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Edited by lvl.99_Warlock: 4/24/2022 3:55:57 PM

Void 3.0. What about Blink?

Bungie, I feel like, with all the Void 3.0 retuning, blink, being locked to the void class deserved a re-view. Long ago, when we were all enjoying D2 on consoles with controllers, i think even before the go fast update, is when blink was looked at, and nerfed. At that time, it was determined it was too hard to hit and too hard to see. And penalties are applied for PvP & PvE. The user looses radar, handling and there is a cooldown on the use of the movement. Additionally, blink was visually changed to make it easier to see & easier to see what direction the user went. Also, it was made easier to hit. As in a more generous hitbox. All of this is good. But now that D2 is on PC and Next Gen. Is there a way to at least let it have the same aim assist breaking equal to dodge? Isn't it a 'dodge' for PvP? And why the penalties at all? Even in PvE? Why limit the movement in PvE? Its a vanilla warlock skill like the hunter triple jump. Can it be made more viable and useful for high end PvE? Blink..Its the most mage like thing that a warlock player can do. Other than that, I feel like im a titan with a rift instead of barricade, shooting guns and throwing grenades for 99% of the gameplay loop. Other than a super, 1%. No magic mines. No curse touch. No shock spikes. No truesight. No shadow binding. No warp bullets. No charming. No invisibility. No flying. No levitation. No fire spitting. No xenomorph acid spitting. No great fireball. No thunderbolt. No shockwave. No after-image illusions. No solar flare blinding. No stalactite dropping. No stalagmite booping. No portal warping. No projectile freezing. No grenade catching and devouring.. .. I think Warlock gameplay could and should be (I'll take the job) more than shooting guns and throwing grenades. Because all a warlock can bring to the table is the same weapons and grenades the hunter and titan brought, we are stuck on middle tree solar for all tough, co-op needed, end game PvE content. I love it, but can I have an adventure where I can take my voidwalking, blinking warlock through Vow of the Disciple raid and challenge the boss like that? Void 3.0 is already here. Thank you for reading.

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  • Edited by Spawn Of Apathy: 4/25/2022 3:37:48 PM
    Do you think Hunters should get Invis on all subclasses? Do you think Titans should get an overshield from their barricade with every subclass? Some things can stay subclass exclusive. Subclasses shouldn’t be so interchangeable that they’re little more than color selection.

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    2 Replies
    • Could bring it to classes in arc 3.o

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    • Blink is a stock movement mode tied to the void class. Are we void blinking? It has a cooldown, use limit and penalties. Theres void invisibility and void overshields. Bungie, Why not make void blinking a thing. For example: After moving through the void with blink, you gain +5 mobility, +5 recovery and +5 Intelligence for (?) amount of time.

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    • Blink has a fairly high skill ceiling, but it asks a lot for you to effectively build into it, so it’s not very accessible to a lot of players. My biggest issue with it is that when you Blink, that streak that the enemy player sees, is your hit box. So even though your character model is not in that space where the streak is, you still take full damage. I agree with one of your points but I would modify it a bit: If they remove aim assist for the enemy player when you Blink, the streak should still be able to take damage (maybe give the SLIGHTEST bit of damage resistance during blink). If Blink continues to be as it is and doesn’t remove aim assist, that streak should not take damage during Blink at all.

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      1 Reply
      • The only viable way to use Blink is with Astrocyte. If you don't use that exotic helm, you might as well not use Blink. It fixes about 99% of all the issues people have with blink. Well.... Except the dumbness that Blink extends your characters hitbox so you can technically blink over someone and they can still kill you by shooting where you used to be.

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        2 Replies
        • I would say remove the D1 blink changes but I dont want someone to blink for me to get chaperoned in the head.

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          4 Replies
          • I swear they actually nerfed it. Was using it routinely before witchqueen and it was just fine. Tried after 3.0 and its so sluggish its unusable.

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            • Edited by Nova: 4/25/2022 12:18:40 AM
              Yeah, buff blink and we have D1 yr1 all over again. Bungie just nerfed shotgun apes, why are you trying to give them more tools?

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              2 Replies
              • [quote]Bungie, I feel like, with all the Void 3.0 retuning, blink, being locked to the void class deserved a re-view. Long ago, when we were all enjoying D2 on consoles with controllers, i think even before the go fast update, is when blink was looked at, and nerfed. At that time, it was determined it was too hard to hit and too hard to see. And penalties are applied for PvP & PvE. The user looses radar, handling and there is a cooldown on the use of the movement. Additionally, blink was visually changed to make it easier to see & easier to see what direction the user went. Also, it was made easier to hit. As in a more generous hitbox. All of this is good. But now that D2 is on PC and Next Gen. Is there a way to at least let it have the same aim assist breaking equal to dodge? Isn't it a 'dodge' for PvP? And why the penalties at all? Even in PvE? Why limit the movement in PvE? Its a vanilla warlock skill like the hunter triple jump. Can it be made more viable and useful for high end PvE? Blink..Its the most mage like thing that a warlock player can do. Other than that, I feel like im a titan with a rift instead of barricade, shooting guns and throwing grenades for 99% of the gameplay loop. Other than a super, 1%. No magic mines. No curse touch. No shock spikes. No truesight. No shadow binding. No warp bullets. No charming. No invisibility. No flying. No levitation. No fire spitting. No xenomorph acid spitting. No great fireball. No thunderbolt. No shockwave. No after-image illusions. No solar flare blinding. No stalactite dropping. No stalagmite booping. No portal warping. No projectile freezing. No grenade catching and devouring.. .. I think Warlock gameplay could and should be (I'll take the job) more than shooting guns and throwing grenades. Because all a warlock can bring to the table is the same weapons and grenades the hunter and titan brought, we are stuck on middle tree solar for all tough, co-op needed, end game PvE content. I love it, but can I have an adventure where I can take my voidwalking, blinking warlock through Vow of the Disciple raid and challenge the boss like that? Void 3.0 is already here. Thank you for reading.[/quote] Hunters want our blink back

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                2 Replies
                • This will fall upon deaf ears because it's warlock related. Example..astrosyte verse exotic still won't allow to instantly go into slide after hitting the ground after blinking....still..I'm pretty sure warlocks will be seeing the content vault sooner than later 😆

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                  • We got the kaleidoscope galaxy helmet for that

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                  • Only for Warlocks.

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                  • One of Blink's biggest problems is how much influence your camera has on the direction of your movement. If you want to get a jump with maximum height, you have to look up; no other jump ability behaves this way. You have to completely break whatever you are doing in order to get a decent jump off. In Crucible, this means you have to reacquire your target after using Blink, effectively removing any advantage you might have had from either surprise or positioning. In PvE, it is just awkward to use, as you can't seamlessly go between shooting and moving, you have to lurch between them. I don't think this is really something that can be changed, though, as it is simply how the ability functions and can't exactly be buffed or nerfed. I'd love to see an Exotic or ability that allows the Dark Blink from Nova Warp to be used outside of the super; the added short-distance horizontal manoeuvrability could be a game-changer for it.

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                  • 1

                    I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old

                    The day hunters get given blink is the single day I drop destiny forever. I am not dealing with blink shotgunning hunters in crucible.

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                    17 Replies
                    • Here's to hoping arc 3.0 in 2 seasons adds blink for hunters and warlocks.

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                      53 Replies
                      • Sword blinking is kinda cool in pve

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                      • Blink is probably gonna return on the arc subclass, maybe even on hunter, so hopefully its gonna get addressed soon.

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                      • Edited by KidSixXx: 4/25/2022 2:21:59 PM
                        Bungo, if you are not going to fix the crappy distance and hang time for Hunter jumps then give Blink back to Arc Hunters. Why did Bungo make Stompees? Because Hunter jumps were created with inferior platform ability baked in.

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                      • Blink is annoying

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                      • Edited by Zer0Warri0r: 4/25/2022 1:55:30 PM
                        Blink can be very strong borderline OP even with all its restrictions right now. You just need to put in the time to get good with it. People have proven how strong it can be it doesnt need any buff lest it be made too good for the average player and get promptly nerfed into a worse state than now. You love blink? Go get good with it and be one of very few who make it OP and thus Bungie cant justify a nerf bc the stats dont show a high usage of the ability.

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                      • Blink should be available to all Warlock subclasses. And don't use blink at rhulk!

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                        3 Replies
                        • I hate the sprint lock built into blink

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                          • I remember blink in the beta allowed you to glide after bliking. Was so damn good Idk why they remobed it before the release tough

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                          • Nah if anything remove it amd give Warlocks og burst glide 2.0 x6

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                          • Pve and pvp are being balanced separately. This should be one of them. Oh yeah and I’m pretty sure the blink exotic for warlock doesn’t actually do anything

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                            2 Replies
                            • There is a decent chance it will be back for at least hunters and warlocks for arc 3.0

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