These two supers are very much the same in principal, both get to run around the map and make multiple attacks. If they are both in their supers why does the Hunter one hit the Titan and kill him BUT the Titan cannot one hit slam/Shoulder charge the Hunter.
Edit. Thank you all for your comments, question has been answered.
Anyone notice most of the Titans that whinge alot have very low level hunters and warlocks and they know all about all classes
Because hunters have a combo that does increased damage, not to mention middle tree gets a damage boost when they block.
It’s a combo that kills the super, not just one button input. Also, the Titan moves faster than the arc staff.
Hunters one hit kills titans if they do the 3 attacks combos (wich is easy to predict and dodge especially as a striker titan) Striker titan can stun your arc staff while not being stunned himself allowing it to attack you twice without taking a single damage Also top tree slam does one shot arc staff. So i do not know what you are complaining about honestly.
Edited by Styxx: 7/29/2021 3:05:09 PMOkay so Is the most recent super win rate update. #1 storm caller (warlock) #2 dawnblade (warlock) #3 sun breaker (titan) #4 sentinel (titan) #5 nightstalker (hunter) #6 striker (titan) #7 arcstrider (hunter) #8 gunslinger (hunter) #9 voidwalker (warlock) So stasis doesn’t show but everyone knows that roaming supers have a higher win rate so they would be above hunter anyways, also bc hunter has the worst stasis super. So you guys complain that hunters have the best and yet they are on the bottom except for poor void walker. Honestly you guys should pick your words and argument based on facts not frustration.
Bottom tree arc titan can extend super on kills, top tree deals more dps from what I remember. Pick your poison. Top tree hunter has no armor when dodging but at least has more AOE on kills and bottom tree has armor when dodging but no extra boost to its attacks when getting kills. I feel both are quite balanced honestly
Titan can one hit any super with their slam even a bubble titan. The slam does 700 damage if you jump before the slam on top tree. And hunter can only one shot with the heavy combo finisher. Please at least know what you are talking about before you post.
Because we’re playing a Hunter Simulator…
All I just want to know is when did the Titan stop becoming a tank. Fist of Havoc should have never changed to this weak nonsense it is now. At the least each class of subclasses should have one shutdown super, one roaming super and one support. Currently there are far too many supers that are too similiar to each other in usage.
So, we are complaining about arc staff now?? Like that is the hill you and anyone else that agrees wants to die on Tell ya what, if ya super ohk me, then when I reflect ya super back at you (hammers, dawn blade) you should instantly die Guess what, that ain't the case, and Nova Bomb, sometimes it reflects, and other times it just kills me, or my personal favorite, run up while I am in WWG and just one tap me with a shot gun to the face.
Because i have to do a combo that is not the easiest to aim. Otherwise it takes two hits which almost guarantees death while in arc staff. Also whirlwind guard increases super damage. So make sure you dont attack while the super is blocking or jump over and slam him.
Edited by Ghostfire239: 7/28/2021 2:58:33 PMArcstrider has to do a palm strike (the last attack of the light + light + heavy combo) in order to allow a one hit. So in order to the one hit you gotta either start the combo early, or you gotta to 2 attacks in a different direction the point the last one at the opponent. Top tree Fist of havoc can ohk supers via slamming from a certain height. If I remember correctly top tree Fist of havoc can technically kill a super in one slam due to the aftershock instantly finishing off an enemy super [u][i]but[/i][/u] I’m not sure since I don’t really use that tree when I play Titan.
You just have to time it right. Do a melee attack then heavy attack and *boom* you killed it.
Because hunters have to have the best stuff otherwise PvP is broken
Fact: titans and warlocks will never be as good as hunters since 60℅ of the community play hunters. This means that with enough complaining they can get us nerfed, easy. Why does an arcstaff one hit? Arcstaff is like havoc but it lasts a little less time and is 100 times more dangerous. But people will still complain about titans due too the 60% rule I pointed out above. I have been on this game long enough too see how, titans and warlocks get nerfed nerfed nerfed and hunters get left alone or buffed non stop. Just look at stasis rn titan dog shit, warlock meh, hunter -blam!- YEA SHATTER DIVE IS BACK!
Arc staff is better, a fist challenging an arc staff loses every time
Edited by Bore: 7/28/2021 2:11:45 PM[quote]These two supers are very much the same in principal, both get to run around the map and make multiple attacks. If they are both in their supers why does the Hunter one hit the Titan and kill him BUT the Titan cannot one hit slam/Shoulder charge the Hunter.[/quote] Fist can one hit an hunter. A hunter needs a combo to one hit the fist and the fist needs high to kill the hunter. For fist to get any buffs, it first would need its activation animation to be changed.
a Heavy Slam attack should OHK any super, just as you need a heavy Arc Strider attack to OHK another super. Arc Strider also has more combos, but it dosen't have have a built mechanic to extend its duration on kills, and I believe it also moves a little slower
The titan one hasnt be worth a shit since the regen nerf. The hunter one is faster, has more options, and gets more DR and less drain.
Hunter has access to palm strike that can even take a bubble in one hit.
Pfft if you hate that then never be a Warlock main lol