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10/3/2021 10:05:22 AM

Shatterdive needs nerfing... and I'm a Hunter Main.

I've used shatterdive in the past and it makes me feel like I'm not even improving as a player if all I need to do is jump into the air and slam down on the ground in close proximity of an enemy to defeat them in the crucible. Since then, I don't use the aspect at all... it's not balanced at all if there's literally no cooldown on it. For those who want it explaining in a simpler light: Shatterdive is as balanced as Telesto is good at staying out of trouble.

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  • It's not the dive. It's the grenade & all the buffs from the aspects. As a hunter main you should know the difference.

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    9 Replies
    • say it with me, "ITS NOT SHATTERDIVE ITS SHATTER DAMAGE AND STASIS CRYSTALS!" Shattering 1 large stasis crystal (either by shooting or shatter ability) deals 55-80 damage over a 5-8 meter radius. Now glacial grenades spawn 5 large crystals over a 10 meter area. Shattering all 5 deals 275-400 damage over a 15-18 meter area. Let's be realistic glacial grenade is the problem. Bungie could nerf shatter damage but it would nerf behemoth. So the best solution would be to adjust glacial grenades. They could downgrade them to medium crystals instead of large and this would decrease the damage. They could also remove 1 crystal, but either of these options would still let it ohk. If they did both it would reduce the damage to 160-200 over 10 meters. They could change it to 1 large, 2 medium, and 2 small. This would change the damage to 145- 200 but would reduce the radius and centralize the damage.

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      7 Replies
      • Unfortunately, it’s impossible to nerf effectively. It’s hard to think of a way to nerf it without destroying glacier nade, still making it really good or making it totally useless. Nerfing glacier grenade or aspects in general would be a bad call as it would be a nerf to all 3 classes effectively and nobody wants that. Going the route of increasing its cooldown, either tying it to the melee ability or just outright increasing the cool down, wouldn’t decrease it’s effectiveness. While it would make it harder to spam, you’re still getting one-shot in your super. I think a more creative approach should be taken. Shatterdive: you can only shatter dive after being in the air for more than 1.75 seconds. This would make insta smashes much less annoying and easier to dodge. People who are actually skilled with shatter dive can time the smash after already throwing the grenade. Anybody who complains about this is just too slow. And that’s it. I agree that it should be expected when dealing with a stasis hunter but the ability is too oppressive. The ability should award skill instead of being a panic smash. Honestly, the ability is more powerful than the super.

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      • Nobody is forcing you to use it

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      • Then don’t use it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it is broken. This game is not a pure shooter. Abilities are a legitimate part of the game.

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        95 Replies
        • Bump

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        • Edited by Dude Abides 227: 10/7/2021 9:58:46 AM
          They should buff shatterdive..idgaf..still gonna take a dump on all you neanderthals who play this game. 99% of the pvp playerbase has no ability to adapt, bunch of shotgun heros. Just tired of nerf calls when we haven't seen new maps in years , ya know. The biggest offender here is map design.

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          1 Reply
          • No, it doesn't. It's not shatterdive that's the issue, it's glacier nade. They need to add a delay for the nade. Currently, the nade spawns instantly, that's why hunters can throw the nade and shatterdive at the same time. If the nade had a delay to it spawning, like lightening nades, that would help nerf that combo and give players a better chance against it. Also, hunters need to take damage for shatterdiving opponent's nades.

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            9 Replies
            • Honestly find dune marcher titans slamming across the map more annoying. Shatterdive isn't that difficult to avoid unless you are a mindless ape. In which case, you kinda deserve it.

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              2 Replies
              • Nothing more satisfying than Glacial Diving a shotty ape, or someone using cheese weapons, or someone who just popped super. I use it. I will keep using it. And I chuckle at all who get blasted to pieces by it 😜 Maybe they will nerf it, maybe they won’t. But just like everyone using Vex and LD and Geomags last season, I will enjoy it while it’s here. If shatter upsets you because it makes slide shotty less potent ….. ice ice baby 😎❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

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                4 Replies
                • I finally finished off my stasis quest just so I could see what this shatter dive thing is and how op it is................................................. It's literally nothing. It's barely worth using. Don't know what you guys are on but maybe stop watching youtubers. They only share the clips where they look good and leave out the clips where they got spanked.

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                • Maybe you should use something else and try to get good? For a hunter main your stats are terrible. You’re not even positive in trials.

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                • Don't ape? I very, very rarely get killed by shatterdive. I have no clue why people have such a huge problem dealing with it.

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                  30 Replies
                  • It's literally balanced. Our melee is -blam!-. So why nerf the only thing stasis hunter has?

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                    21 Replies
                    • Agree

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                    • I shatterdive on this whole post. Every class has something overpowered when enabled. Stag rifts with arc souls are difficult to combat. Titans raining down from the heavens with dunemarchers is nasty, ranged tracking melee that does 50 percent damage? One shot kill melee abilities from titan and warlock but not for hunters? Just learn how to combat it. As a shatterdive hunter myself I get taken out by superior players trying to execute that plenty. And I slam on unsuspecting players plenty. Just like I eat other players one -blam!- kill abilities plenty. Let’s all relax and go back to sitting on corners not looking up.........

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                    • Yhea as a PvE warlock main I want the explosive counting as melee to be fixed....

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                    • Bump

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                    • Edited by Oryrk: 10/5/2021 7:18:17 PM
                      You can't call out hunters they'll cry about how bad their class is all the while Bungie gives them everything an they get mad about the few nice things the other classes have an want some way to copy it .

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                      • How does it compare to Arc Soul in a 3v3 Elimination style PvP?

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                      • Duh, but look- Bungie hates nerfing hunters. They’ve needed a wild amount of nerfs to bring them into line, for years. It doesn’t happen, never will. Here’s hoping 2042 and Infinite are decent. Maybe some of the pvp devs will start sweating instead of getting carried by streamers.

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                      • Edited by Double07: 10/5/2021 7:27:01 PM
                        Warlock stasis melee gets a nerf that it’s so extremely overtuned that it’s fundamentally broken; it either wastes a charge from a long distance or it refuses to activate when it’s used like a normal melee. Meanwhile, shatterdive gets a free pass.

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                        2 Replies
                        • There is nothing wrong with making a personal choice to not use something you feel is cheap. I might have agreed with you when it first came out but at this point I adjusted how I play and don’t get killed by it more than anything else. Sometimes in trials I encounter someone relying purely on it but that’s fine as counter one truck ponies isint too hard. The only people who still get consistently killed by it are those that haven’t caught on. Don’t deny them a chance to learn.

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                        • Agree but post again for the devs in the back !

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                        • Edited by Styxx: 10/5/2021 9:04:06 PM
                          I’m a hunter main and I really want shatterdive nerfed. I used to use it often but i just don’t like it and it doesn’t match my playstyle. [spoiler]it’s just so unbalanced and I want this game to be balanced instead of ez kills.[/spoiler]

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                        • No it does not. What it needs, is to be changed to a momentum ability. Like Shiver Strike. Use Shatterdive & there goes one shuriken charge, etc etc. Make it so, that by using shatterdive, you're also draining your melee or dodge ability. Or idk, Bungie made the ability, let them decide how they'll move forward with it.

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