Please remove my fireteam ban. Banned for @banhours is permanent! That's excessive, I just want to play the game.
You are not permabanned. If you have a question regarding any moderation you may privately message me or any ninja.
Hey there. I'll send you a private message shortly to offer some clarification.
Lol whatever it was, it is clearly against the code of Conduct as your response was instantly moderated against.
Sounds like you were making soliciting posts on the lfg section.
Well what did you do to get banned? And there are plenty of other lfg avenues. Being banned from This one doesn’t really stop you from creating a fireteam. Hell the one here isn’t even as populated as most of the ones I’ve seen elsewhere. So count this as a blessing. You now get to find better lfg sections.
What do you mean with fireteam ban? You can play the full game but cant make a fireteam of cant you play the game at all with the 'not so fast' message on startups?
Hello there! The Bungie forums [b]cannot[/b] be used to appeal a ban. If you think you have been wrongly banned, please visit [url=]this link[/url] and send in your appeal. [b]Please note:[/b] There is NO guarantee Bungie will respond and there is NO guarantee your ban will be removed