Now we potentially have to wait half a year for another catalyst and until then we still can’t put kill trackers or create orbs on our favourite exotics. 1k, malfeasance, wish ender, anarchy, le monarque and more still don’t have catalysts and I fear they won’t get them for a long time.
This could be solved with more frequent catalyst drops, maybe 3 or 4 a season that are released throughout every 2 or 3 weeks? And not just new weapons, we need catalysts for exotics that have been it the game for years now.
I mostly just care about the yellow border.
Necrotic grips is a waste of an exotic. It should've been the thorn's catalyst instead.
At this point, Every exotic needs to be able to spawn orbs of light at least.
Catalysts are just stupid, cause it all comes down to one ingredient. MORE GRIND! An exotic should be overkill from the getgo, hence the name EXOTIC! All this modding, power-managing and constant upgrading and materialgrind just makes you wanna go full Fukushima!
Edited by COMBATICUS: 9/4/2021 8:09:18 AMIf certain weapons wont get catalysts or have to wait a really long time. Then allow us to create orbs with it. Let us use the same materials to get the weapon to plus 10, and when catalyst drops they can use a % of that to add to the catalyst %. So of you gotten the weapon to max MM you get 10 or 20% towards the catalyst when it drops.
One reissued pvp map in 3 years isn't great either.
Don't worry, they're working on ways for exotics to excel without the need for catalysts; e.g. say goodbye to catalysts.
Well we have xenophage divinity and monte carlo this season as well its not immediately though
OR...they could just give exotics an intrinsic kill tracker. That would be nice.
[quote]Now we potentially have to wait half a year for another catalyst and until then we still can’t put kill trackers or create orbs on our favourite exotics. 1k, malfeasance, wish ender, anarchy, le monarque and more still don’t have catalysts and I fear they won’t get them for a long time. This could be solved with more frequent catalyst drops, maybe 3 or 4 a season that are released throughout every 2 or 3 weeks? And not just new weapons, we need catalysts for exotics that have been it the game for years now.[/quote] Peanut salmon artichoke?
Yeah, they should just go back to not giving us catalysts for old weapons ever. Dude...who cares? Oh man, orb generation, so absolutely crucial that you absolutely need it on every single weapon in every single activity... Here's the thing. If you're running high end content you're likely using an exotic that excels at something. Ad clear, boss dps, etc. And there's more than enough options that have catalysts there. If you're not, then you don't NEED every single weapon to generate orbs, you just want it, so it doesn't actually matter. And I can't help but smile at the fact that for the last week now, every time I've logged on this forum, you people are upset over the smallest, most trivial, most insignificant things. There are tons of real problems in this game, and the fact you've all stopped whining about them and moved on to such unimportant things means two things: The game is in such a good state right now that nobody has anything to complain about besides this trivial BS, and you've all realized these new devs are actually working towards fixing the game as best they can.
I suspect arbalist will get a catalyst during FOTL. Since they did mention in a twab before season of the lost that unstoppable fusion wouldn't work for it because its getting anti barrier later.
Events also have catalysts. We have festival of the lost and dawning and moments of triumph untill then.
Easy Catalyst Ideas: - Monte Carlo - Encore - Last Word - Slideshot, +10 Handling - Malfeasance - Defeating an enemy with Explosive shadow causes the to explode and embed 2 slugs in nearby targets. (Explosion deals low damage). - Thorn - Souls track towards your location from a further distance. - Devil’s Ruin - Repeated hits with the laser beam increase reload speed. (Maybe rapid hit or just a significant reload speed increase or charge time reduction?) - Tarrabah - Charge remains while stowed (doesn’t increase while stowed). +9 ammo or unrelenting too… - Wish-Ender - Increase Broadhead damage against PvE enemies. - Le Monarque - Archers Tempo - Chaperone - Three rapid precision kills returns two ammo to the magazine. (Or maybe just tripe tap…) - Jotunn - Full Court - Bastion - Repeated hits stun enemies. - Cloudstrike - Rapid Hit - Wavesplitter - Encore - Arbalest - Anti-Barrier, +10 Reload Speed - Queen Breaker - Firing Line - Thunderlord - Eye of the Storm - Xenophage - +25 Stability - Two Tailed Fox - Hold X to split the tracking to function more like Eyes (with just 2 Rockets) - Truth - Increase the tracking strength. Rockets won’t explode with Grenades and horseshoes until they pass the target (make it so that you can get decent damage per Rocket). - EoT - Let Adaptive Ordinance activate for two volleys instead of 1. - Anarchy - Traps last significantly longer while not activated. - Salvation’s Grip - Hold X to change into a close range shattering blast (like shatterdive or Winter’s Guile RB) - Lament - Thresh Idk, just my ideas
Incredibly dumb that we have a season focused on the Dreaming City [u][b]AND[/b][/u] Fusion Rifles are a seasonal weapon mod for Champions and they didn't release a 1KV catalyst.
Edited by IronHatchett: 9/2/2021 9:20:17 PMI'm of the idea that not all exotics should have or require catalysts. A catalyst should only be added if it alters and strengths the primary perk of the exotic, exotics should not be released with a catalyst already in mind. For example, Trinity Ghoul. An underwhelming bow that, with the introduction of it's catalyst, became a very good ad clear weapon. Exotics should be stronger than the average with interesting and unique perks that set themselves apart from others from the get go. A catalyst should be considered and added when older exotics start to fall behind due to power creep and various meta changes over the years to reintroduce those exotics into the meta in interesting ways, that make the exotic feel powerful again. [i]That being said,[/i] I also believe every exotic weapon in the game, by default, should have kill trackers that track [b]both[/b] PvE and PvP, not 1 or the other. They should also all drop orbs of power by default. Makes zero sense that a legendary can drop orbs but an exotic can't while every legendary can just be masterworked for pretty cheap and an exotic has to have a catalyst given to it.
Wait there are new catalysts?
catalyst a season for old weapons one good is not
We usually get 2 like with every other season this is just an exception to that for whatever reason
I dont think they actually said when and at what rate they are coming back.
Edited by Griever: 9/3/2021 7:07:05 AMWhat I've been saying for a while now, but I keep getting down voted into oblivion. They keep releasing catalysts for weapons that fit one of the following categories: A. Season pass/ current season quest exotic such as Hawkmoon, DMT, and Ruinous Effigy for examples. This is fine in most cases. B. Weapons that don't deserve catalysts such as Lord of Wolves when it got one the season after it was basically a burst fire sniper, or Lumina when it got one just 3 seasons after it's release, yet we're still waiting for Thorn, TLW, and Malfeasance. TLW and Malfeasance catalysts have been in the database as early as their release if not sooner. C. Weapons no one uses/ wants to use. Trinity Ghoul got it good for sure, but Leviathan, Heir Apparent, and Deathbringer, no one used. Almost everyone using Heir is abusing it's massive resistance buff, almost no one still uses Deathbringer (especially now that fusions are so powerful), and Leviathan is still worthless. Three seasons, three heavy weapons in a row. Then we have weapons like Traveler's Chosen, it's easily among the best sidearms in the game, but that's the problem, IT IS A SIDEARM! It is almost, if not useless beyond shotgun rushing distance. I can name over a dozen other weapons that are more deserving, or in greater need of catalysts. If we're lucky, Thorn might get one to celebrate the 30th anniversary considering the armor is based on Thorn, otherwise, expect one for Ager's or Gjallarhorn.
Well each season you got the seasonal exotic from the pass, one or two old weapons get one, any exotic that gets a quest might get one, and if there is a seasonal event (Guardian games for example) the exotic weapon reward might get a catalyst So in total you get around 5 or 6 catalysts per season, it’s that way to not overload the weapon design team, they won’t need to think on what the catalyst does and if it will break the gun or not and if it will shift the meta
Got the Sleeper Simm, Hardlight, and Traveler,s chosen this season so far, all in nightfalls
Lack of cat used to be a pain point for me (cos no orbs) but I started using Charge Harvester & Stacks On Stacks. As for kill count, its neither here nor there for me. Does nothing to actual gameplay, but I do get why ppl want it. In saying that, my Gravy On Pants* has close to 50k 😉 *Graviton Lance
Not all exotics need catalysts. Give us all exotics with a kill tracker and the ability to produce orbs. Catalysts are intended to bump up exotics that are not seeing use due to falling behind. Good exotics do not need a catalyst. That is how you get exotics nerfed. There’s also no good reason that every seasonal exotic gets a catalyst available at the start of the season. Obviously the weapon with the catalyst is how they intend it to be used. Just give us the weapon completed without having us grind the weapon to use it as intended.