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Edited by PhantomSoldier: 1/4/2022 1:28:49 PM

D2 should never have gone F2P.

For whatever reason, D2 has gotten worse and worse since F2P. Eververse = Fortnite item shop, transmog cash grab, CONTENT VAULTING, SUNSETTING, HALF YEAR-LONG SEASONS, [b]UNBALANCED PVP[/b] The only reason people still play this game is Deep Stone Lullaby.

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  • [quote]For whatever reason, D2 has gotten worse and worse since F2P. Eververse is a Fortnite item shop, transmog was a HUGEEEE cash grab, CONTENT VAULTING, SUNSETTING, [b]YEAR-LONG SEASONS[/b], [b]UNBALANCED PVP[/b], [u][b]RNG LOOT GRIND[/b][/u] The only reason people still play this game is Deep Stone Lullaby.[/quote] And you still play it…?

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  • Could have worked without the content vaulting. Nothing wrong with 2+ year content being free as long as it still exist.

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  • Wrong, the only reason people play is for Last Wish. That playful banter aside, I agree. The game shouldn't have gone free to play, it has lead to significant issues with the content we have been receiving. Each dlc since the introduction of the season pass has felt hollow and half the size of a regular dlc. It definitely feels like a significant amount of Bungie's resources are going into the seasonal content rather than the major dlcs. The game has also cost more than ever before too. The content is not even better either; the quality of content has been in significant decline after the Forsaken dlc. It was in significant decline from the beginning of Destiny 2, but Forsaken was an outlier.

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    • Content vaulting and sunsetting isn't because of F2P. DCV and Sunsetting exist because Bungie did a horrible job of resource management and decided huge areas of nothing happening, only existing as a transition between combat spaces, was good content.

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    • Edited by brirun08: 12/2/2021 8:44:36 PM
      I still play occasionally, but the free to play mechanics tied to the season passes have become too much for me personally. Too much FOMO. It was starting to feel like a job to play in order to keep up. Then real life happens and I wouldn’t be able to play for a week or so, and my attitude would be screw it, I’m done. Maybe I should just buy and play the main expansions and avoid the seasonal passes? Edit: but now apparently the content you purchased via expansion pass can be vaulted. So, forget it all.

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      • Edited by Seth, Knower of Things: 11/28/2021 8:27:02 PM
        This post has 100 upvotes? Seriously guys are you even reading what he’s saying or just upvoting the “D2 bad” post of the week? There’s no way anyone actually agreed with the concept of “F2P is the cause of the RNG loot grind.” The rng drops aren’t even a bad thing nor has anything to do with the game being F2P. Most of the things OP blames on F2P makes 0 sense. Like sure have your complaints, but holy hell dudes read them to make sure they make sense. You might as well tell bungie you want to go back to Y1 static rolls if you’re upvoting this.

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        23 Replies
        • I love when folks blame it on Bungie splitting from Activision. The issue started when Activision took the original Destiny idea, concept , etc etc an made Bungie's original team add in PvP when the original idea was PvE ONLY but to seal the deal for Activision they were forced to add PvP so they could *KiLL HaLO* if you haven't ever see the fate of *hAlO KiLLeRs* just go back to the 2000s era an see how they ALL failed. Bungie said it themselves, they bottled lightening with Halo an tried to do it again with Destiny. Watch the ViDocs look at the PvP Dev basically shyt himself at killing Halo. It's like a bad myth , killing your first child so the second may live a better life. That doesn't work , ever. Halo Infinite is free, sure it's got cosmetic ONLY shop , they need to make money. Eververse, Was supposed to be a stop gap measure to help finance DLC. Now? It's a loan source of money due to Bungie being a *solo* dev. Let's not even get into the issue of the other games being made by Bungie rn. Wanna see how bad The OG from Bungie is doing ? Look at all the failed splinter groups an games that tried to capture the lightening again . ProbablyMonsters Inc, Midwinter Entertainment, Firewalk Studios, That's No Moon. These studios will NEVER EVER make a *HaLo kiLLER* /RantEnd/

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          5 Replies
          • Destiny 2 is consumer fraud.

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          • Free to play was the worst mistake Bungie made...

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          • How is transmog a cash grab? Isn’t it free? I don’t anyone who bought synthweave plates and if you did, you’re either desperate to make your new thorn armor an ornament or you’re just an idiot. I can’t find any other reason.

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          • How was transmog a cash grab? I've spent $0 transmogging my gear

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            2 Replies
            • [i]"Eververse is a Fortnite item shop"[/i] Always has been. If you don't like it then stop buying from Eververse. [i]"transmog was a HUGEEEE cash grab"[/i] Are people still -blam!- about this? Yes, it was a cash grab, because guess what Bungie is a business. Again, if you don't like it don't buy it. Bungie is going to follow the money, so vote with your wallet. [i]"CONTENT VAULTING"[/i] Bungie flat said they couldn't manage Destiny at its pre DCV size. That means your options are; no new content, D3, a broken game, or a rotating content pool. Bungie choose a rotating content pool. [i]"SUNSETTING"[/i] Bungie needed to get rid of problem guns like some of the pinnacles and guns that could roll certain perk combos. (Think Kill Clip and Rampage on a140 hand cannon.) Sunsetting was a necessary evil that has already been stopped. You need to move on. There are plenty of guns available in the game currently and we all know Bungie will reissue what ever gun you miss the most with a new perk pool eventually. [i]"DELAYS"[/i] Things happen games, get delayed. Also, there was a bit of a plague in 2020, might be worth looking up. [i]"YEAR-LONG SEASONS"[/i] What game did this happen in? Season of the Lost was extended to run 6 months to accommodate the additional time needed to develop Which Queen. Is that what your talking about? [i]"UNBALANCED PVP"[/i] I don't think PVP will ever be balanced in Destiny. There's to many guns, perks, abilities, mods, etc., etc., to ever truly balance. The sooner people realize that and start enjoying the game the better we will all be. [i]"RNG LOOT GRIND"[/i] If you find RNG or loot grinding to be an issue, I recommend playing other games. Not trying to be mean or smart or an -blam!- or anything else. This is a grindy game that is not for everyone and guess what that's a good thing.

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              11 Replies
              • I play it to kill -blam!-.

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                • Edited by TheShadow: 11/29/2021 11:52:32 PM
                  Bungie went to "f2p" because they knew they couldn't keep a player base without Activision. Having a full-price game with the lack of talent, creativity, and unwilling to put the resources into this game, Destiny would of been dead. The new light system is the only reason the game has survived. Especially since how they've been handling this game on their own... After reading the replies to the OP, it's clear how lost a lot of the community actually is by showing they don't know how to read. For example, where did the OP say Eververse has anything to do with why the game went to F2p or the RNG was the cause? Oh, and I really like this one. Somone saying there are only so many days in a season when the OP said (seasons.) If you guys knew how to read, the OP was saying what they didn't like, not why things happened. Holy crap people 🤦‍♂️

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                  133 Replies
                  • Ok, so. Eververse was here before fortnite. I'll give you points on the transmog stuff. Neither content vaulting nor sunsetting had anything to do with the game being free to play. Delays happened even before it became free to play. We never had a year long season. The longest we got is a 6 month season, but this point is still bs. Again, points for the unbalanced pvp, but that was a problem even before the game became free to play. And RNG grind? Seriously? It was ALWAYS like this, since D1. Your best points are the eververse and transmog, and only one of them makes sense.

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                    2 Replies
                    • The game is laggy

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                    • Content vaulting, sunsetting, delays, year long seasons, unbalaced pvp, and rng loot grind have nothing to do with f2p tho. Content vaulting is to keep the game size down to a reasonable level. I really do hate to see nostalgic locations such as titan, io, and soon to be tangled shore get snapped out of existence. But if you step back and think for a second that theyre getting swapped out for new locations and content, its not as bad. Sunsetting was a neccessary evil that was used once. Theyre not gonna sunset again and im not sure why people keep lumping it in with the ever-present balance and bug related issues. If sunsetting didnt happen, mountaintop, recluse, and revoker would still be getting used. Revoker alone would make trials significantly worse. Mtn. top was simply too strong in both pvp and pve. As for delays and year long seasons.. delays happen. Suck it up. Id rather wait an extra month and a half for a more polished piece of content. This long season is a fluke related to the witch queen delay. Once again, suck it up. This isnt like the pre-taken king content drought. Were getting the 30th pack in a week. Quality>>>keeping to an annual schedule. Unbalaced pvp and rng loot grind are so completely unrelated to f2p that i shouldnt even need to elaborate.

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                    • It really hasn't, but it also hasn't stopped bungie from going full monetization stupid.

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                    • Edited by Chilli: 11/29/2021 2:50:33 PM
                      I rather have delays than a cyberflop situation on d2, also sunseting is not a thing anynore and i cant remember the last time someone said "lets go patrol the tangled shore". Its a garbage destination with nothing to do leaving and making room for better content, i dont see the problem here

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                      3 Replies
                      • Destiny isn't "free to play". Bungie just calls it that, but it is essentially nothing more than a demo that is free. It is deliberately false marketing.

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                      • Free to play is good because it brings in more potential full time players after they try the game, because let's face it, it isn't really free to play. I never got the big deal for transmog. How many pieces do you want to transmog? I still have a few left from rhe season it came out.

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                        3 Replies
                        • It's their excuse to the absolute egregious monetary system they run. Deep Stone Lullaby. 10/10.

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                          • Yeah….pvp was balanced until it went f2p 🤦

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                          • I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying but I do understand the issues with Sunsetting and I really think bungie could make the community happy by making a campaign playlist for all of the old content which is currently unavailable.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by MillionPlayz YT: 11/29/2021 4:39:26 PM
                              Bruh how does going f2p make the game have delays? Same thing with RNG loot grinding. D1 never went f2p and the loot grind is sometimes even worse than D2. Sunsetting and Content vaulting was because the engine Destiny uses was struggling so bad because of how much stuff in the game. Although sunsetting guns I will say was quite bullcrap. Year long seasons? Every release has basically always been on time except for Beyond Light and Witch Queen and because of those delays they make the seasons longer although this season we are getting the 30th anniversary to help fill the content drought till Witch Queen. PvP has no excuse though, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with the game being f2p.

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                            • Edited by DarkMoonWolf666: 11/28/2021 5:53:30 PM
                              The games isn't F2P...only the old base game is free which is nothing Its more of a free to try than free to play Eververse.....its additional cosmetic and most of them can be bought for a in game currency.... Seasons are 3months....2 of them had to be longer due to delay... Rng to looter games? Please think before posting cringe

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