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4/17/2022 8:26:29 AM

Would you support QOL update: poll

Yes, it’s a good compromise


No, I’d rather have new content


If the dev team took off one season to work on a quality of life update instead of an update that would drop new content, would you support it? Im talking about things like addressing some of those smaller (often also bigger) problems that when accumulated, have made our experience and enjoyment of the game deteriorate. Vault space (they have stated it’s one of the technically harder issues for them to repair), champion health bar glitches, champion stun glitches, enemy one-shot on normal content glitches, material caps, and other similar types of issues that bc they’re small, the focus still falls on the upcoming seasonal/expansion drop, would you be down? It means sacrificing receiving new content for a while, so the developing focus truly invests in just these fixes.
#destiny2 #Pol #qol

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  • Edited by Supernuke17: 4/17/2022 10:25:12 AM
    I personally don't see an issue with vault space (sue me), or champion health, but I do find some updates of old exotics (most of the ones from Red War) being something nice to see. As for maps, it's cool to see they brought Eternity back; but I really don't see Cauldron, Exodus Blue, or Dead Cliffs working out nowadays. That and the Matt cap is something else I can see as an issue, namely golf balls and enhancement prisms.

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    1 Reply
    • Yes, but I mean, they one of if not the biggest independent studio in the world. We shouldn't have to choose and get both imo.

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    • Edited by Necrogen: 4/17/2022 12:05:30 PM
      [quote]If the dev team took off one season to work on a quality of life update instead of an update that would drop new content, would you support it? Im talking about things like addressing some of those smaller (often also bigger) problems that when accumulated, have made our experience and enjoyment of the game deteriorate. Vault space (they have stated it’s one of the technically harder issues for them to repair), champion health bar glitches, champion stun glitches, enemy one-shot on normal content glitches, material caps, and other similar types of issues that bc they’re small, the focus still falls on the upcoming seasonal/expansion drop, would you be down? It means sacrificing receiving new content for a while, so the developing focus truly invests in just these fixes.[/quote] You guys spout the same tired rhetoric for quality of life. There's nothing wrong with champions. [i]There's something wrong with players not wanting to use the required weapons to stun them.[/i] Yes glitches happen, they take care of those all the time. Players being impatient trying to stun champions when they're not able to be stunned at that second is something the player can fix. There's nothing wrong right now with vault space. [i]Stop hoarding[/i]. Your vault is like a fridge, no matter how big it gets, will always find a reason to fill it. They already talked about materials for crafting and how they're going to be tweaking the system soon....[i]read twabs[/i] Just because five other people talk about these things it does not mean it's a huge issue. Look for other quality of life things that actually change the landscape of the game a bit such as The new subclass changes, reissuing old weapons in crafting, visual changes projecting enemy moves like rhulk, puzzles, how they should introduce older content in legacy, content loop cycles etc. Things start to open your eyes a bit more when you're not parroting other players on the forums. No, your suggestions are not a good compromise to miss a whole season.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Soupreem: 4/17/2022 9:40:43 AM
        An Operation Health for Rituals would be a GODSEND. Can be frames as like... A memory dump type deal or Mithtax firing up a huge simulator for the missing stuff. 1. Put some more of the sunset maps back in, axe some of the historically unpopular options (Cauldron) via either removing from matchmaking, or restricting what modes they're in. 2. Upgrade the netcode to 60 Hz dedicated servers across the game, if that'd be possible with how the game is coded. 3. Competitive overhaul, although they're teasing it for Season 19 right now. 4. Trials 4.0. Moving away from a 7-0 or 7-1 for the best rewards to something that's more consistent to get, and less reliant on stomping worse players. Namely, rework some of the cards for alternative means to the Lighthouse. So Card 1 is 50 Round Wins for a trip, Card 2 gives 3 points for game wins, -1 for losses, hit 20 points or something. Card 3 is current Mercy card for enhanced rewards. You can use this system to axe the Flawless pool and have SBMM be worthwhile, while not completely invalidating the challenge in getting an Adept, since you still need to win PvP matches against people of your skill level. 5. Gambit is overhauled to make the Primeval fight more bearable, reduces how much invaders influence the outcome, and removes heavy from invasions. Or just remove Gambit for a horde mode. 6. I know this isn't going to happen, but give solo players a means to farm Spoils, since several really good weapons are locked behind them. 7. Retired strikes come back. 8. At least 1 new strike, involving Mithrax and tying to the season, 1 new PvP map (accompanying several being re-added), and 1 new Gambit map (accompanying the Dreaming City one coming back). 9. Facelifts for outdated exotics. Namely: - Acrius moved to Special - DARCI buffed heavily and/or moved to Special - Regime getting it's heal reworked or changed, and swappable fire modes on the fly - Hard Light getting it's lack of damage falloff back - Skyburners getting a rework/huge buff - Graviton being reworked (AN-94 Hyperburst, anyone?) - Bastion getting a rework - Armors that are insanely niche getting reworks

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        • Can't see me getting any of the upcoming seasons anyway....

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