keep them alive cause they have some sort of impact on the game in the long run. Actually, no, I plan to kill some on a separate run.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 5/14/2022 6:02:27 AMFemale NPCs definitely Im my hundreds of playthroughs of Mass Effect Kaiden has never made it off Vermire once, even though I think Ashley is a racist with a toxic attitude I will save Garrus, but only so he can look after Tali after I become a Reaper god(not that Tali needs anyone to look after her)
Edited by High Charity: 5/13/2022 4:10:39 AMDepends Nazeem usually has an accident within 10 minutes of my arriving to Whiterun
Edited by Tilman G: 5/13/2022 6:29:27 PMI try my best, but generally I view a lot of deaths as inevitable. Once in halo 2, Legendary on High charity. A marine somehow survived through three quarters of the level without my assistance. I decided that he gets to survive the rest of the level and started to revert checkpoints, giving him my best weapons, etc.
Depends on the NPC, I may try and save them, or end them on the spot (looking at you Lautrec)
I like to keep character relationships intact. Plus if you kill generally anyone who ain’t an enemy in a Bethesda game, you’ve rendered the story useless…
depends on the npc for example i just slaughtered the son of the count of one of the cities when i was supposed to rescue him from an oblivion gate because he was annoying me
No one has to die. Those poisoned people may not have counted to Dishonoured's no kill run but I see it as they died because of me.
I won’t usually revert an old save, but I’ll generally try my best to keep them alive.
Only if there is a benefit or achievement in doing so.
Depends on what I get out of the deal
No, I let the game decide their fate!
Depends on whether or not I know or like them. If not, meh...If so, I'd go to lengths to save them. I'm that weirdo in Skyrim who's a wanted convict on the run and a vampire but always gives a penny to the old homeless guy every time I'm in Riften.
Edited by One Shot Ted: 5/12/2022 12:38:15 AMIt depends on if said NPC is an -blam!-hole.
Only in games like Halo, where they seem like they would die if you breathe wrong (or swerve a warthog too hard). Otherwise, they may all burn for all Panzer cares.
100% will revert
Depends how useful they are. If I don’t need them or they just get annoying then I will go out of my way to let them die. But if they can tank stuff while I hide and heal myself then I’ll save them as much as possible and kit them out with all the best items if I can.
feel bad if i didnt