Just like this post so the topic gets taken into consideration.
I guess it is time for a change.
The other day I spent 2 hours playing PvP and tried different setups. Started with 250k lumens and ended with 100k.
Imagine playing an entire season like this when you have to use those lumens for everything else in the game.
The solutions are a few:
- eliminate the cost for changing mods (even if we’d still lose too much time preparing for an activity and it is quite boring);
- replace/eliminate mods;
-bring back armors with fixed mods that can be re rolled (like D1 when we complained about farming but we hadn’t seen the real farming of D2 yet)
Hope you agree and this post will help change this dusty status of the game
what the -blam!- is a lumen
Whats a lumen?
Just master work more armour so you have a set for each main load out.
With this topic I like to say even though overpowered would be the excuse or for someone to say no in some way shape or form. Don’t know why we can’t just have like five kid slots for armor and weapons at this point cause pve is already at the point of everyone who doesn’t play the game like it’s there job is underpowered and gear is so weak that almost nothing can be done without a full team. My excuse is. Why would bungie allow players to have fun and play the way they want to play. Because that’s what it has been so far. Either play bungies way or not at all. Your not allowed to have fun the game isn’t suppose to be easy your gear is not meant to be powerful and for what. Well all of it goes back to the problem destiny 1 had and apparently still has. Pvp is the issue. Trust me depending on the day you will catch a post saying something about pvp in a general sense.
Holy cow man, you changed mods 300 times?! That’s wack
I stopped caring. Now every playlist I drop into has me with Anti-barrier Scout, regardless of if I'm using a Scout Rifle or not.
You're either lying or heavily over-stating. There's no way you switched out enough mods in 2 hours to use 150K Glimmer.
Bring back all seasonal artifact mods.
Well that last idea wouldn’t work; suddenly the forums would be filled with complaints like “why can’t I just select the perks I want! Let me spend a little bit of glimmer so that I can make my armor have exactly what I want it to have!” and suddenly we’re back where we started
Yeah, I got down to 20k this week due to having to change mods. I don't spend it on much else-_-
This is one reason I kept all of my old 1.0 exotic armor pieces. Mods were a lot better then. I also have two different sets of armor, one for PvP and another for PvE. PvP is simple since I have my established setup and it doesn't change much. I might switch from pulse rifle to scout but that's it. Now for PvE that gets switched around quite a bit. Still not enough to worry about lumens or glimmer. If this was the hard cap of D1 days then yeah I think changing mods would be outrageous.
Edited by Shade: 8/17/2021 8:21:35 PMI'm assuming glimmer is lumens. Tbf if you're messing around or testing weapons I would be using it for at least a few games or the whole day/few days if time limited to get an actual feel for it especially PvP. At 500 a mod and over 1000 a match completion idk how you're spending so much. It also helps to have a few sets of gear to just have modded and switch out pending on stat distribution.
Let me get this straight. You made a loss of 150k in 2 hours just by changing mods? That's 300 mod changes, but you also get Glimmer for completing matches so it will be more than that. Each armour piece has 4 slots and there are 5 total pieces, so a complete change is 20 mods (including Combat Style, which aren't that useful in PvP, and your stats, which most people keep the same). You mean to say that you used 15 distinct loadouts in 2 hours? At 10 minutes per match, you would have more loadouts than matches played.
Why not just have the mods all listed and you just check a box for the ones you want? Far faster
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
...The f*ck are Lumens? Wait, you mean you're from a region where you don't have to call it Glimmer?!?