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lock This thread has been locked by Ninjas for breaking the Code of Conduct.
3/30/2022 5:35:00 PM

Banned for @banhours

Please remove my fireteam ban. Banned for @banhours is permanent! That's excessive, I just want to play the game.

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  • You are not permabanned. If you have a question regarding any moderation you may privately message me or any ninja.

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  • Hey there. I'll send you a private message shortly to offer some clarification.

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  • Lol whatever it was, it is clearly against the code of Conduct as your response was instantly moderated against.

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  • Sounds like you were making soliciting posts on the lfg section.

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    1 Reply
    • Well what did you do to get banned? And there are plenty of other lfg avenues. Being banned from This one doesn’t really stop you from creating a fireteam. Hell the one here isn’t even as populated as most of the ones I’ve seen elsewhere. So count this as a blessing. You now get to find better lfg sections.

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    • What do you mean with fireteam ban? You can play the full game but cant make a fireteam of cant you play the game at all with the 'not so fast' message on startups?

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      4 Replies
      • Hello there! The Bungie forums [b]cannot[/b] be used to appeal a ban. If you think you have been wrongly banned, please visit [url=]this link[/url] and send in your appeal. [b]Please note:[/b] There is NO guarantee Bungie will respond and there is NO guarantee your ban will be removed

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