Just came off of a gaming game where we lost because the invader got 20 Guardian kills because erianas vow is one tapping, I'm in so much pain.
Honestly, I just report them for exploiting. You know it's bugged and yet you CHOOSE to exploit it. it's not the same if it was just a pve mode.
Lmao it wasn't because eriana's you lost.. if you can't win a 4v1 thats why you lost
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Edited by Kirka soi ja viini virtaa: 3/11/2022 12:35:38 PMThe problem seems to be that the 40% dmg buff exotic primaries got is first of all applied not only on primaries and secondly seems to be working against other players in Gambit. You can two tap with graviton lance or polaris I think. One hit body shot with arbalest, queenbreaker, lorentz and erianas. One hit headshot with sturm or le monarque and trinity ghouls chain lightning instakills from what I read. So it's a mess. Basically what momentum control is.
Yes, all players abusing this exploit should be penalized. I love gambit a lot, I really do. This has been going on for about a week now and not one word from Bungie. :'(
Edited by TestofOne: 3/13/2022 6:12:44 AMRan into the same scenario in a gambit run. Ran into an eriana's which wiped out myself and my entire team within the first few seconds of invading. My first thought was exploits (especially after it happened on the next few invasions), till I ran into it on subsequent matches. So I decided to try it myself and ran it for the remainder of the night. I can safely say that it is 100% broken as is. The gun is a one tap on any part of the body, has more ammo starting than most if not all snipers, and has range better than top tree gunslinger (the only thing it compares to in terms of feel) and obviously doesn't run out of juice like said super. So unless Bungie decided that a special ammo hand cannon should be made the superior of top tree gunslinger, Eriana's and its like are definitely broken in Gambit currently. (For reference, I was running hunter with Ophidea Spathe for all the daggers. A. not meta and B. not running anything that would help in the hand cannon damage department)
But did the invader deny 109 motes in one game?
I just had this on my team and then on the opposing team.. guess which team won both times. It's def cracked. What's also funny is the opposing guy had it at 1350. People don't even need to upgrade it. Just watch the video. One tap to the foot shouldn't kill a person!
Well thank crybabies having tracking nerfed rip using rockets against a hc lmao 🤣
Edited by Swiftlock: 3/11/2022 7:16:26 PMAs solid as that was, one good rocket would've still stopped the guy.
tags “Pain” “Agony” lmfao.
Can confirm , you can 1 shot people in the toe , reminds me of luck in the chamber snipers in D1
It’s time to hang it up. Those resources would be much better severed in crucible anyways. Like seriously more pvp and no more gambit.
Forerunner does the same thing.
Done this before in crucible with empowering rift 😆
Bungie just remove gambit.... It's awful but it's seen its time. Just move on from it
The reason it 1 taps is because when bungie fixed the light levels enabled thing weapons and buffs decided to start useing pve values instead of pvp
Edited by Shadow: 3/11/2022 6:20:21 PMThey need to add reckoning as an alternative game mode or something. God I hate Gambit
On top of that it does good dps on the boss too!
Haha I just tried it and it owns.
Damn y’all can’t even kill him with a Gjallarhorn? He stomped you guys pretty badly then
a ton of exotics are broken in gambit not just that one
Can we just undo all the changes made to Gambit this Season and go back to how it was in Forsaken?
Well, it looks like that gun....[i]might[/i] get disabled next lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bungie: …so, what’s the problem?
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[b][i]Savathûn's laughter echoes through the halls...[/i][/b]