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4/28/2022 6:44:55 AM


I'm seriously beyond raving mad over this. It is so beyond frustrating having to just grind and grind to get just anything to drop!? WTH!! Anyone else have this??

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  • Feature, not bug. You kept on running that wheel, and so Bungie wins.

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  • Edited by Mister Wrecked: 4/28/2022 8:32:17 PM
    My record is 26 back to back runs without any kind of drop. It's just RNG.

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    • The rng needs reworked, I have done 25 Master lost sectors and have got 19 exotic drops. Some I died in and some I ran over the 15 minutes but still got exotics.

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    • its a 25% chance unfortunately, so there is always a chance to get no loot

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    • Warlock on Bay of drowned wishes: 19 runs (9 legend and 10 master) to try for the new boots. 5 runs for nothing. 7 for blues. 6 for cores. “Lucky” 19th run on master was the Secant Filaments boots. Hunter on Chamber of Starlight: 11 runs (10 legend and 1 master) for two gauntlets. 4 runs nothing. 1 run Athry’s Embrace. 5 runs was mix of blues and cores. Last run was Renewal Grasps. Titan for the Hoarfrost-Z. Did 3 runs on K1 Revelation and got no reward. Gave up and waited for next lost sector. On first run of Spelucher Legend I got the Hoarfrost-Z. So very unlucky to lucky is how the RNG for lost sectors can be for me.

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    • See this is why I wanted to make a post about it. I KNOW that I didn't have it as bad as others (cause I truly don't play Destiny a ton). But that is the POINT! Even a blue drop is better than nothing and public events at least guarantee you that. I'm not saying I need cores, prisms, etc for every completed run; but as a WHOLE the RNG there needs to be tuned because you are completing a higher difficulty task. Again, even getting a blue drop is better than nothing. And again, I can average 7-8 minutes for a lost sector, and a public event I can do in like 3 minutes. Which one SHOULD have the better more consistent rewards?? Just trying to get this point highlighted by enough players so maybe bungo gets a wind of it. Right?

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    • [quote]I'm seriously beyond raving mad over this. It is so beyond frustrating having to just grind and grind to get just anything to drop!? WTH!! Anyone else have this??[/quote] I find if my time is bad and I've ran it 10+ times i start getting no loot

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    • [quote]I'm seriously beyond raving mad over this. It is so beyond frustrating having to just grind and grind to get just anything to drop!? WTH!! Anyone else have this??[/quote] Two lost sectors takes between 4 and 10 minutes to do…

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    • You probably got glimmer and was at the max.

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    • Turn the console off at the socket. Leave for 10 minutes. Turn it back on. Thank me later.

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    • You’re going to need to adjust your expectations. 2 times is nothing. It doesn’t even start to bother me until about 5-6 runs. After 10 I’m kinda cranky. After 15 I’m like F’ this.

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      Calm down, 2x lost sector is NOTHING, so far I still keep the record of 42x legendary LS in a roll with ZERO drop in Destiny 2 history.

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    • You think twice is "grinding"? That's not even a warm up session.

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      I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old

      Awww that’s cute <3. Twice…try doing it over and over for 5 hours and getting literally no drops

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      • It's called rng.... You are not guaranteed anything in a lot of the easy content within this game. Only guaranteed drops are stuff like gms/raids/trials/dungeons. Even then it's rng what you get and what rolls you get. This whole game is based around rng, so complaining about not getting anything after running an easy lost sector twice is pointless.

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        • It's called rng.... You are not guaranteed anything in a lot of the easy content within this game. Only guaranteed drops are stuff like gms/raids/trials/dungeons. Even then it's rng what you get and what rolls you get. This whole game is based around rng, so complaining about not getting anything after running an easy lost sector twice is pointless.

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