I had a thought today, How many people here agree of the possibility that Eris Morn is Savathuns daughter also the possibility she has a dark evil behavior and is part of the Hive?
Edited by TheArtist: 12/27/2021 1:06:00 PMHighly, highly unlikely. There is quite a bit of lore to suggest that she was formerly an Awoken Hunter of Zavala's generation of Guardians. She always refers to Mara as "My Queen". She was part of the tragic group of Guardians who made the first raid attempt to destroy Crota after the disastrous defeat when Guardians tried to take the Moon back from the Hive. She was the only one from that fireteam to survive the attempt. She is the way she is because she lost her ghost to the light-draining abilities of the Ascendant Hive, and the lore suggests that she survived because she had Ahamkara bone in her possession, and it granted a wish based on her desire to live. But since Ahamakara wishes never turn out exactly the way the that wisher plans it to, she survived by took on many of the characteristics OF the Hive. So she is essentially a Hive Wizard/Awoken "hybrid" that is in service to the Light....walks a fine line between service to the Vanguard and to Queen Mara. If you played the Shadowkeep campaign, you can see that the Nightmares used her survivors guilt over the failed raid to torment her. The "weight" of it was so heavy that she was at times bent over from the weight of their tormenting her. One of the bad--blam!- moments of the campaign is that moment when the Nightmares of all 5 of her former raid team members are screaming messages of guilt and shame at her.....and she turns on them and tells them all to SHUT THE HELL UP. ...and they do it. Brought a big smile this this Guardian's face when she did it.