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11/15/2021 11:04:03 PM

If trials is getting this much attention, then gambit should be focused on as hard next.

Just something to think about. Trials has been a major focus for quite some time with multiple labs releases and reward reworks but it’s been over a year and perhaps beyond since gambit has been even playable as a gamemode. Like it or not, it’s riddled with MAJOR issues that make it borderline unplayable and VERY unfun to play and had been like this for as long as I can remember. Just to list a few glaring issue: - Season mods are hilariously unbalanced leading to boss melts that punish players who don’t specifically spec them. - heavy ammo is so powerful that it literally determines the outcome of the game from invasions with eyes or linears to boss melts with 1k leading to double special and aeon being a dominant force to win. - even 1 invasion in the beginning will completely dismantle a team if especially since the spawns are completely unpredictable and the invader is almost impossible to kill without using heavy, super or being good with a sniper. - you can still invade with primeval up even if the enemy primeval is not up too. - the catchup mechanics are so underwhelming that it is almost impossible to win if the enemy gets their primeval first. - the gambit ads are ridiculously strong and make raid ads look like easy mode. - no solo playlist which is worse considering 4 stacks are literally impossible to beat without your own stack to co ordinate with. I mean I could go on and on about there being mediocre rewards, no ranked version or more lack of balance but I won’t because I’ll be here all day. What this mode really needs is a complete overhaul and an entire season to rework it like trials with maybe some labs experiments.

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  • You know what? Gambit Hoard Mode. Like Gears of War 3. Deposit motes to purchase upgrades to defences. Enemy light level increases by 5 each round, starting from 1250. Every 10 rounds gives additional loot drops.

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    1 Reply
    • Scrap Gambit. Give us high level PvP enabled patrol zones with exclusive, large, raid style bosses that require collaboration. Exclusive enemy styled loot. No vanguard oversight. And you have to make it back to a prismatic recaster or Guardians can go rogue and kill you for your Gambit Patrol engrams.

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      • What you said is all true. I play Gambit occasionally for the gear drop after finishing 3 matches and lately I can't even bother to do that. It's a complete waste of time.

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        • Gambit can die in a fire, it's not enjoyable and you're punished for depositing first as well as filling your bank first.. it's asinine gameplay design

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          • What this mode needs is to be buried 10ft under and left to rot.

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            • It will be vaulted. Gambit requires "Effort and Thought", and Bungle is woefully short of those attributes.

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              • Delete them both Wast of resource and time

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              • I just use hung jury with box breathing and in 4-6 shots the invader when the invader comes put your back to one of the 3 spawns and look at the other 2 ez way to find the invader If you don’t spec it’s your fault that’s the whole point of these mods and and such, to make a build to get through activities fast and efficiently

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              • Agreed.

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              • Take an upvote! I still enjoy Gambit but can only take in small doses. It used to be fun but something has changed. Or maybe I have. Lol

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              • I agree. I actually like Gambit but it does need a complete over haul. My biggest complaint is that the adds etc are stronger than anything else in the game. Our “power level “ doesn’t seem to mean much .

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              • While on paper this sounds like a great idea, I have serious doubts that they will be able to restore Gambit. The Trials revamp was pretty simple to do given that a lot of the change was in essence to allow for more loot to be acquired by all players, which is part of the reason D1 Trials was successful. Gambit suffers from a single fundamental problem: Weak Teammates. When playing an activity like Strikes or Crucible, having a weak teammate isn't really too much of an overall hinderance, especially when playing the game mode casually. Most people aren't going into Quickplay and having their entire experience ruined because a single player on their team is dropping a 0.2 KD. In Gambit, a single player on your team can completely derail your progress, whether it's a player insisting they should always get 15 motes or a player that doesn't bank motes for an invade, or a player that is simply avoiding motes altogether so they can get their bounties done. In Strikes and Crucible, a good player can usually carry their team to victory, but a single weak teammate makes is nearly impossible for you to win unless the opposing team has weak teammates as well. Why is this the case? Gambit at its core is not a casual game mode, it is a fast paced game where victory is achieved by adopting a single strategy: 1. Bank 25 motes as quickly as possible. 2. Get the first invade and deny the enemy their motes. 3. Get each remaining invade as quickly as possibly and create a snowball effect of denying the enemy team their motes. 4. Melt the Primeval boss using the current meta loadout. If you aren't playing this way, you will lose, that's how the game mode fundamentally works. Is there any way to fix the problem? Honestly, Gambit Prime was the best version of the game mode as it allowed for the ability to create a build within the game mode. While in normal Gambit, I find it nearly impossible to carry a bad team, when Gambit Prime was around, I found that I could carry many bad teams because of the powerful benefits I was able to have from Gambit Prime armor. While this doesn't fundamentally fix the problem of Weak Teammates, it does allow for the opportunity for hero moments that can compensate for those teammates, which would be beneficial to the game mode. How would we implement this? I am not suggesting adding back Gambit Prime armor that needs to be worn in the game mode, but maybe this is instead accomplished through an in game item similar to the Wrathborn Lure where you can set options for your Gambit build. If that doesn't work, just give out more drops from Gambit, that would be a great place to start nevertheless.

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              • 12
                You should have to spend motes to invade. That way there's an actual gamble to invading. Amount spent invading = time /overshield available to you

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                9 Replies
                • They should bring back reckoning instead with gear, need something like that or menagerie again

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                • Gambit is a dead weight ….cut it loose !

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                • Edited by rtopz: 11/18/2021 1:59:07 AM
                  Gambit is boring, prime hybrid is a joke. Primeval burn down is broken and invasion portal is inconsistent when primeval is up.

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                • They should let gambit go.

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                • You initial idea is as awful as your wall of text.

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                • heres how to fix gambit...copy and paste warzone from halo 5

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                • Add champions in gambit with their difficulty of GM champions

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                  2 Replies
                  • Well of Radiance + Truth BAYBEE

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                  • Gambit can be fixed with one button. Delete.

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                  • Edited by BraddyBo: 11/17/2021 12:18:06 PM
                    All of the “issues” you listed are not issues aside from 1 (seasonal mods melting boss). The only changes needed: -Double primevil health -Add freelance -Rework loot drops (loot targeting, like trials) -Disable pvp light advantage -Reduce invader overshield hp by ~40% Bungie will be revamping gambit sometime within the next 3 seasons according to the leaks, same with iron banner. My guess, ib rework will be next season and gambit rework will be in season 17.

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                  • They need to "focus" on scraping it into the garbage.

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                  • Gambits the only place I’ve ever received constant frequent hate mail 😂

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                  • This is where the business aspects of video games comes into play. Trials is getting the resourcing it is because of Twitch and YouTuble. PvP content creators and streamers flock to it.....people watch them....and Trials acts as a form of low-cost, viral advertising for the game. Gambit doesn't have the same impact. It has a dedicated, stable player base....but it does nothing else for the game. It deserves more attention, but I do not see it getting it in the forseeable future. Especially since it shows that it can maintain its position without that kind of attention. Whereas Trials keeps imploding without it.

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