Honorable Lore Masters, I have few questions for you and I hope you'll able to help me. Here's the list:
[b]1)[/b] Do we know were the Last City is? If not, do we have any general suspects about it?
[b]2)[/b] According to the story of Lord Fellwinter, when a Risen is brought back from the death for the first time, he/she remembers nothing about the past, not even his/her own name. It seems that Fellwinter didn't even remember the Traveler. My question is: does the first rez be like a total wipe or something remains? Like for example how to use guns, possible trainings, knowledges about some kind of studies done during the previous life? For example, if a new Risen that in his former life was a an exepert soldier finds a gun, can he recognize it as: [i]"Ah, this is a gun. It shots bullets"[/i]? Does he already know how to use it?
[b]3)[/b] Our Ghost says that [i]"He lives in our backpack"[/i]. But where exactly the Ghost go when it's with us but we can't see him? And how does he communicate with us? Do we hear his voice in our head? Or anyone can hear him?
[b]4)[/b] How does a Ghost know when he/she finds his/her Risen which Class he/she is part of? In the game it's clearly a game mechanic, but is there any explanation lore wise?
[b]5)[/b] Are all the Ghosts interested to bring their Risens to the Last City when they find them?
[b]6)[/b] Does the Vanguard have any kind of protocol or team of Guardians that help new Risens to reach the Last City? Like recovery squads or things like that? If a Ghost finds a Risen, can he/she contact the Tower and ask for help?
[b]7)[/b] Do we know nothing about how love stories between Humans and Exos actually work?
[b]8)[/b] How Fireteams are created? Is the Vanguard to put together three Guardians and make them a team? Or are the Guardians that decide to join together and form one?
[b]9)[/b] Do Guardians live in the Tower? Or they have houses in the City? Is there something like a "Guardian neighborhood"?
[b]10)[/b] Do we know roughly how many people live in the world outside The Last City?
That's it for now, thanks!
[quote][b]3)[/b] Our Ghost says that [i]"He lives in our backpack"[/i]. But where exactly the Ghost go when it's with us but we can't see him? And how does he communicate with us? Do we hear his voice in our head? Or anyone can hear him?[/quote] i got some dialogue about this during an astral alignment as glint put it, seems they turn into something like a frequency or a radiowave
I heard a convincing argument that said the city is in the Andes mountains
Edited by Vox Aphotix: 9/11/2021 3:21:38 PM[quote]Honorable Lore Masters, I have few questions for you and I hope you'll able to help me. Here's the list: [b]1)[/b] Do we know were the Last City is? If not, do we have any general suspects about it? [b]2)[/b] According to the story of Lord Fellwinter, when a Risen is brought back from the death for the first time, he/she remembers nothing about the past, not even his/her own name. It seems that Fellwinter didn't even remember the Traveler. My question is: does the first rez be like a total wipe or something remains? Like for example how to use guns, possible trainings, knowledges about some kind of studies done during the previous life? For example, if a new Risen that in his former life was a an exepert soldier finds a gun, can he recognize it as: [i]"Ah, this is a gun. It shots bullets"[/i]? Does he already know how to use it? [b]3)[/b] Our Ghost says that [i]"He lives in our backpack"[/i]. But where exactly the Ghost go when it's with us but we can't see him? And how does he communicate with us? Do we hear his voice in our head? Or anyone can hear him? [b]4)[/b] How does a Ghost know when he/she finds his/her Risen which Class he/she is part of? In the game it's clearly a game mechanic, but is there any explanation lore wise? [b]5)[/b] Are all the Ghosts interested to bring their Risens to the Last City when they find them? [b]6)[/b] Does the Vanguard have any kind of protocol or team of Guardians that help new Risens to reach the Last City? Like recovery squads or things like that? If a Ghost finds a Risen, can he/she contact the Tower and ask for help? [b]7)[/b] Do we know nothing about how love stories between Humans and Exos actually work? [b]8)[/b] How Fireteams are created? Is the Vanguard to put together three Guardians and make them a team? Or are the Guardians that decide to join together and form one? [b]9)[/b] Do Guardians live in the Tower? Or they have houses in the City? Is there something like a "Guardian neighborhood"? [b]10)[/b] Do we know roughly how many people live in the world outside The Last City? That's it for now, thanks![/quote] 1. It’s a debate as to where it is. Some people say Russia. Others say somewhere in Europe. I am personally a fan of somewhere in South America. This is because Amanda Holiday talks about crossing the Panama ravine (previously canal) to get to the city (also the chaperone ornament is called Panama ravine) 2. Yes, all memories of the past life are wiped. But your basic functions (talking, shooting, walking, etc) are all still there. 3. Idk. Space magic or something. Maybe he just transmits himself away kinda like he transmits guns. More of a game mechanic 4. Partially game mechanic, partially lore. I think it has to do with how you were in your previous life 5. Most likely. It’s the safest place for guardians to go right away. 6. As far as we know, ghosts just kinda wander until they find their guardian. I don’t think they have any contact with the city. We do have Shaw Han who helps new guardians nowadays 7. Uhhh, space magic??? 8. Fireteams are usually mad up of a group of friends. If you look at the trials lore, the fire teams stay the same. I know the vanguard technically have to sanction ops, but idk about fireteams 9. I think they are just so active that they don’t have living spaces. Could be wrong though. 10. Most of the population is located in the city. This is because it isn’t safe outside the walls. The real question is: do guardians eat???
I have a theory about #2. If a risen is created shortly after their previous death, with their body having little time to decompose, memories of their previous life could be partially intact. Granted, I haven’t read into the lore too much, so this probably has been disproven at some point.
[quote]Honorable Lore Masters, I have few questions for you and I hope you'll able to help me. Here's the list: [b]1)[/b] Do we know were the Last City is? If not, do we have any general suspects about it? [b]2)[/b] According to the story of Lord Fellwinter, when a Risen is brought back from the death for the first time, he/she remembers nothing about the past, not even his/her own name. It seems that Fellwinter didn't even remember the Traveler. My question is: does the first rez be like a total wipe or something remains? Like for example how to use guns, possible trainings, knowledges about some kind of studies done during the previous life? For example, if a new Risen that in his former life was a an exepert soldier finds a gun, can he recognize it as: [i]"Ah, this is a gun. It shots bullets"[/i]? Does he already know how to use it? [b]3)[/b] Our Ghost says that [i]"He lives in our backpack"[/i]. But where exactly the Ghost go when it's with us but we can't see him? And how does he communicate with us? Do we hear his voice in our head? Or anyone can hear him? [b]4)[/b] How does a Ghost know when he/she finds his/her Risen which Class he/she is part of? In the game it's clearly a game mechanic, but is there any explanation lore wise? [b]5)[/b] Are all the Ghosts interested to bring their Risens to the Last City when they find them? [b]6)[/b] Does the Vanguard have any kind of protocol or team of Guardians that help new Risens to reach the Last City? Like recovery squads or things like that? If a Ghost finds a Risen, can he/she contact the Tower and ask for help? [b]7)[/b] Do we know nothing about how love stories between Humans and Exos actually work? [b]8)[/b] How Fireteams are created? Is the Vanguard to put together three Guardians and make them a team? Or are the Guardians that decide to join together and form one? [b]9)[/b] Do Guardians live in the Tower? Or they have houses in the City? Is there something like a "Guardian neighborhood"? [b]10)[/b] Do we know roughly how many people live in the world outside The Last City? That's it for now, thanks![/quote] 1. South America I THINK, its been widely discussed a lot of it. 2. OK, so when ressurected for the first time you remember NOTHING about your past life. Weapon training ect is just basic point and shoot until you develop better skills. 3. He phases out of view, I don't know specifically but when guardians hold out their hands they appear, so maybe phased out, plus they are linked to us so that's why we can hear them. 4. They just know you are there, they know YOU are their guardian. They don't know what clas you will become. 5. Yes, they want all guardians back home to help the traveler but some ghost tag along with their guardians when they don't go straight away. 6. Thousands of ghosts were sent out, having a team gather the new lights would be tedious and not to mention a costly thing. So not that I'm aware of. 7. Exos are basically human minds and consciousness essentially inside a metal body. So, osiris and Saint love each other for their personality. 8. Both. If a squad is needed they'll put 3 together and send them off, but most guardians find 2 others to join them on a quest... Or 5 others to raid and die. 9. Yes and no, guardians do actually need to eat, sleep ect. So yes as in some lore it talks about hunter dens ect. So it's possible they live in the last city. The tower and its walls are largely vanguard, logistical and hangar bays. 10. Hundreds of thousands at a guess.
Edited by Centaur-1: 9/13/2021 8:24:36 PM[quote[b]1)[/b] Do we know were the Last City is? If not, do we have any general suspects about it?[/quote] Probably somewhere near the EDZ since we could see the burning City from the Farm in the Red War. [quote][b]2)[/b] According to the story of Lord Fellwinter, when a Risen is brought back from the death for the first time, he/she remembers nothing about the past, not even his/her own name. It seems that Fellwinter didn't even remember the Traveler. My question is: does the first rez be like a total wipe or something remains? Like for example how to use guns, possible trainings, knowledges about some kind of studies done during the previous life? For example, if a new Risen that in his former life was a an exepert soldier finds a gun, can he recognize it as: [i]"Ah, this is a gun. It shots bullets"[/i]? Does he already know how to use it?[/quote] We have no memory of who we were but traces still remain. [quote][b]3)[/b] Our Ghost says that [i]"He lives in our backpack"[/i]. But where exactly the Ghost go when it's with us but we can't see him? And how does he communicate with us? Do we hear his voice in our head? Or anyone can hear him?[/quote] My theory is that he turns into light and is absorbed into ours. [quote][b]4)[/b] How does a Ghost know when he/she finds his/her Risen which Class he/she is part of? In the game it's clearly a game mechanic, but is there any explanation lore wise?[/quote] Ghosts have an instinct to find their risen. I’m not sure if there’s multiple possible hosts or if there’s a specific risen just for them. As for their class, I think ghosts can get a glimpse of their strengths and weaknesses and what kind of guardian they will be when ghosts scan them. [quote[b]5)[/b] Are all the Ghosts interested to bring their Risens to the Last City when they find them?[/quote] Most are. The Traveler supposedly created ghosts to protect humanity(city is pretty much all that’s left of them) and they like being close to the Traveler. [quote][b]6)[/b] Does the Vanguard have any kind of protocol or team of Guardians that help new Risens to reach the Last City? Like recovery squads or things like that? If a Ghost finds a Risen, can he/she contact the Tower and ask for help?[/quote] When you are first resurrected in the Cosmodrome(in D1 and the New Light campaign) you’re pretty much on your own. Now that I think of it, that’s pretty stupid. [quote][b]7)[/b] Do we know nothing about how love stories between Humans and Exos actually work?[/quote] They still have feelings just like any organic human. Clovis Bray tried to make exos as human as possible to prevent the mind from rejecting the body, but we’re not sure how far he went. [quote][b]8)[/b] How Fireteams are created? Is the Vanguard to put together three Guardians and make them a team? Or are the Guardians that decide to join together and form one?[/quote] I assume guardians form fireteams on their own. Match made teams are probably formed out of the first 3-6 guardians to react to a message or a beacon or something the Vanguard sends out. [quote][b]9)[/b] Do Guardians live in the Tower? Or they have houses in the City? Is there something like a "Guardian neighborhood"?[/quote] When you arrive at the Tower for the 1st time in D1 Ghost says it’s where the guardians live. I’m not sure if they’re allowed to live out side of it though. I honestly think they have a small living space set up in their jump ship in case they get tired on patrol. [quote][b]10)[/b] Do we know roughly how many people live in the world outside The Last City?[/quote] Unless you count the Awoken, none that we know of. Hawthorne used to live outside the walls but she was practically forced to due to some mishaps with New Monarchy.