I dont lmao, not from when back when I joined anywho. Sure, was a [i]lil[/i] fun seeing the same politic/religion nutjobs go at eachother constantly but even that got tiring after a while. I honestly prefer the way it is now, not too active for my taste since I dont exactly hop on here multiple times a day anymore, but not too dead either. It varies how often I pop by, say anythin from a few days to months at most, so for me atleast there's always sumthin new goin. Despite how even I can see its "dead" compared to back when I joined or just a couple yrs ago (especially before the politic/religion talk ban) I wouldnt give up hope on this place just yet. Im hardly new round here despite bein far from the oldest, so even I have seen a few purges and droughts.