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Edited by Tdrow: 9/22/2021 9:31:37 AM

Broken Code = Broken Vex Drop Rate? It took 54 runs

It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG? Update - I will be updating this each week Just finished 3 more runs and did not get it, bring the total to 51 runs, since vog came out meaning the drop rate does not increase by 2% If we assume a 1% increase that would put us at a 54% chance next week Update 2 - on the last run for this week vex was obtained. Thus it took 54 runs to get ~57% chance

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  • 1st try...

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  • This happens with every raid exotic. This time with vex now being very strong it deserves to be harder to get so they obviously lowered drop rate and with witch queen it’ll most likely get a nerf (that it doesn’t need because it’s the artifact that’s making it op) and they increase drop rate.

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    • [quote]It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG?[/quote] I'm not paying for another damn season or anything till i get my vex 26 runs nothing

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      • [quote]It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG?[/quote] I wouldn't be mad but you can't kill anyone that's using it it sprays the whole map with instant death, is totally unfair. I can't get my 7,th win because if that gun and that gun only

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      • [quote]It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG?[/quote] Same as D1, WE ARE OLD DAY ONE PLAYERS, THEY'VE GOT THE DAMN THING LOOT LOCKED. WE CAN NOT GET IT NO MATTER HOW MANY RUNS

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        • [quote]It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG? Update Just finished 3 more runs and did not get it, bring the total to 51 runs, since vog came out meaning the drop rate does not increase by 2% If we assume a 1% increase that would put us at a 54% chance next week[/quote] Let's get a pole up, I'VE RAN VOG 27 TIMES DRY HIOW MUCH HAVE OTHER GUYS????????

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          • It took me 50 runs of normal crota to get Black Hammer. Napkin Math the odds on that and I'm sure it will be ridiculous.

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          • Vex dropped on run 57

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          • 3
            A Patrolling Guardian
            A Patrolling Guardian

            See you, Space Cowboy. - old

            (Laughs in XCOM) 99% isn't a guarantee...[b][i]it's a more desperate prayer[/i][/b]...

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            • I still think these exotics should be quest based like acrius and divinity. Bungie's rng is notoriously the worst ever. This would fix the problem and probably get more people to actually jump in and do the raid.

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              • Who knows. 🤷‍♂️ Either way, time gated RNG is the worst possible reward mechanic they could use for an endgame drop. Nothing about your ability or skill is involved at all. It’s the least engaging and least compelling reward mechanic there is and yet they use it for endgame drops. What’s worse is people actually defend it.

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              • I have made this point many times and it seems most people have the "trust Bungie" approach. There have been times when drop rates have been bugged in the past and I believe it still happens today pre than we are told about.

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              • If vex was bugged a lot fewer people would have it. Just sucks to be the one getting -blam!- by rng. A lot of long time players have been there once or many times with something. Rng isn’t a perfect system but it does offer big happiness moments fairly often

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              • Edited by Tdrow: 9/17/2021 1:27:47 AM
                Just finished 3 more runs and did not get it, bring the total to 51 runs, since vog came out meaning the drop rate does not increase by 2% If we assume a 1% increase that would put us at a 54% chance next week

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              • It sucks and it definitely needs addressed. I have had 3 drop in 30 runs. For those that seem cursed at times due to either a bug or bad RNG it can destroy their motivation to touch the game. You would think bungie would address this.

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                  You gotta repent to RngJesus first. Youll get better results after

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                • I’m pretty sure the “safety net” caps at 50% Not absolutely certain on that though.

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                • Its +1/2% per week you run it. Not per character.

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                  4 Replies
                  • i dont think drop protection is a thing in vog cause my buddy has gotten it 2 times and most of my clan has it. bout to just go and clear farm the raid till i have 200 clears

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                    • [quote]It’s been 113 days since VOG came out, which is 16 weeks and 1 day. 16 weeks * 3 characters = 48 runs of VOG. Vex has still not dropped, I’ve hit pinnacle power cap (1320 & now 1330) in now 2 season before this thing dropped. That should not be possible, one should not go a whole season of doing the raid three times each week, & doing Atheon challenges to get extra drops at the boss and still come up dry. No Hard Data To Back This: Rummer mill states that vex base drop rate is 3% and it’s +2% for every unsuccessful drop. So if one ran VOG since it came out, 3x per week and still don’t have Vex they would have a 99% drop chance next run. The next available run is Tuesday reset. If vex does not drop next week for anyone who has ran 3 characters since vog came out, then the drop rate is truly broken. Eyes of Tomorrow had a bug in the drop rate coding and Bungie stated in the March 18, 2021 edition of This Week at Bungie, that the system was incorrectly coded, resulting in the increased chances to be applied incorrectly to the Bad Luck Protection. Bad Luck Protection is supposed to be account wide; however, it has been factored individually for each character that completed the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. A fix for this will come on March 23, 2021 with Update Link to Bungie Post: DOES VEX HAVE THIS SAME BUG?[/this is a damn shame, and it's gonna keep me from buying new content. $25,, for a rocket launcher,, $25 for stuff you guys seperated from the new content and want us to pay more for us really dirty business

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                      • Some people might not want to hear this, but try making a new character. Some nerd was pontificating a while ago that your rng seed stays with your character forever. For the uninitiated, true randomness is basically impossible to simulate, and without getting into the philosophical/epistemological implications thereof, an rng seed is used in applications where an approximation of randomness is needed, such as security related stuff. Not sure if the guy was right about all that, and I have neither the time nor the skill to dig through this games code, which I imagine is akin to a bowl of spaghetti, but it could be worth a shot Alternately, take a break. I got vex on my 4th clear after being gone for like a month

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                        3 Replies
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                          There’s no bug, you just have bad RNG.

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                          • So far as I remember the drop protection has a cap of 20%, so even if you get screwed repeatedly it’s never guaranteed.

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                          • I got my EOT, Anarchy , 1K and Vex all in one night. First run. Never raided again [spoiler]and on todays episode of -blam!- that never happened... [/spoiler] [spoiler]had a clan member who could not tell his as shole from his elbows and got it to drop for him first run. Also on his 14th run, sucks man... really sucks[/spoiler]

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                          • Assuming the base drop is 5% and goes up by 1% per character clear each week, your looking at something like 32 week of clearing it 3 times on each character to reach 100% So hang in there you half way there

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                          • Running 3 characters does not stack the bad luck protection bonus 3 times. The bonus is locked to each individual character. Each one has to roll their own dice, and pray to rng just as hard as the next.

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