Wow. Either Variks just has a way with words, or is just h o r n y. [spoiler]probably h o r n y[/spoiler]
This makes me want to cry in two ways.[spoiler]licks finger [/spoiler]
massa - old
Sounds like Variks is a horny beast. -
Every woman would be happy to have a guy with four hands ;o)
Beautiful Shadow! I really enjoyed reading this. Keep it up!
I wonder what you were thinking when you snuck into Varik’s room and read his diary expecting something embarrassing to use as leverage.
Jesus tap-dancing Christ. Variks out here weaving poetry that'd make an Exo overheat and shutdown.
Who is variks talking about cause he broke her and like who is this person
Very good and greatly poetic! The last lines especially are phenomenal. *Slowly puts down Variks' private journal and sneaks out.*
And Shadow then accused Variks of harrasment and stalking
So... he said yes? Also first