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2/27/2022 6:53:49 PM

Nerf hunter jump/invisibility

It's about time.... everywhere in crucible they use their crutch jump and now they have a crush invisibility at all times.. thanks to void 2.0 Thanks bungie all titan shield unless (even with overshield) and warlock only good for pve. The ability to go invisible every 3 seconds and stay off radar is cheap. I would rather have stasis all over again.

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  • Shut up

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  • Invis is easily seen, goes away after 1 shot, has an audio que, has AA, and been in the game for years. If you can't handle that by now then just stop playing. The Hunter jump isn't a problem either. After the 2nd jump, you know exactly where they'll land. Just force them to double jump. Even if this simple stuff got nerfed, you'd still be here complaining about the next thing. It's entirely your own problem

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  • The jump is fine bar the obvious exception in St0mps. And Invis is easier to counter than it's ever been. This post reeks of skill issue.

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    1 Reply
    • Keep spamming over shields and broken melee abilities titan lmao.

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    • Skill issue. invis audio cue is loud enough to hear it cross map and they're not really that invisible, pretty easy to see most the time. For the jump literally just look up lmao most of the time they're panic jumping and are screwed once they're up there in the sky because they can't really move much, easy target for you. I get it man sometimes crucible can deal ya a rough hand and it's annoying, hell just this arvo I went to practice PvP on my warlock since it's been a long time since I mained warlock and got absolutely destroyed for a while. But don't come here trying to claim it's all because of X class using Y crutch like some knob.

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    • here we go...

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    • Complaining about invisibility tells me everything I need to know. Skill issue at its finest

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    • Titan overshields are ridiculously good in pvp

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    • Invis pings radar. I feel like that kinda ruins it when it is already quite obvious where they are with the purple smokiness. Overshields are cracked and warlocks aren’t too bad with a good build in pvp.

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    • Edited by THE GRIND IS REAL: 2/28/2022 10:31:38 AM
      Or hear me out be patient and wait for ark and solar to be updated !!!! invis its been a thing since d1 and is a defining point about their class look warlocks have stag they have icarus they have floating warlock they have dblade or devour whilst in a rift a one shot grenade that's buffs you and gives health bk or a stasis one shot melee or boots that let you one shot with chaperone across the map ,titans have best movement in game unlimited melee whilst no target boots that make you a helicopter with dmt gloves that make you one shot grenade kill spam and a super they can chill an emote in laughing at you whilst you waste your super all classes are op in the right hands !!!!!!! sick of nerf posts ask for buffs seriously or just plain an simple stop getting upset about 5 percent of the game you do know its mostly pve ,pvp is a very very small part of this game. But yes please give me back my pre nerf glaciel grenade 😆 you do know shatterdive still works ye and duskfield grenade spamming still slows them or warlock turrets mark them for ya invisible or not

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    • Invis has been here since D1 and never changed. We have been able to be invis 24/7 since base D2 and it was never a problem up intill you crybaby's got litterally everything else nerfed on we have nothing else left to use. Stasis hunter has NOTHING. Golden gun is bad in every way. Arcstrider is slower than base titan or warlock jumps. Blade barrage is the worst thing ever after all the nerfs. So we only have invis that is even remotely good. If invis gets nerfed you nerfhearders will just complain about the next thing hunters use and then the next thing...and then the next thing. Because thats what you have been doing so far every week. Also its void 3.0

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      30 Replies
      • Jump is fine..invis is a bit much..and don’t argue with the hunter mains that think invis spamming takes wont get anywhere my friend

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      • You’re mad.

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      • 1
        What? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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