You absolutely hit the sweet spot, Bungie. You know the saying: "Never touch a running system!".
Only make changes to the map pool, but keep the Reward system and Matchmaking how it is!
Edit: For those saying the Matchmaking still need some fixes, it does not. Look at it from a developers view. If the matchmaking would place you always on absolute equal opponents in team size and skill level, the matchmaking would take much longer. Also, you would get your grind done way faster than it should be. After all, Trials is still meant to be a high-endgame-activity. If you would have always super easy games, the grind would become obsolete quickly and Trials would be back at dying out because of boredom.
It was now they did what they do and bent it over, but hey atleast they warned us to lube up
This is by far from perfect nothing is more fun then just getting your brains stomped in cause your trying to get a reeds regret My opinion they only opened it up to the solo player is for cannon fodder to the pre mades. Get a good reeds and would never play this mode again! 4 hours in and 2 wins what joy!!!!
When they add the freelance playlist it will be perfect, everything else is great
Only thing they need is a lively loot pool and A Lot of players.
It’s not high-endgame activity anymore. Just another crucible mode.
Once they implement Freelance in October, then it'll be perfect. For now, it's passable.
Life doesn’t work that way. Things change, and we have to change with them But this will HOPEFULLY show Bungie that changes that make it more accessible and more rewarding are the way to go…and to drop the nonsense of it only being for the hardest of the hardcore, and winner take everything. Not to mention doling out loot with an eye dropper. The way Trials was designed was fueling the very problems they couldn’t get rid of. So change is fine as long as it is the right changes at the right time
Edited by Unstoppable_Screeb: 9/12/2021 3:38:25 PMThe novelty will soon wear off I think, definitely for me anyway. New loot system is ok but already got tired of expending 20k glimmer on engrams just to get sh!t from them
You could make an argument for how trials needs more tweaking, but it’s in a good place as of now. What I want them to focus on now is the crucible rework. They can start by bring back all the maps and modes.
They only need to add freelance to it. Thats it.
It's great as is. No freelance, no match making changes.
Crossplay makes it unplayable because of the connection. It seems like most players don’t play on Sunday so it turned out to be a massive sweat-fest and I couldn’t get past the third win in multiple games. It needs tweaking because going against matchmaking manipulator 3-stacks isn’t fun.
Yea MM does need a fix. I shouldn't be in the USA in a 3 man getting matched against Japan or Portugal. That is a MAJOR lag issue. And the ones from overseas always get the benefit of lag with inferior connections.
It's definitely in a sweet spoy. Dropping a freelance list may negate those changes tho.
I agree but 1 tweak must be done across the whole game: -Disable the loophole of near full next gen fireteams inviting a last gen player to force last gen mm. 1 pc player on a fireteam triggers pc matchmaking which makes sense, the same should be applied with next gen players (1 next gen player on a fireteam triggers next gen mm).
I am going to be honest, trails is better then before but the matchmaking is extremely Random. I have friends that played 7 games and immediately got flawless because they got matched against only bronze players. Me and my friend on the other hand got matched with so many 2000+ elo players that we had no real chance (we are not bad at pvp, but not extremely good). It is really infuriating to see other people reach flawless with ease because they get easy matches, while you get matched with the "trails masters". I did manage to get flawless today, but the matches after that were horrible again. 3 stacks with 3300 elo for instance. I hope the change the matchmaking to 3 stacks v 3 stacks. Than duo que and solo que can be matched with each other. You would say the player base is big enough now to find good, and fair matches. To many games are extremely on sided.
How the hell is it perfect? Lol Stomping on solos is as fake as mercying teams in QP. 🤡🤡🤡
I'd be interested in knowing why transferring the vex mythoclast experience to all of PvP is what you would call "perfect."
Not so sure about that. I just got solo queued against a premade fireteam of 3 on my lighthouse game
well there are still some issues that needed to be adressed.
Lol. We'll see how you feel once freelance is a thing and all the solo's are gone to farm in the main Trials play list. Enjoy September while you still have the easy runs.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
As soon as a full Freelance mode comes out it'll be perfect for me. Until then, it's certainly nice to actually earn some Trials gear, but hell, playing Gambit against stacks is less infuriating.