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Edited by Helios 2117: 8/24/2021 2:27:12 PM

The 'Witch Queen' will be Mara Sov, not Savathun #SurvivetheTruth

I know, I know - this is a deviation from the current thinking. However, if you want to entertain a more radical, potentially gut-wrenching scenario - think about it: Savathun is alien to us, [i]an alien[/i]. Savathun is an excellent antagonist, easy to hate, secretly maneuvering in the shadows, even taking the guise of those we've grown to know (Osiris). BUT - as a narrative, it's also a bit flat. Cool in many ways, but lacking some emotion. Consider an alternative. Mara Sov is someone we know, someone we've worked for, rooted for, and we've been involved in the family drama. She's set up as a potential savior - someone who intends to return to the dreaming city, knowing Savathun will likely be waiting. Having her emerge in some way as the Witch Queen, or become the Witch Queen, would be a tragic flip, a far more emotional journey for us than the fight against Savathun, perhaps. "Survive the Truth" - this tagline could be that we simply have to endure all of Savuthun's manipulations finally coming to light. But what if, at the end, we find that Savathun wasn't the Witch Queen we imagined - what if someone else had fallen to the darkness long before, or becomes something we didn't think possible? What sort of truth would [i]really[/i] be difficult to survive - someone like Mara Sov being revealed as the Witch Queen? How sad would it be for Uldren to realize he would have to stop his sister? For us to have to fight our beloved Queen of the Reef? Do we know that Mara Sov hasn't been corrupted in some way by the Darkness? She is a being that seems to dance between light and dark - that space in between. Her command of Riven, her survival through a throne world.... Obviously I'm not an expert on the lore, but I can't help but have this suspicion that Bungie has a trick up it's sleeve, and two, that Mara Sov is destined for a more tragic fate in the Witch Queen narrative. I know it's bonkers and suuuuuper unlikely, but I just had to scratch the itch. Is it too crazy to think that Mara Sov eventually becomes a tragic villain? A foil to her brothers arc of redemption? Curious to know what the community might think of this idea, so just throwing it it out there :) Edit 1: Huge thanks to the community! If you're interested in some of the original threads/posts exploring this idea and related ones check out[url=] this reddit post[/url], [url=] this old forum post[/url], and this [url=]post[/url] (thanks to @inShane2k11 for the research). I lean a bit more toward the idea that Mara Sov [i]is not[/i] Savathun (super interesting theory though), but that Mara Sov may take on a similar role, claim the title, or even replace Savathun in some capacity, [i]or[/i] is manipulating events on a far grander scale than we thought possible. 😬 Edit 2: This whole conversation has really got me digging for more. So I wanted to drop in a few great resources from the legendary MyNameisByf: 1) The history of Mara Sov and her potential return after her apparent death in the Taken King from D1 (June 2018) [url=]here.[/url] 2) Mara’s appearance in the Queens Court of the Dreaming City during D2: Forsaken (November 2018) [url=]here.[/url] 3) The lore behind Savathun (July 2020) [url=]here.[/url] Let me know what else might be out there related to this theory or others like it! Edit 3: Something really sus about the current Witch Queen and a potential one in this tweet from Bungie... [url=] the Queen returns, and is that Osirithun?![/url] Edit 4: Just putting it out there - this conversation has been a ton of fun. I sincerely appreciate all of you in the community who join this conversation, enjoy the lore, and will occasionally entertain a little wild speculation :) Cheers all.

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  • [quote]I know, I know - this is a deviation from the current thinking. However, if you want to entertain a more radical, potentially gut-wrenching scenario - think about it: Savathun is alien to us, [i]an alien[/i]. Savathun is an excellent antagonist, easy to hate, secretly maneuvering in the shadows, even taking the guise of those we've grown to know (Osiris). BUT - as a narrative, it's also a bit flat. Cool in many ways, but lacking some emotion. Consider an alternative. Mara Sov is someone we know, someone we've worked for, rooted for, and we've been involved in the family drama. She's set up as a potential savior - someone who intends to return to the dreaming city, knowing Savathun will likely be waiting. Having her emerge in some way as the Witch Queen, or become the Witch Queen, would be a tragic flip, a far more emotional journey for us than the fight against Savathun, perhaps. "Survive the Truth" - this tagline could be that we simply have to endure all of Savuthun's manipulations finally coming to light. But what if, at the end, we find that Savathun wasn't the Witch Queen we imagined - what if someone else had fallen to the darkness long before, or becomes something we didn't think possible? What sort of truth would [i]really[/i] be difficult to survive - someone like Mara Sov being revealed as the Witch Queen? How sad would it be for Uldren to realize he would have to stop his sister? For us to have to fight our beloved Queen of the Reef? Do we know that Mara Sov hasn't been corrupted in some way by the Darkness? She is a being that seems to dance between light and dark - that space in between. Her command of Riven, her survival through a throne world.... Obviously I'm not an expert on the lore, but I can't help but have this suspicion that Bungie has a trick up it's sleeve, and two, that Mara Sov is destined for a more tragic fate in the Witch Queen narrative. I know it's bonkers and suuuuuper unlikely, but I just had to scratch the itch. Is it too crazy to think that Mara Sov eventually becomes a tragic villain? A foil to her brothers arc of redemption? Curious to know what the community might think of this idea, so just throwing it it out there :) Edit 1: Huge thanks to the community! If you're interested in some of the original threads/posts exploring this idea and related ones check out[url=] this reddit post[/url], [url=] this old forum post[/url], and this [url=]post[/url] (thanks to @inShane2k11 for the research). I lean a bit more toward the idea that Mara Sov [i]is not[/i] Savathun (super interesting theory though), but that Mara Sov may take on a similar role, claim the title, or even replace Savathun in some capacity, [i]or[/i] is manipulating events on a far grander scale than we thought possible. 😬 Edit 2: This whole conversation has really got me digging for more. So I wanted to drop in a few great resources from the legendary MyNameisByf: 1) The history of Mara Sov and her potential return after her apparent death in the Taken King from D1 (June 2018) [url=]here.[/url] 2) Mara’s appearance in the Queens Court of the Dreaming City during D2: Forsaken (November 2018) [url=]here.[/url] 3) The lore behind Savathun (July 2020) [url=]here.[/url] Let me know what else might be out there related to this theory or others like it! Edit 3: Something really sus about the current Witch Queen and a potential one in this tweet from Bungie... [url=] the Queen returns, and is that Osirithun?![/url] Edit 4: Just putting it out there - this conversation has been a ton of fun. I sincerely appreciate all of you in the community who join this conversation, enjoy the lore, and will occasionally entertain a little wild speculation :) Cheers all.[/quote] No 🤦‍♂️

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  • How many times must I repeat myself 🙄🙄🙄 Its the Sweeper Bot ✋😌

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  • Im convicned NPC_Male_TOWER_04 will be the big bad!

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  • The only thing I'm worried about surviving is the error codes.

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    5 Replies
    • What if she sees uldren is now a guardian light, so she decides to balance that out by going dark? A side must always be chosen, even if it's the wrong side...

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    • Amanda Holiday is Sav, sorry

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    • 2
      Yeah but savathun is directly called "the witch queen" by mithrax, ikora, osiris and eris so I'm pretty sure it's her. Also the symbol is savathuns symbol

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    • Its not this btw, the leaks are out there, and Mara is not Savathun. Mara is our ally next season, and Savathun will be an antagonist, along with her "new" Hive. Thats all I'll say without spoiling it more.

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      3 Replies
      • The witch queen will be Eris. This is so obvious yet nobody seems to see it.

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        3 Replies
        • [quote]what if someone else had fallen to the darkness long before[/quote] Mara Sov isn't older than Savathun.

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        • “Survive the truth” We learn that all this was just a damn nightmare. The sunset, the nerf, the buff, stasis, overload champions, the forklift, all of it was a nightmare.

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          • 20
            A Patrolling Guardian
            A Patrolling Guardian

            See you, Space Cowboy. - old

            The Witch Queen will be Colonel, and we'll learn that The Traveler was her first egg.

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            6 Replies
            • Wanna know what would ALSO be a way to flip the narrative on its head? Savathun uses us to rid herself of her worm in exchange for returning Osiris, then we kill her and the Traveler revives her as a Guardian, and now she’s hostile toward us but now there’s Light Hive. And yes, I took this directly from the massive leak that happened recently.

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            • Both fused together.

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            • 'The Truth' is likely something big to do with the Light and the Darkness. If the leaks are to be believed, Savathun is going to be making a bunch of hive guardians to fill her ranks with and a minor character for the expansion is the Darkness. The very notion that this could be possible would surely be part of some big revelation. God I hope not though because light wielding hive sounds a bit dumb to me when the hives design is so awesome and we have a chance to go all in on it. Unfortunately, the more lore I read of Savathun having some plans for the light, the more likely it looks.

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              2 Replies
              • Savathun will end up being a revived Cayde-6 and The Kernel will be possesed by the Ghost that is currently enslaved by Savathun. 🤣

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              • Ngl I forgot Mara existed. Even in Forsaken she didn't do anything but give lore and small snippets of story while sitting in a chair.

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                • I’m leaning more towards the idea that “Survive the truth” is related to learning something bad about the Traveller and why it resurrects others giving them the light. That information could come from our (now seen as) enemy, Savathun, and lead to Lightfall. My theory is that light and darkness overlords (the sphere and the pyramids lol) simply give their powers with the mission to enslave and conquer, being the exact same thing, just mirrored for the sake of having an endless cycle of conflict. Beings wielding both and having the power to stand up to those overlords will be independent. Freedom might be what Savathun seeks and I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up “cleansing” her in the light and having her as an ally in Lightfall. Just my theory...

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                  8 Replies
                  • Bruh

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                  • Nah, if it comes to be an ally, I bet it will be Eris Morn

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                  • I think the whole survive the truth will have to do with how the traveler “picks” lightbearers Since we know Sav’s ultimate plan I suspect she’ll be able to wield the light down the road

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                  • Edited by GRAVEL: 8/23/2021 1:02:41 AM
                    I agree that bungie doesn't want to tell average mundane stories. It's why people saying, " Osiris is sus..." Is stupid. When isn't Osiris sus? He was always unfit to live in the confines of the last city's walls. He preferred the infinite forest. I am much fonder of the notion he is playing a game of chess. Osiris keeps his own council. Bungie isn't interested in telling A/B/C stories...

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                    3 Replies
                    • “…but its naratively flat” And that sadly is why Bungie will do exactly that. The story of Destiny has been enjoyable for sure, but rarely if ever have they taken any major tisks or creative twists in their storytelling. Its all very straight forward throughlines found in every other sci fi game. But god I wish they would do a twist like you describe, its an excellent idea

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Double07: 8/22/2021 2:33:43 AM
                        Survive the roof Survive the booth Survive the goof

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                        2 Replies
                        • "This all started with the dreaming City, I shall return to finish it (sighs) Savathun will be waiting" *snip* Me thinks you folks either forgot, or just don't know

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                        • I don't really know what's going on now. I haven't fully read a single lore associated with the game. I'm always expecting that the story is the one I'll be playing because it is a videogame after all. However, speaking of lore though, there are some "Leaks" that got my attention lately and is now slowly starting to reveal itself. That got my interest more so than the lore of the game. It's scandalously coming into place. Exciting!

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