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Destiny 2

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4/10/2022 2:10:43 AM

Explosive Light! old

Add an option to disable the physics part of cloaks

A lot of hunter cloaks have weird bits on them. For some it's the hood, for some it's the cape. In the case of the Crystocrene cloak, it has a weird bit underneath the backpack that looks silly. It's meant to be the bottom of a cape, but why even wear a cape underneath a backpack? It looks funny flopping around in the snow and mud serving no real purpose. So, I removed it with Photoshop, and the whole armor set looks a lot better. [url][/url] The backpack looks so good on its own!! I would never take off this cloak if the cape were removed. Since that's probably not going to happen, it would be nice if an option to disable the physics part (the cape) of your cloaks was added. This would solve a lot of issues that many people have with the way cloaks have been designed in D2, with them sometimes having capes that don't make any sense or looking incredibly edgy with a hood and cloak all the time. An option like this should also be relatively simple to implement, since the physics part is loaded separately from the rest of the cloak. You can sometimes see this if your game is lagging as you are loading into the world. The cape loads separately from everything else.

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